Jesus, Why Did You Let Your Friend Die?

“Lazarus has died, and for your sake I am glad that I was not there, so that you may believe.” – John 11:14 (ESV)

Some of the most difficult words in the Bible to wrap our minds around are these words of Jesus Christ to His disciples, “Lazarus has died, and for your sake I am glad that I was not there, so that you may believe” (John 11:14, ESV). Yes, Jesus actually implies here that He was pleased that Lazarus died before Jesus went to him to heal him. In fact, the word Christ used for “I am glad” is the same word translated as “rejoice” in Philippians 4:4 (ESV), “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.”

Jesus purposefully allowed Lazarus to die – to cross that dark chasm between this world and the next – and to face his earthly body’s demise. We ask, “Why did you do that, Lord, when the sisters of Lazarus both told You he was ill?” They sent word directly to You. They turned to You. They asked You to intervene. They even reminded You, Jesus, of how much You cared for Lazarus when they said, “Lord, he whom you love is ill” (John 11:3, ESV). And God, You confirmed Your love in John 11:5 (ESV), “Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus.” So, why? Why the seemingly disturbing words of John 11:6 (ESV), “So, when [Jesus] heard that Lazarus was ill, [Jesus] stayed two days longer in the place where he was”? God, why did you hesitate? Knowing a man you loved was suffering and about to die, why did You not run to Him? Or why did You not heal him from a distance as You did the official’s son of John 4:46-54? Lazarus was clearly Your friend, but You allowed him to suffer and be put in the grave.

In God’s economy, something is obviously more valuable than immediate healing or relief. In His scheme of things, Jesus deemed His hesitation to heal more valuable than the expected answer to prayer. He saw a greater glory. He looked beyond what eyes can see and what minds tend to perceive. He calls us – in this situation – to look to a place much deeper than comfort or human expectation. God calls us to an economy of souls and eternal realities. Christ made clear two reasons for His refusal to heal Lazarus before his first experience with death: 1) the increased belief of His disciples, and – more broadly – 2) the glorification of God and the Son of God.

When all was said and done, we discover that many people came to believe in the Son of God as a result of Jesus finally raising Lazarus from death. In fact, some of the people who came to a place of belief were the very Jewish friends who had gone to the tomb to weep with Mary and console her (John 11:31, 45). In other words, the people who had been carefully brought by God to a place of grief and somber reflection were now face-to-face with the Giver and Re-Giver of Life! Would these mourners have been receptive to healing from sickness only (as Jesus had performed many times)? Or was it their confrontation with the finality of death and its icy grip that was necessary for eternal belief? When Jesus decided to delay His arrival at the home of Lazarus, was it really because He knew an encounter with death was the only way for some to behold the Author of Life? Was it really Christ’s love for the eternal souls of men that drove Him to allow His beloved friend, Lazarus, to pass through the veil of death?

You see, only if the Son of God is glorified – or seen for Who He really is – will men and women find eternal life. God’s glory is our salvation! While some mistakenly believe God to be selfish for demanding to be glorified, He is actually working in our best interest. We were designed for real life beyond the grave. We were made to be resurrected at the Return of Christ and to live forever on the re-created earth and in the new heavens. At the time of the sickness of Lazarus, perhaps Jesus had in mind to walk with these Jewish friends of Mary someday in a place vanquished of mourning, pain, illness, mistreatment, separation, misery, and death. Perhaps Jesus knew that His dear friend, Lazarus, could handle illness, disappointment, and earthly death because Lazarus valued eternal life the most. Perhaps Lazarus is in Heaven now rejoicing with all the men and women who entered their eternal home because of his first encounter with death and subsequent resurrection. Perhaps both Jesus and Lazarus reckoned temporary suffering linked to saved people as more profitable than temporary relief linked to lost people.

Here is something to think about: though Lazarus was raised from the grave on the fourth day after dying, he still had to die an earthly death again. For him – as for us – eternity is the real hope. So, when Jesus says to your request, “I will wait a little longer,” what will your response be? To be desperately disappointed? Or to realize He is working a plan aimed at His glory so that human beings can be given what we do not deserve – forever to thrive in unmitigated perfection?