WOL Single Adult Valentine’s Dinner

Our time at the WOL Single Adult Valentine’s Dinner was a true blessing. Shelli shared a comforting message on God’s love. Many were touched by the power of God’s Word as we learned the following: God’s love is infinitely higher than human love, God’s love does not vacillate, God is transcendent (holy), God’s love is reliable, God is faithful – even when we are not, God’s love is action – not reaction, and how God’s love reaches down and hides us in the shadow of His wings. We thank Jesus for this wonderful time together growing in God’s love!

No Further from God’s Love in the Lows of Life

We live in a culture marked by insecurity – ups and downs. Walking into a coffee shop, I spotted near the front door a leading newspaper with charts strewn across its front page. Each one showed lines shifting sharply upward and downward in spurts – all describing financial markets. Every morning, my blood tester shows me whether or not my blood sugar level is high or low compared to normal. Our ministry’s website analyzer graphs peaks and valleys according to people’s interest in our site. We are inundated with ups and downs. Even our emotional mood changes with circumstances, body chemistry, and human interaction.

In the midst of continual fluctuation, what a comfort it is to realize that God’s love never vacillates. No high or low – no up or down – can ever change the care and love of our God who transcends a fickle world. Though riding the roller coaster of an unstable world system may tend to make us feel insecure, God’s faithfulness never lessens and never ceases. We may be tempted to feel less loved because we endure a particular shift or low point, but – in reality – NOTHING separates us from God’s love. Take the poetic words of Romans 8:38-39 (ESV) at face value:

    “For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Did you catch that all-important phrase, “Nor height nor depth”? The highs of the stock market or my savings account make me no more a receiver of God’s love than do the lows of the same. The zenith of my physical health makes me no more accepted by God than my illness. I see God in the peak of my joy and favorable circumstances, but the pit of sadness and suffering do not move me any further from my Creator. Nothing separates me from His love – no height and no depth – nothing.

We rest secure and accepted because God’s love is relentless. His love does not wane when circumstances do. His love does not increase when blessing comes. Why? Because His love is infinite in strength. Compared to the changes and situations of life, God’s love cannot be measured. His love is always at full capacity. His love consumes whatever would sever us from Him. The appearance of angels in our lives does not make God love us more, just as the attack of demons cannot remove one bit of His love from us. Life itself cannot divide us from God’s love, yet neither can death. No matter the place or way in which we find ourselves, God’s love is greater and unyielding in its grip on us.

Let no man of earth or demon of Hell steal from you this truth. Let no circumstance of life – good or bad – high or low – take from you this hope. Let no argument, speech, or false teaching rob you of this fact. Nothing in all creation can separate you from God’s love. He is the Creator. He loves you. Everything He made ultimately bows to His will. All creation belongs to Him. Nothing under His sovereignty can diminish His love for you, because He is THE Sovereign!

Come high, come low. Come angel, come demon. Come today, come tomorrow. Come life, come death. Come anything. God’s love is with me. Always. Highs don’t draw us closer, and lows don’t take us further from His love.

The Glorious Remaking

“The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, You will not despise.” – Psalm 51:17

I gave to You a heart burdened with my own sin,
But I gave it to You;
And You made it a clean heart, free of guilt and shame.

I gave to You a mind shackled by fear,
But I gave it to you;
and You made it a strong mind, focused on truth.

I gave to You hands prone to selfishness and greed,
But I gave them to You;
And You made them hands extended, inclined to reach out.

I gave to You a will fixed on my own plans,
But I gave it to You;
And You made it a will to love You, unshaken by changing circumstance.

I gave to You the moments of my life, not seeming to amount to much as the second hand ticks to relentlessly,
But I gave them to you;
And You made them moments of eternal weight, reaching infinitely far into the future.

I gave to You my dreams, so elusive and unreal,
But I gave them to You;
And You made them dreams aligned with Your plan, bursting into glorious reality.

I gave to You my future, which is – without You – nothing,
But I gave it to you;
And You made it a future never-ending, always glorious.

I gave to You me, though I cannot add one bit to Your greatness;
But I gave me to You;
And You made me who I always wanted to be – the person You want me to be.

H&P “Christmas Outside the Box”

Hope & Passion Ministries hosted “Christmas Outside the Box” today at Norwin Alliance Church. We enjoyed a delicious catered luncheon followed by a life changing message that God laid on Shelli Prindle’s heart. Everyone was blessed beyond belief and ready to enjoy the holidays with hope as we recall how ‘Jesus Turns Things Inside-Out’, how ‘The Enemy Dies; God’s Plan Goes On’, and ultimately how ‘God Speaks Through the Box’! Those in attendance will never look at a cube the same way again! We are praising God for all He has done. Thank you to everyone involved in any way with this event. What a success…In Him!

Somerset Christian School

Hope & Passion travelled to Somerset, PA today, Tuesday, November 27, where Shelli trained Christian school teachers about genuine Biblical integration of subject matter and God. The faculty was inspired and are excited to impliment their new found passion in the classroom!

How to Have the Best Thanksgiving Ever!

I recently read a story concerning a thief who operated in movie theaters. With a female accomplice, he would visit movie theaters when “girl movies” were showing. Sitting in the back of theater, the burglar would scope out places where women with purses were sitting. As soon as the lights went down, this robber would slither on the theater floor in order to reach under the seats of unsuspecting victims and take their purses. While on the floor, he extracted wallets and took out credit cards from them. The thief would then replace the wallet in the handbag and leave the purse in its original spot. Surely, many victims did not even realize that they had been stolen from until hours or possibly days later.

Similarly, the enemy of our souls is stealing meaning from our lives. Culturally speaking, the lights have been dimmed, and we barely realize the danger. Our grave situation is made clearer at the holidays. As the deeper meaning of the holidays decreases, our level of anxiety increases. So it is with life in general. This inverse relationship – the rise of anxiety with the decline of true meaningfulness – is plaguing us. Let us, therefore, use the microcosm of the Thanksgiving holiday as an example of how to view the vital nature of life as it should be according to God’s perspective. Perhaps we will recover meaning and eliminate much of our growing anxiousness. No one knows the needs of the human heart better than the Designer and Builder of the heart. God understands what the greatest focus of thankfulness should be. He realizes why we are so often left empty and fretting after a season that should produce joy. He recognizes our shortsightedness. Our God wants us to press past the shallow waters and swim into the sea of meaning that sustains the soul.

When it comes to Thanksgiving, for what are you thankful? Let’s discuss a couple typical, good answers:

1) Food. Many of us are thankful for turkey, sweet potatoes, and pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving. In fact, we are rightfully grateful for God’s provision of food each day. This status of heart is biblical and good. However, we must be thankful for something deeper. While perusing the sad memoir of avowed atheist, Christopher Hitchens, as he outlined his thoughts during his final months of earthly life; I was reminded of the frailty of the human body and how easily our appetite can be crushed by sickness. There will come a day for everyone when we will take our last bite of earthly food. No wonder we read the amazing words of Jesus to a seeking crowd in John chapter six. After Jesus fed a group of 5000 people, some from the crowd took efforts to follow Christ to the other side of the Sea of Galilee. They had obviously been impressed by His ability to fill their stomachs, and they crossed a sea to get back to Him. As the crowd approached, Jesus said, “Truly, truly, I say to you, you are seeking me not because you saw signs, but because you ate your fill of the loaves. Do not work for the food that perishes, but for the food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give to you” (John 6:26-27, ESV). Jesus is not here the seeker-friendly Savior some might expect Him to be. Rather, he chastises people who are looking for Him because of a temporary, physical blessing. He targets the core of their desires by declaring they should have interpreted the miracle of the multiplied bread and fish as a “sign.” A sign points to something else; it is not the destination. The physical bread for bodily hunger was meant to show people their need to be filled spiritually with the gift of eternal life in exchange for an insatiable spiritual hunger that – when left untreated – results in spiritual death. Jesus clearly demonstrates that our hope lies in a God who is bigger than the food He provides. This is a God who can take care of the body even when it is no longer physically able to consume food – even when it dies! This God will resurrect the physical body of those who have eternal life. We will eat again in Heaven, because we have “eaten” of Jesus, the Bread of Life! (John 6:48).

If literal food is all for which we are thankful, our hope is negated and our life is dismal; for eating in this body will come to an end. If we are grateful for literal bread because it points to the Bread of Life, then life is rich beyond description! We eat now and are reminded of the blessings of living in the new heavens and the new earth; as Jesus proclaimed, “I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever” (John 6:51, ESV).

2) Home and country. We are thankful for our homes and our country, as we should be. Many do not have this blessing. However, we must remember to recognize and believe all of God’s truth found in His Word. One of Jesus’ closest friends, Peter, said by the inspiration of God’s Holy Spirit in II Peter chapter three that this world and every place therein will one day be dissolved. As great as is the United States of America and as precious as is your warm and inviting home and its accompanying yard, these will not survive the intentional and glorious destruction and re-making of the world! As people must be remade in order to fit the holy plan of God (II Corinthians 5:17), so, too, must the universe. God’s mysterious working will take place with fire. As gold is refined and perfected in fire, so the cosmos will be perfected – set free from the misery it endures under the curse of sin (Romans 8:22). We cannot rely on this current world; we must count on the God who is the only continuum between this world and the next. Hear God’s Word: “By the same word [of God] the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire, being kept for the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men . . . The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything in it will be laid bare . . . Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming. That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat. But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, the home of righteousness” (II Peter 3:7,10-13, NIV, 1984).

While we are grateful for our shelter and our place of existence in this universe, we are most thankful for a God who is greater than the sum total of all the cosmos. Not only so, but we rejoice in the fact that God has chosen to deposit in our very being a spiritual kingdom that cannot be shaken or dissolved! Listen carefully to the promise of Hebrews 12:26-28 (NASB), “But now He has promised, saying, ‘Yet once more I will shake not only the earth, but also the heaven.’ This expression, ‘Yet once more,’ denotes the removing of those things which can be shaken, as of created things, so that those things which cannot be shaken may remain. Therefore, since we receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us show gratitude . . .” Wow! we are thankful because we have inside of us the kingdom of God. Jesus has made the way for you and me to survive the shaking, undoing, and re-making of all His creation. Never will we disappear or be hopelessly destroyed. Though food and places may perish, we remain to enjoy the new place and the new food Jesus is preparing.

Please allow Thanksgiving this year to point to a greater truth – a deeper meaning than the temporal blessings humans enjoy to greatly varying degrees depending on their socioeconomic status and geographical location on this earth. Let this season be one that lifts your soul to an amazing God full of grace to give us such promise. He alone is unshakeable; but – amazingly – He deposits that hope in us. If today you took your last bite or enjoyed your last day in your home your God is still holding you. He is still holding the world. And while He is re-making both, He will let go of neither. Tenaciously, faithfully, and triumphantly; the plan of God goes on. Thank you, Jesus, for allowing me to enjoy the “Bread of Life” and the “Home of Righteousness.”

Happy Thanksgiving, unshakeable kingdom recipients!

Oak Hill Alliance Ladies’ Tea

Our time at The Johnston House with the women of Oak Hill Alliance church was a true blessing. Shelli shared a uniquely challenging and comforting message: Trading Anxiety for Hope at the Holidays. Many women were touched by the power of God’s Word. Many purchased one or both of Shelli’s books. Thank Jesus for the Truth that sets us free!

Isn’t He Just a Carpenter?

“What is the wisdom given to him? How are such mighty works done by his hands? Is not this the carpenter? And he could do no mighty works there.” (Mark 6:2,5; ESV)

Jesus walked the dusty path to His own hometown, Nazareth. Demons had been running from people’s lives at His word. He was setting the oppressed free and delivering hope where none had been. Diseases and afflictions were disappearing all over the place as Jesus healed so many. He had been bringing dead people back to life and preaching a message that was unlike any that had ever been heard. He was – in a completely wonderful way – out of control! Jesus was shaking up the sad and hopeless paradigm. He was bringing life and healing . . . and truth.

On the heels of all this amazing, other-worldly stuff; Jesus enters Nazareth. The people who had known Him since childhood now asked some pointed questions about Christ: 1) What is the wisdom given to Him? 2) How are such mighty works done by His hands, and 3) Is not this the carpenter? (Mark 6:2-3, ESV). They ask the questions from a perspective of familiarity and unbelief. Startled by the “neighborhood boy’s” ability to shake up the world, they demonstrate their heart’s dilemma by asking these questions. How could it be that a carpenter’s son from the simple town of Nazareth could heal the sick and boss around demons? How could this man who grew up like others as an earth-bound human actually perform miracles – do the supernatural? Isn’t He just natural, like the rest of us? “How are such mighty works done by His hands?” What a question! These neighborhood folks were throwing away their chance at real life by refusing to acknowledge the greatest miracle behind all the miracles – God in the flesh!

A person must see Jesus as Creator – as God – in order to see Jesus as He truly is. Jesus is God. And to talk about mighty works on earth . . . well, that is an understatement, indeed! The earth only exists because Jesus made it. His contemporaries could not grasp the origin of His healing and life-giving power because they refused to believe His work as God. Though walking around in human flesh 2000 years ago, Jesus is God’s Son, “Through whom also [God] created the world . . . and [Jesus] upholds the universe by the word of his power” (Hebrews 1:2-3, ESV).

Dare we talk about His carpentry work? Let’s do so! Jesus not only grew up learning to measure, cut, and build with the wood of trees; He brought all trees into existence and causes them to grow! He waters the earth and brings forth life. He laid the foundations of the universe itself – measuring both galaxies and molecules. He skillfully designed and put together the world itself. And yet, the people of His hometown could ask, “Is not this the carpenter?” They only saw Him as a common worker in wood from a family in Israel. They did not see Him as the Builder of Life.

The incomprehensible miracle of Jesus is the intersection of the divine and the regular – the supernatural and the natural. He is God, but He chose to experience humanness in order to save us. The very fact the Nazarenes took offense at is the very thing that saves us. Jesus is fully human and fully God. His real work is traced even to the creation of the universe and continues through the annals of time. He is the Master Carpenter, the Architect of people and of their salvation. Ever in the business of building and doing mighty works, Jesus told His followers before He departed the earth, “I go to prepare a place for you” (John 14:2, KJV). Abraham of the Old Testament days was living and looking forward to his best home yet to come. As this life could not fully satisfy Abraham, Hebrews 11:10 (ESV) says, “He was looking forward to the city that has foundations whose designer and builder is God.” Yes, Jesus is building a city for us, a perfect home.

The problem with which we must grapple is the one we find in Mark 6:5. Because the people of Nazareth refused to believe the true nature of Jesus (as they revealed in their questioning), the Bible says, “And [Jesus] could do not mighty works there, except that he laid his hands on a few sick people and healed them” (Mark 6:5, ESV). The people could receive no mighty work of God because they refused to believe the true reason Jesus was able to do great works. They saw Him only as a regular carpenter – not the Builder of Life.

Do you need a mighty work of God in your life? How do you view Jesus? Do not be blinded by familiarity as the Nazarenes were, having heard His name so many times. Believe in Him completely. Trust in Him as the Carpenter you need to construct your life. He is waiting to forgive you, build you, and do mighty works. And one day, we shall walk in that city whose Designer and Builder is God.

IF YOUR MAN DOESN’T WIN: A Broad View of Politics and God’s Plan

The Apostle Paul declares in Romans 13:1 (ESV), “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities.” He boldly added in verse seven, “Pay to all what is owed to them: taxes to whom taxes are owed, revenue to whom revenue is owed, respect to whom respect is owed, honor to whom honor is owed.” Clearly, God’s plan is one that requires order and includes human government because of man’s sinful nature. We will not all keep reign over our own behavior, therefore, a higher human authority established by God must do so. Some people allow God’s principles to rule generally over their actions because they have relationship with God. Others throw off the thought of God and His authority and must be directed in behavior by outside influence rather than the Spirit of God in their hearts. This need for outside parameters when internal criteria are rejected is expressed beautifully in Psalm 32:8-9 (ESV),

    I [God] will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you. Be not like a horse or mule, without understanding, which must be curbed with bit and bridle, or it will not stay near you.

God’s desire is a man who willingly accepts God’s rule in His life. However, due to our fallen nature; God intervenes with human authority’s influence when we fail to restrain ourselves. Human government is a tool of God for a broken universe filled with broken people.

We must keep in mind that government consists of human beings and so is inherently fallible. God’s intention for authorities is clear and expressed in Romans 13:3-4 (ESV),

    For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval, for he is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God’s wrath on the wrongdoer.

Generally, then, God intends authorities to promote good and punish evil. We know beyond the shadow of any doubt that this does not always happen. Without reference to myriad contemporary examples, think of the Apostle Paul’s personal experience. Though he writes very succinctly of government’s meaning, he was killed under the reign of Emperor Nero. He and Peter were martyred by authorities because they were Christians! In both of their lives, authorities acted perversely – in direct contradiction to God’s expressed purpose for government. Paul was not a fool, and he understood what we apprehend – that government fails at many points – just as people do.

Nonetheless, people of God understand the importance of government within its human limitations. It is both a creation and tool of a sovereign, unfailing God. As a created institution, it must align itself with God’s truth in order to fulfill its right aim. Government is not a stand-alone entity, and it is not the solution to the human dilemma. Jesus Christ stands alone as the Way to existence as God intended. No man, woman, or child will ever experience the right-working, soon-coming, perfected and re-made universe without first entering into a relationship with the Creator through Jesus Christ. The answer to human failure and misery is spiritual in nature. People need reformed on the inside – in the spirit. A right spirit in a woman gives her the power to live as she should, and that new heart can only come from God.

Good behavior, good laws, good decisions, good government, good families, good economic plans, good relationships, and good education – all these are the result of an inside job, if you will. A person is delivered first from his enslavement to sin’s power, and then he can act rightly on a more consistent basis. With the Holy Spirit of God abiding in his clean heart, a man can now act as one should whose goal is a right-working, God-glorifying universe (the ultimate goal of God!). Note the incredible thoughts of Charles Colson (2007),

    Today’s enthusiasm for political solutions to the moral problems of our culture arises from a distorted view of both politics and spirituality – too low a view of the power of a sovereign God and too high a view of the ability of man. The idea that human systems, reformed by Christian influence, pave the road to the Kingdom – or at least, to revival – has the same utopian ring that one finds in Marxist literature. It also ignores the consistent lesson of history that laws are most often reformed as a result of powerful spiritual movements. I know of no case where a spiritual movement was achieved by passing laws. (pp. 343-344)

Vital is our responsibilty to keep God’s order of things from being turned inside-out. Government is an important part of God’s plan; government is not the salvation of man. God is the Savior, and He is in the business of transforming people’s individual lives so they can help transform the world around them – including political systems.

Throughout history, governments and rulers have both succeeded and failed in their proper endeavor. We thank God for the privilege of observing His hand in the working of the government of the United States in many ways throughout the years. We think also of atrocities resulting from governmental rule – including our own political system. We often stand in speechless horror when we think of the sins committed and the misery wrought by political entities. Going directly to the Word of God, we have many examples. There is faithful Daniel who is tossed into a den of lions during the sixth century B.C. by decree of the Persian King Darius because Daniel refused to stop praying to His Savior. Daniel’s firm trust in God (his spiritual underpinning) resulted in his deliverance from the lions and a counter decree by King Darius charging citizens to reverence the God of Daniel.

There is the Apostle Paul, whose last years were spent often in prison under the authority of the Roman government. Nonetheless, faith in God grew as people witnessed the spiritual strength God gave to Paul despite the grave error and persecution of government. We see Paul gazing intently at his heavenly citizenship even as he walked this earth and sat in chains. The Word of God rang out with divine power despite – perhaps even because of – the evil committed by a government turned against its God-given intention. As he sat in a dungeon, chained to a Roman soldier, Paul wrote Philippians 1:12-14 (ESV),

    I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel, so that it has become known throughout the whole imperial guard and to all the rest that my imprisonment is for Christ. And most of the brothers, having become confident in the Lord by my imprisonment, are much more bold to speak the word without fear.

The apostle saw God using this circumstance – this perversion of government – to God’s glory! Paul knew the only true answer for the human condition was found in salvation. If his imprisonment meant more souls could enter the greatest place to be a citizen – Heaven – then Paul counted persecution worth the cost. He no doubt prayed for His release and the turning in repentance of Roman authority, but he patiently waited on the greater plan of God while doing so. Paul lived rightly, honored human authority rightly, and prayed rightly; but he staked his life on a greater reality than this world’s system. Hear his amazing words written from prison in Philippians 3:20-21 (NIV),

    But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.

In line with Paul’s words are those of Russell Kirk as quoted by Colson (2007),

    Christian faith may work wonders if it moves the minds and hearts of an increasing number of men and women. But if professed Christians forsake heaven as their destination and come to fancy that the state . . . may be converted into the terrestrial paradise – why they are less wise men than Marx.

Yes, Heaven is our destination. Its perfect justice and overwhelming beauty will be the result of God’s miracle in human hearts. Jesus died so we could live rightly. Note I Peter 2:24 (NIV), “[Jesus] himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness.” In Heaven, we will finally live rightly without hindrance!

For now, our encumbrance is a sinful nature. That nature prohibits perfection in both individuals and institutions. But it does not prohibit the purpose of God! God is transcendent, existing outside the universe and independent of any institution. He is able to fulfill the truth of Ephesians 1:11 (ESV), “[God] works all things according to the counsel of his will.” All things. Not some. All. Everything. Without a wasted circumstance. Incredibly, He even works the result of every presidential election after the counsel of His own will!

We must pray continually. We must act righteously in a dark world. We must vote. We must promote the heart of God to a world in trouble. Ultimately, though, we must trust in God. We must put all our hope in an infinitely big God who saves people one at a time now and will save the entire world system one day for those who trust in Him. No matter who the president is, God is the ruler of every inch of reality. Put your hope in Him, and influence others to do the same. Tend to the spiritual matters of the heart, and political matters will fall into line – along with all other interests. For there is a King greater than all kings, and His name is Jesus. He was born in the days of evil King Herod (Matthew 2:1). God allowed even His own Son to endure governmental injustice. Though Herod sought to kill Jesus, Jesus lived on! The plan of God for our salvation endured. Herod died. God’s purpose continued. That is the way it will always be. Evil is vanquished; God’s goodness prevails. No matter what it ever appears in this imperfect world, the curse will one day be fully erased! (Revelation 22:3)

God’s man wins! His name is Jesus.


Colson, C. (2007). God & Government: An Insider’s View on the Boundaries Between Faith & Politics. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.