Mark of Distinction

No room for bragging exists when it comes to people of God. There is no place for self-righteousness and no room for human credit when it comes to genuine Christianity. Nothing marks a follower of God as distinct from anyone else except for one thing: God is with him.

Our clever actions, seemingly selfless sacrifices, moral position relative to others, or regular church attendance do not truly separate us from the masses of people. One thing makes a Christian unique – and one thing only – God is with us.

Let no Christian be deceived into thinking that she is special because of her own performance. Let no man of God rest in his own talents, personality, or possessions. We have only one hope for being set apart from all others, and that hope does not originate with us. We are only and marvelously distinct because God is going with us wherever we go. Hear the words of Moses as he prays on behalf of the Israelites he is leading, “For how shall it be known that I have found favor in your sight, I and your people? Is it not in your going with us, so that we are distinct, I and your people, from every other people on the face of the earth?” (Exodus 33:16, ESV)

God’s people were not chosen because they were particularly great or better than others; they were chosen and, therefore, made great. It is God’s abiding with a man or woman that makes that person a work of wonder. What we need is God with us. We desperately require His presence at every turn and in every moment. If He is with us, for us there shall be no demise. He conquers all.

No wonder the Gospel of Matthew proclaims of Jesus, “Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel (which means, God with us).” (Matthew 1:23, ESV) Jesus is the grand fulfillment of God’s plan to be with His people. Because of Jesus Christ, we both see God in the flesh and are able to be reconciled to God. That reconciliation provides the means for God to take up residence in my body, His temple (I Corinthians 3:16, 6:19). Because of dear Jesus, I am assured that God is always with me, for my sins have been covered with the blood of Christ; and they are no longer able to separate me from my Creator.

“Is it not in your going with us, so that we are distinct?” asked Moses. The resounding answer is, “Yes!” We are marked for hope and eternal life – made different from the world – because God has willingly chosen to be with us. It is not our doing; it is His doing . . . and it is wonderful beyond words.

Question for Reflection: What stands out to people about you? Is it some quality of yours? Or do people remark that you are special because they sense God’s nearness when they are near you?