Shelli’s Preaching Soon . . .

Trampled down by the seemingly senseless circumstances of life? Need reassurance that this all somehow makes sense? Come hear a pivotal message, Big Picture God! Our God is transcendent, standing outside of time and space, and yet intimately involved with our lives. He is driving all of history to His intended end! Come visit Norwin Alliance Church of North Huntingdon on October 16 at either the 8:30 or the 10:45 am service. All are welcome! Follow this link for directions to Norwin Alliance:

Upcoming Event!

Would you love to see the grace of God through actual events of the Old Testament?

Would you be fascinated to see God’s saving love for us demonstrated in the book of Exodus?

Are you weary in a culture that falsely prescribes a life of “good works” and “trying harder” in order to win the salvation and love of God?

Do you need to be reminded of the grand work of God to genuinely redeem your life and bring to your heart all the hope you need?

Does someone you care about need to hear any of the above things?

Then come hear Shelli share the living Word of God at the Norwin Alliance Church on Friday, November 5. The service starts with worship at 6 pm, and the message begins at 7 pm. No matter what church you regularly attend – or if you don’t attend at all – you are welcome to hear this pivotal message, “The Work of God.”

The Norwin Alliance Church and Hope & Passion Ministries cordially invite you to this great event that can change your life!

Jesus and Indestructible Treasure

Click below to hear my latest message. If you desire the Holy Spirit to “stir you up inside” by the proclamation of the Word of God with power, you can’t miss hearing this message from the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 6!

Jesus and Indestructible Treasure