Atheists on TikTok – June 24, 2020

Atheists on TikTok

I am having unbelievable conversations with atheists on my TikTok account! One just asked my why Christians hate atheists, however, he then added, “but I don’t think you hate atheists.” Amen! We must remember that Christ died for us while we were yet sinners! Atheism is sin, but we all sin. And God reaches down to us IN our sin and saves us! Remember His grace. A Christian should NEVER be known for hatred of any human being or group of human beings. A Christian should be known for his or her love of Jesus, and – secondarily – love for other people. We stand and declare truth, even if it offends, but we do it in a way that makes those who disagree with us know that we still care deeply.

– Shelli Prindle

But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” – (Romans 5:8)