You talk about hopeless! Mark chapter five tells us about a man who was possessed by thousands of demons. Because of these demons he had become so violent and so insane, that the people of the town were afraid to go near him, and he lived among the tombs.
Yet, Jesus crossed the Sea of Galilee through a storm to get to this man. As soon as Jesus stepped out of the boat, this man ran toward the Lord, which is a miracle itself, because all of those demons would have never wanted this poor man to approach Jesus.
But sure enough, as soon as the man reached Jesus, the Lord cast those demons right out of him! Jesus put that man in his right mind and set him free!
What amazes me about this story is that God will take whatever is left of you. You may feel like you’ve gone crazy. You may have all kinds of difficulties and need set free from so many things that bind you.
Listen, no matter how bad things have gotten and how hopeless you feel, if there’s just a tiny bit left in you that will run to Jesus, then Jesus will set you free, too!
– Shelli Prindle
“A crowd soon gathered around Jesus, and they saw the man who had been possessed by the legion of demons. He was sitting there fully clothed and perfectly sane.” – (Mark 5:15)