When the Walls Come Crumbling Down

Speaking about the enemies of God, Isaiah writes, “The unassailable fortifications of your walls He will bring down, lay low and cast to the ground, even to the dust” (25:12, ESV). These words strike me as I read them, for how can “unassailable” fortifications be assailed? By God! His strength supersedes the combined forces of evil. No enemy of His stands a chance when God decides to bring vengeance and deliver HIs own people from tyranny and affliction.

Isaiah is writing prophetically during a time when godless Assyria is threatening Israel and Judah. Isaiah lived long enough to see the northern kingdom of Israel conquered by Assyria and taken captive. Isaiah continued to plead with Judah concerning their sin, knowing they, too, would suffer the same consequence if no change took place. Nonetheless, God prompted Isaiah to speak forth the ultimate victory of the Lord and His remnant of followers. Assured God would one day destroy Assyria and Babylon – and bring His people back to their land – Isaiah proclaims that God’s enemies who have carefully built high strongholds would eventually come to ruin. Though they invested strength and wealth in their own protection, it would not prove to be enough when God Almighty steps into the action of His wrath.

Typical of Isaiah’s style, he projects past the immediate future to the glorious hope we shall all witness at the close of history. Our God will utterly destroy every enemy. That which we struggled against so long – all the heinous work of the devil and his minions – will crumble before our eyes. As a very high wall tumbles and breaks into particles of dust, so will everyone and everything that held its veritable fist to the face of God and His children. No longer will sin’s cruel outcomes be unassailable. Not high enough to avoid God’s “bringing down” are the walls of injustice and evil. Back to the granules from which the strong walls were fashioned, they will return. Though evil men and hideous Satan work assiduously to build their bastions of sinister deeds, none shall stand a chance when the Maker of earth turns all this disgusting work back to dust. God will bring down evil and pulverize its effects to powder, so that His New Heaven and Earth stand rightly – springing forth at the end of time. And we, His people, shall tread this new land, trampling the bits and pieces of the evil that used to be.

What once loomed high and threatened our undoing will effectively be undone. We get glimpses of that ultimate victory each time the gracious Lord defeats sin’s destructive power in our lives. In every single instance of God’s divine protection from harm or demise, we peer into the mysterious realm of the grand future yet to be revealed. He is with us now, though many of the “unassailable” citadels yet stand. Just remember, “unassailable” is a relative term to God when it comes to the evil we battle. He turns things inside out. The high fortifications will be brought low – even to the dust. Our God wins.

So, when you look up and see that incredible wall that threatens your well-being and your future, say with Isaiah to the enemy, “The unassailable fortifications of your walls He will bring down, lay low and cast to the ground, even to the dust”!