47th Greatest Invention . . .

Though the printing press was deemed the number one innovation since the invention of the wheel by The Atlantic magazine’s group of scientists, historians, and technologists; it was number 47 on the list that caught my eye. Don’t get me wrong, we as Christians understand God’s hand in the development of the printing press, for God chose to reveal Himself through a book! However, check out the succinct description of the 47th greatest breakthrough since the wheel according to The Atlantic: “The nail, second millennium B.C. ‘Extended lives by enabling people to have shelter.’ -Leslie Berlin”

Wow. The nail enabled people to have shelter. Though Leslie Berlin was probably thinking of the physical shelter nails help to provide when they are pounded into wood and concrete, my mind went immediately to the spiritual shelter we find because of the three nails used by Roman soldiers two thousand years ago. And actually, those three nails were in the “hands” of God the Father, who willingly sacrificed His Son so you and I might find shelter from the justly deserved wrath of a Holy God. The ultimate effect of my own sin cannot rain down upon me, because I am under the shelter of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on that old, rugged Cross.

The Atlantic says that nails “extended lives by enabling people to have shelter.” Again – no doubt – the extension refers to earthly years. Physical life could go on longer because our bodies were better protected from the elements, wild animals, and enemies. But we as children of God apprehend the measureless value of spiritual life. No matter the year or day of our physical demise, salvation ensures eternal life. As Peter so beautifully records, “You have been born again, not of perishable seed but of imperishable” (I Peter 1:23, ESV). The nails that pierced the body of Jesus on Mount Calvary have brought to us an endlessly extended life!

Just as those nails of long ago punctured the physical body of Jesus, they will also help bring to our physical bodies the new and glorified existence we shall enjoy forever and ever. I Thessalonians 3:20b-21 (ESV) proclaims, “We await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body.” The crucifixion of Jesus – aided by nails – ensures our safety in an incalculable and everlasting sense.

A thank you to The Atlantic for reminding us of the importance of nails. We take much for granted. And the biggest thank you to our God who gave humans the capacity to invent the nail, which He knew would be used to crucify His own Son. No doubt, God was thinking of sheltering us when He created trees and inspired the invention of nails.

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the LORD, ‘My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.'” (Psalm 91:1-2, ESV)

Reference: Fallows, James. “The 50 Greatest Breakthroughs Since the Wheel.” The Atlantic. Nov 2013. 56-58.

The Glorious Remaking

“The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, You will not despise.” – Psalm 51:17

I gave to You a heart burdened with my own sin,
But I gave it to You;
And You made it a clean heart, free of guilt and shame.

I gave to You a mind shackled by fear,
But I gave it to you;
and You made it a strong mind, focused on truth.

I gave to You hands prone to selfishness and greed,
But I gave them to You;
And You made them hands extended, inclined to reach out.

I gave to You a will fixed on my own plans,
But I gave it to You;
And You made it a will to love You, unshaken by changing circumstance.

I gave to You the moments of my life, not seeming to amount to much as the second hand ticks to relentlessly,
But I gave them to you;
And You made them moments of eternal weight, reaching infinitely far into the future.

I gave to You my dreams, so elusive and unreal,
But I gave them to You;
And You made them dreams aligned with Your plan, bursting into glorious reality.

I gave to You my future, which is – without You – nothing,
But I gave it to you;
And You made it a future never-ending, always glorious.

I gave to You me, though I cannot add one bit to Your greatness;
But I gave me to You;
And You made me who I always wanted to be – the person You want me to be.

Isn’t He Just a Carpenter?

“What is the wisdom given to him? How are such mighty works done by his hands? Is not this the carpenter? And he could do no mighty works there.” (Mark 6:2,5; ESV)

Jesus walked the dusty path to His own hometown, Nazareth. Demons had been running from people’s lives at His word. He was setting the oppressed free and delivering hope where none had been. Diseases and afflictions were disappearing all over the place as Jesus healed so many. He had been bringing dead people back to life and preaching a message that was unlike any that had ever been heard. He was – in a completely wonderful way – out of control! Jesus was shaking up the sad and hopeless paradigm. He was bringing life and healing . . . and truth.

On the heels of all this amazing, other-worldly stuff; Jesus enters Nazareth. The people who had known Him since childhood now asked some pointed questions about Christ: 1) What is the wisdom given to Him? 2) How are such mighty works done by His hands, and 3) Is not this the carpenter? (Mark 6:2-3, ESV). They ask the questions from a perspective of familiarity and unbelief. Startled by the “neighborhood boy’s” ability to shake up the world, they demonstrate their heart’s dilemma by asking these questions. How could it be that a carpenter’s son from the simple town of Nazareth could heal the sick and boss around demons? How could this man who grew up like others as an earth-bound human actually perform miracles – do the supernatural? Isn’t He just natural, like the rest of us? “How are such mighty works done by His hands?” What a question! These neighborhood folks were throwing away their chance at real life by refusing to acknowledge the greatest miracle behind all the miracles – God in the flesh!

A person must see Jesus as Creator – as God – in order to see Jesus as He truly is. Jesus is God. And to talk about mighty works on earth . . . well, that is an understatement, indeed! The earth only exists because Jesus made it. His contemporaries could not grasp the origin of His healing and life-giving power because they refused to believe His work as God. Though walking around in human flesh 2000 years ago, Jesus is God’s Son, “Through whom also [God] created the world . . . and [Jesus] upholds the universe by the word of his power” (Hebrews 1:2-3, ESV).

Dare we talk about His carpentry work? Let’s do so! Jesus not only grew up learning to measure, cut, and build with the wood of trees; He brought all trees into existence and causes them to grow! He waters the earth and brings forth life. He laid the foundations of the universe itself – measuring both galaxies and molecules. He skillfully designed and put together the world itself. And yet, the people of His hometown could ask, “Is not this the carpenter?” They only saw Him as a common worker in wood from a family in Israel. They did not see Him as the Builder of Life.

The incomprehensible miracle of Jesus is the intersection of the divine and the regular – the supernatural and the natural. He is God, but He chose to experience humanness in order to save us. The very fact the Nazarenes took offense at is the very thing that saves us. Jesus is fully human and fully God. His real work is traced even to the creation of the universe and continues through the annals of time. He is the Master Carpenter, the Architect of people and of their salvation. Ever in the business of building and doing mighty works, Jesus told His followers before He departed the earth, “I go to prepare a place for you” (John 14:2, KJV). Abraham of the Old Testament days was living and looking forward to his best home yet to come. As this life could not fully satisfy Abraham, Hebrews 11:10 (ESV) says, “He was looking forward to the city that has foundations whose designer and builder is God.” Yes, Jesus is building a city for us, a perfect home.

The problem with which we must grapple is the one we find in Mark 6:5. Because the people of Nazareth refused to believe the true nature of Jesus (as they revealed in their questioning), the Bible says, “And [Jesus] could do not mighty works there, except that he laid his hands on a few sick people and healed them” (Mark 6:5, ESV). The people could receive no mighty work of God because they refused to believe the true reason Jesus was able to do great works. They saw Him only as a regular carpenter – not the Builder of Life.

Do you need a mighty work of God in your life? How do you view Jesus? Do not be blinded by familiarity as the Nazarenes were, having heard His name so many times. Believe in Him completely. Trust in Him as the Carpenter you need to construct your life. He is waiting to forgive you, build you, and do mighty works. And one day, we shall walk in that city whose Designer and Builder is God.

IF YOUR MAN DOESN’T WIN: A Broad View of Politics and God’s Plan

The Apostle Paul declares in Romans 13:1 (ESV), “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities.” He boldly added in verse seven, “Pay to all what is owed to them: taxes to whom taxes are owed, revenue to whom revenue is owed, respect to whom respect is owed, honor to whom honor is owed.” Clearly, God’s plan is one that requires order and includes human government because of man’s sinful nature. We will not all keep reign over our own behavior, therefore, a higher human authority established by God must do so. Some people allow God’s principles to rule generally over their actions because they have relationship with God. Others throw off the thought of God and His authority and must be directed in behavior by outside influence rather than the Spirit of God in their hearts. This need for outside parameters when internal criteria are rejected is expressed beautifully in Psalm 32:8-9 (ESV),

    I [God] will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you. Be not like a horse or mule, without understanding, which must be curbed with bit and bridle, or it will not stay near you.

God’s desire is a man who willingly accepts God’s rule in His life. However, due to our fallen nature; God intervenes with human authority’s influence when we fail to restrain ourselves. Human government is a tool of God for a broken universe filled with broken people.

We must keep in mind that government consists of human beings and so is inherently fallible. God’s intention for authorities is clear and expressed in Romans 13:3-4 (ESV),

    For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval, for he is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God’s wrath on the wrongdoer.

Generally, then, God intends authorities to promote good and punish evil. We know beyond the shadow of any doubt that this does not always happen. Without reference to myriad contemporary examples, think of the Apostle Paul’s personal experience. Though he writes very succinctly of government’s meaning, he was killed under the reign of Emperor Nero. He and Peter were martyred by authorities because they were Christians! In both of their lives, authorities acted perversely – in direct contradiction to God’s expressed purpose for government. Paul was not a fool, and he understood what we apprehend – that government fails at many points – just as people do.

Nonetheless, people of God understand the importance of government within its human limitations. It is both a creation and tool of a sovereign, unfailing God. As a created institution, it must align itself with God’s truth in order to fulfill its right aim. Government is not a stand-alone entity, and it is not the solution to the human dilemma. Jesus Christ stands alone as the Way to existence as God intended. No man, woman, or child will ever experience the right-working, soon-coming, perfected and re-made universe without first entering into a relationship with the Creator through Jesus Christ. The answer to human failure and misery is spiritual in nature. People need reformed on the inside – in the spirit. A right spirit in a woman gives her the power to live as she should, and that new heart can only come from God.

Good behavior, good laws, good decisions, good government, good families, good economic plans, good relationships, and good education – all these are the result of an inside job, if you will. A person is delivered first from his enslavement to sin’s power, and then he can act rightly on a more consistent basis. With the Holy Spirit of God abiding in his clean heart, a man can now act as one should whose goal is a right-working, God-glorifying universe (the ultimate goal of God!). Note the incredible thoughts of Charles Colson (2007),

    Today’s enthusiasm for political solutions to the moral problems of our culture arises from a distorted view of both politics and spirituality – too low a view of the power of a sovereign God and too high a view of the ability of man. The idea that human systems, reformed by Christian influence, pave the road to the Kingdom – or at least, to revival – has the same utopian ring that one finds in Marxist literature. It also ignores the consistent lesson of history that laws are most often reformed as a result of powerful spiritual movements. I know of no case where a spiritual movement was achieved by passing laws. (pp. 343-344)

Vital is our responsibilty to keep God’s order of things from being turned inside-out. Government is an important part of God’s plan; government is not the salvation of man. God is the Savior, and He is in the business of transforming people’s individual lives so they can help transform the world around them – including political systems.

Throughout history, governments and rulers have both succeeded and failed in their proper endeavor. We thank God for the privilege of observing His hand in the working of the government of the United States in many ways throughout the years. We think also of atrocities resulting from governmental rule – including our own political system. We often stand in speechless horror when we think of the sins committed and the misery wrought by political entities. Going directly to the Word of God, we have many examples. There is faithful Daniel who is tossed into a den of lions during the sixth century B.C. by decree of the Persian King Darius because Daniel refused to stop praying to His Savior. Daniel’s firm trust in God (his spiritual underpinning) resulted in his deliverance from the lions and a counter decree by King Darius charging citizens to reverence the God of Daniel.

There is the Apostle Paul, whose last years were spent often in prison under the authority of the Roman government. Nonetheless, faith in God grew as people witnessed the spiritual strength God gave to Paul despite the grave error and persecution of government. We see Paul gazing intently at his heavenly citizenship even as he walked this earth and sat in chains. The Word of God rang out with divine power despite – perhaps even because of – the evil committed by a government turned against its God-given intention. As he sat in a dungeon, chained to a Roman soldier, Paul wrote Philippians 1:12-14 (ESV),

    I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel, so that it has become known throughout the whole imperial guard and to all the rest that my imprisonment is for Christ. And most of the brothers, having become confident in the Lord by my imprisonment, are much more bold to speak the word without fear.

The apostle saw God using this circumstance – this perversion of government – to God’s glory! Paul knew the only true answer for the human condition was found in salvation. If his imprisonment meant more souls could enter the greatest place to be a citizen – Heaven – then Paul counted persecution worth the cost. He no doubt prayed for His release and the turning in repentance of Roman authority, but he patiently waited on the greater plan of God while doing so. Paul lived rightly, honored human authority rightly, and prayed rightly; but he staked his life on a greater reality than this world’s system. Hear his amazing words written from prison in Philippians 3:20-21 (NIV),

    But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.

In line with Paul’s words are those of Russell Kirk as quoted by Colson (2007),

    Christian faith may work wonders if it moves the minds and hearts of an increasing number of men and women. But if professed Christians forsake heaven as their destination and come to fancy that the state . . . may be converted into the terrestrial paradise – why they are less wise men than Marx.

Yes, Heaven is our destination. Its perfect justice and overwhelming beauty will be the result of God’s miracle in human hearts. Jesus died so we could live rightly. Note I Peter 2:24 (NIV), “[Jesus] himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness.” In Heaven, we will finally live rightly without hindrance!

For now, our encumbrance is a sinful nature. That nature prohibits perfection in both individuals and institutions. But it does not prohibit the purpose of God! God is transcendent, existing outside the universe and independent of any institution. He is able to fulfill the truth of Ephesians 1:11 (ESV), “[God] works all things according to the counsel of his will.” All things. Not some. All. Everything. Without a wasted circumstance. Incredibly, He even works the result of every presidential election after the counsel of His own will!

We must pray continually. We must act righteously in a dark world. We must vote. We must promote the heart of God to a world in trouble. Ultimately, though, we must trust in God. We must put all our hope in an infinitely big God who saves people one at a time now and will save the entire world system one day for those who trust in Him. No matter who the president is, God is the ruler of every inch of reality. Put your hope in Him, and influence others to do the same. Tend to the spiritual matters of the heart, and political matters will fall into line – along with all other interests. For there is a King greater than all kings, and His name is Jesus. He was born in the days of evil King Herod (Matthew 2:1). God allowed even His own Son to endure governmental injustice. Though Herod sought to kill Jesus, Jesus lived on! The plan of God for our salvation endured. Herod died. God’s purpose continued. That is the way it will always be. Evil is vanquished; God’s goodness prevails. No matter what it ever appears in this imperfect world, the curse will one day be fully erased! (Revelation 22:3)

God’s man wins! His name is Jesus.


Colson, C. (2007). God & Government: An Insider’s View on the Boundaries Between Faith & Politics. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.

Jesus With Me

Clouds above me,
Grass below me,
Jesus with me.

Friends embrace me,
Friends forsake me,
Jesus with me.

Rejoicing in clarity,
Surrounded by mystery,
Jesus with me.

Good news floods in,
Good news floods out,
Jesus with me.

Sensing His nearness,
Imagining a distance,
Jesus with me.

My faithfulness abounds,
My faithfulness wanes,
Jesus with me.

Seasons of triumph,
Seasons of loss,
Jesus with me.

Body is strong,
Body is weak,
Jesus with me.

No matter what,
No matter when,
Jesus with me.

This world begins,
This world ends,
Jesus with me.

New world begins,
New world endures forever,
Jesus with me.

Swordtails and God’s Sleeve

When I was in middle school, I had an aquarium full of tropical fish. One of my favorite types of fish was the orange swordtail. The difficult part of adoring these particular creatures is that their young are born live, and the adult fish eat them. In order to protect the precious little baby fish, I would have to separate the fry in a rectangular net on one corner of the tank. Catching the tiny, agile babies is not easy.

The fact is that I had to get personally involved in the protection of the new swordtails. When one of the females was pregnant, I knew I had to get off the school bus quickly and run into the house to check on the situation each afternoon. I certainly could not design an eye-catching poster to hold up in front of the aquarium that warned, “Swim behind the castle little fish . . . swim!” Fish cannot read. It was pointless to kneel down in front of the tank and yell loudly, “Hide behind the plant . . . hurry!” Fish cannot hear us. The only way to help the swordtail babies was for me to roll up my sleeve and dip my arm into the sometimes algae-ridden water full of slimy fish and all their waste. Yes, if I was to save the fry, I had to invade their world.

Similarly, God crashed into our world to save us. When we were overcome by our sin and had no way to escape the curse, our God entered this space/time continuum. We are helpless without His personal intervention. He rolled up His sleeves, and entered a world of pain, sorrow, and mess to rescue us by His own hand. He put on human flesh and endured all the discomfort and longing earthly life brings. Then – in one particular season of time – He suffered more spiritual, emotional, and physical pain than we could ever imagine, as He willingly took on the sin of the world at the Cross. With His own body – with His own being – He saved us.

The great prophet Isaiah asked, “Who has believed our message? And to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed?” (Isaiah 53:1, NASB) What poignant words! What critical consideration! All of life boils down to this . . . do we believe the message of the God who revealed His own arm in the mission of saving us? This question is paramount, for its answer differentiates biblical Christianity from all other religions and worldviews. Whereas the various religions of the world involve the work of humans to one degree or another in their salvation, true Christianity says that God saves – and the rolling up of our own sleeves is useless. His holy, strong arm is the one that redeems us from the pit of sin and hopelessness.

I can see the devil and the powers of Hell shaking in their boots as God Almighty begins to roll up His sleeve! Jesus, the God-Man, comes to redeem His people! As the tiny swordtails were placed safely in the net by my own hand, so we are drawn out of the kingdom of darkness and placed safely in the kingdom of God by God’s own hand.

The question is, “Do you believe this message?” The Hebrew word for believe in Isaiah 53:1 is the root from which we get the widely used term, “Amen.” Belief means that we truly agree. We stake our very life on it. We hear the message and we say, “So be it!” It is right! The arm of our strong and gracious Jesus has been revealed! When He rolls up His sleeve, I am safe!

Actually Finding Life

The majority of humans, no doubt, wish to save their lives – to hold onto what we deem so precious. Most people hope to retain their souls – to continue to enjoy that which is enjoyable. Recent research reported in Putnam & Campbell’s book, American Grace (2010), says that “Sixty percent of Americans are absolutely sure there is a heaven” (p. 7). Largely, people from all walks of life want to believe that a good life awaits us after this earthly life is finished.

Desiring to hold onto our lives is no guarantee that we will. In fact, Jesus Christ boldly declared, “For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it” (Matthew 16:25, NASB). Notice keenly Jesus’ use of the word “wishes.” People who wish to save their lives, in fact, lose them. On the other hand (and quite amazingly, I might add) people who actually lose their lives for the sake of God will actually find life!

There we have it . . . the great paradox. Attempting to grasp at life by our own methods ends in utter loss, whereas, forthrightly giving up our lives for the particular sake of God culminates in gain. Here we have spelled out before us an undeniable truth from the very mouth of the Son of God. It is a sure thing that any attempt to cling to life and any of its “treasures” is a mistake of inexplicable cost. Accordingly, it is also an indisputable thing that the sacrifice of all we hold dear for the cause of Christ results in finding life that both never ends and never lets us down.

Please allow me to expound upon the hope at the near horizon. Jesus went on to say, “For the Son of Man is going to come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and will then repay every man according to his deeds” (Matthew 16:27, NASB). Clearly, then, Jesus will return a second time with glory as the Judge; this visitation stands in stark contrast to His first coming with humility as a Servant. No, when Jesus returns to His earth again, it will not be to offer salvation, but to enact judgment. Christ will grant to His followers great reward, and He will deliver to the rest wrath and indignation (Romans 2:8).

The decision to follow Jesus is a decision to deny self. It is a determination to count earthly desires as nothing compared to the work of building God’s kingdom. Self-indulgence comes in countless forms: buying what we do not need, gorging simply because we crave, mindlessly absorbing entertainment for hours upon end, envying what we do not own, allowing laziness a regular place, blocking from our vision the needs of others, ignoring the eternal to pursue the temporal, and . . . the list goes on ad infinitum. Self-indulgence will one day meet its bitter end: loss of soul and life. In the same way, self-denial for the sake of Jesus Christ and the fame of His name will one day meet its glorious result: eternal reward and life unending.

The determination of the judgment is not arbitrary, but precise. Jesus Christ will repay every person in exact accordance with his or her deeds. Am I saved by Jesus’ death and resurrection? Then my life – and all its content and moments – belongs to Him! My actions each and every day of living ought to emit a resounding declaration that Jesus is the reason I exist!

I know that as we await the return of Jesus, the prevalence of good and bad in human lives seems random and unfair. Hold on, for one day the Savior and Judge of the universe will repay every man according to his deeds.

Get a Taste of This Kingdom!

Weariness. Struggle. Disappointment. Separation. Helplessness. Grief. Illness. Battle. Pain. Regret. Fear. Disillusionment. Sorrow. These are just a few of the words to describe parts of our experience in the kingdom of this world. By “this world,” I mean the aggregate of all things earthly – the entire system of this currently broken cosmos. Temporarily, Satan is permitted to exert influence and humans are free to rebel against God. Hence, the Psalmist notes, “The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD and against his Anointed” (Psalm 2:2, ESV). The apostle Paul also reminds us of the devil who is “the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience” (Ephesians 2:2, ESV). The force of evil rebellion is wielded, and God’s creation suffers.

Enter Jesus Christ. Diving wholeheartedly into the mess, Jesus begins to tread the dirt of this earth two millennia ago. At the inauguration of His ministry, he walked to Capernaum by the Sea of Galilee and began preaching some of the sweetest words I have ever heard, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matthew 4:17, ESV). The kingdom of heaven is at hand! Praise God! We can now begin to sense the infiltration of a kingdom ruled by what is right; the invasion of all we have longed for has begun!

Just in case we are questioning what the rule of God’s righteousness is honestly like, Jesus works His way through all of Galilee “teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every affliction among the people” (Matthew 4:23, ESV). Did you catch the wonderment of His action? Jesus healed every disease and affliction that broken humans could present to Him. He single-handedly demonstrated the heart of God . . . to cure what ails and destroys us. This heart of God prevails with the kingdom of heaven, so let us go back to Jesus’ prescription for the ushering in of that glorious kingdom.

Jesus exhorted, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” The prerequisite for my part in this kingdom is repentance. I must rightfully acknowledge my guilt in the hellish schemes of a sinful heart. I must confess that I am a sinner, and that I desire to be forgiven of my sins. The gist of repentance bids me go further – to agree to turn away from sin and toward God by the power Jesus grants to me. A repentant heart says, “I run to God and away from sin; and I desire to never look back, even though I know the cost will be great.”

You will notice that after calling people to repentance in anticipation of God’s kingdom, Jesus approaches individuals and asks them to follow Him (Matthew 4:18-22) – not just in a walk by the lake, but in a walk of self-denial and God-exaltation. He asks Peter and Andrew to come with Him, and both men left their fishing nets and embarked on a relationship with Jesus Christ. They deemed Him worth the adventure and all that would be asked of them.

After the call to repentance and the invitation to follow in the everyday walk of life, Jesus begins to display the heart of the heavenly kingdom with His miracles. How overjoyed the disciples must have been to begin realizing the momentous nature of that of which they had become a part. God wants things right! He wants our hearts right, our words right, our actions right, our relationships right, our bodies right, and our universe right! Jesus began in that small province in the Middle East to shine forth hints of what the kingdom of heaven is, and what indescribable joy we shall experience when – finally – “the kingdom of the world [becomes] the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ” (Revelation 11:15, ESV).

Friends, as surely as the words of John 3:16 are true, the words of Revelation 11:15 are true. One day this world’s dark kingdom will be replaced with the kingdom of our Lord. Then we will witness in full what Galileans witnessed in part in the days of Jesus’ earthly ministry. We will see with our own eyes afflictions disappear, weariness turn to strength, love prevail without challenge, grief be obliterated, fear become trust, sorrow vanish, regret run away, the earth be restored to perfection . . . and Jesus take charge forever.

Get a taste of this kingdom now, and join me one day when we feast together with our Savior!

God of the Lilies

As a person fascinated by nature, I love that the Father tells us to “lift up [our] eyes on high and see who has created these stars” (Isaiah 40:26, NASB); and the Son tells us, “Observe how the lilies of the field grow” (Matthew 6:28). Clearly, our Creator uses His creation to teach us things about Himself. Romans 1:20 assures us that God is intimating His eternality and divinity through the created order. In other words, the astounding and detailed workings of this world on both a microscopic and telescopic level point to a being who is both infinitely greater than me ontologically speaking and whose length of existence I cannot fathom.

Yet, let us go back to the lilies. Jesus spoke to His followers and said, “Why are you worried about clothing? Observe how the lilies of the field grow; they do not toil nor do they spin, yet I say that not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these” (Matthew 26:28-29). Jesus asks us to observe a component of nature – flowers – in order to understand a deeper truth. Jesus will employ the gladiolus or the iris to shake our world on a spiritual level, so that we come to grips with reality as it truly is – defined by the God of Genesis.

Christ directs us to a specific part of creation in order to affect us in the soul. While Psalm 19:1-4 assures us that the glory of creation speaks to all humans at some level about God’s qualities, Psalm 19:7-9 declares that it is the direct Word of God that can restore a soul and give a heart reason to rejoice. Only a radical fear of the Lord is pure, lasts forever, and can make a man or woman fit for everlasting existence. So we ought to heed Jesus’ admonition to observe the lily and digest the eternal truth of His verbal instruction.

Jesus tells us that the flower does not toil or spin in order to be made so beautiful. The flower simply exists as God called it to exist. Plants do not have a spirit inside with which to rebel against their Maker, and so they simply do as He directs. In being what God called them to be, the flowers find themselves clothed spectacularly. Who of us has not marveled at the living color, majesty, and intricacy of a wild flower? Jesus reminds us that no human – not even the wildly rich and powerful King Solomon – could ever adorn himself or herself in such a genuine and fitting way. We could attempt to use every monetary and material resource available – wasting time and energy – and still we could not look as splendid as a simple flower clothed by its Creator.

In fact, Jesus goes on to tell us that it is the Gentiles (pagans) who eagerly seek clothing and food (Matthew 6:32). The root word for the pagan search implies “to crave, demand, or clamor for.” In other words, the godless go about loudly, continuously, and vehemently seeking to fulfill material needs. However, they seem never to actually be fulfilled. It reminds me of Philippians 3:19, where the enemies of Jesus are described as having their god be their stomach. No sooner is their desire satisfied, than they are empty again and need more.

Are we this way? Do we spend much time and effort trying to “look good”? Do we use too much of our resources trying to accumulate the “right” clothes or the “right” look? How much of our being is absorbed in outward appearances? How much of our thoughts? How much of our disappointment stems from this kind of preoccupation?

Jesus contrasts the clamoring of the Gentiles to the trust of God’s children. Christ says, “Your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things” (Matthew 6:32). Our Father is heavenly; He stands above and beyond this universe and can make things happen for us on an entirely different level! If we honestly “seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, all these things will be added to [us]” (Matthew 6:33).

The key is that my heart’s desire for God’s kingdom must be at the forefront, and then the supply of the needs of life will automatically follow. Clothing, food, and external appearances are secondary to what is eternal and right – the kingdom of God. He actually reigns supreme! His kingdom has no end! If I make His rule my aim, I have no justified anxieties. If I make His will my goal, I have purpose to live that is grounded in reality and eternality.

All human toiling and wealth cannot do for a person what God can do. He clothes the grass of the field in beauty 24/7. He can provide not only for the physical needs of His own people, but He can supernaturally grant an inner beauty that shines forth on the darkest of days. Money can buy designer clothes and manicures, but only God can restore a soul and fill it with the hope of His kingdom. Where His righteousness prevails, all things necessary to live are granted as a by-product. Do you need a beautiful smile today? Seek His kingdom.

Are You Drained?

Unconfessed sin drains our strength. When our thoughts, words, or actions displease God – and we do not run to Him for forgiveness – we will sense a spiritual drain that, if ignored long enough, saps us of physical and emotional vigor. David noted a critically important concept when he penned these words of God, “When I kept silent about my sin, my body wasted away through my groaning all day long. For day and night Your hand was heavy upon me; my vitality was drained away as with the fever heat of summer” (Psalm 32:3-4, NASB).

I wonder how many times our low points – periods when we just cannot seem to “rise above” – are the direct result of refusing to deal with an area of our life in which we know God is not being honored. God Himself knows how arduous it can be to humbly go to Him and confess our wretched disposition; for when we go to Him confessing shameful ways, we are brought low. However, our loving God “regards the lowly,” while “the haughty He knows from afar” (Psalm 138:6, NASB). In other words, the painful act of confession and realization of our wrong causes God to look our direction and react with His mercy.

Oftentimes, I pray aloud to God when I need to admit sin. If acknowledging bitterness, for example, I dread the sound of the words describing my nasty heart attitude. Afterward, though, I sense God’s nearness and cleansing because I have been real with Him. God is asking that we demonstrate our knowledge of the great cost of sin. If my transgression is difficult to speak aloud, I know it grieves the heart of God. I begin to realize how ugly sin is – to God and to others. In my honest confession, I reckon with the crushing, serious nature of rebellion against God Almighty.

David proclaims, “How blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered! How blessed is the man to whom the LORD does not impute iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no deceit!” (Psalm 32:1-2, NASB) To be people of complete joy and stability, we must be people who confess sin and do not hide from God or ourselves. How often we may have deceit in our own spirit because we are not honest about our sin. We need to run constantly to the Bible and pray consistently in order that God’s Spirit keeps our heart tender and able to discern sinfulness. Once discerned, we must be quick to confess. In this way, God will not have to impute the iniquity to us, but He will allow the death of His Son to cover the penalty. The righteousness of Jesus Christ gets credited to us (I Corinthians 1:30).

Notice how David tells us that unconfessed sin led to his human vitality being drained away as with the fever heat of summer (Psalm 32:4). How amazingly we see the work of Jesus on our behalf in a parallel verse found in Psalm 22:15 (NASB), “My strength is dried up like a potsherd, and my tongue cleaves to my jaws; and You lay me in the dust of death.” This prophetic passage alludes to Jesus on the cross – sapped of strength, thirsty, and dying. Can you see it? Jesus endured for us the depletion of vitality we should have to face. He took the brunt of sin’s penalty and its damning, draining effects! He lay in the dust of death that we might stand in the light of life!

Please do not allow your life to be depleted of strength and joy because of unconfessed sin. Run to the God who emptied Himself for the sake of our filling. Be blessed – filled with the stability of joy and peace – by having your sins forgiven through Jesus Christ. In a broken world, there may exist other physical or emotional reasons for a lack of vitality; but do not allow unconfessed sin to drain away your life. Be truly blessed!

Sinking and Swimming

This poem is based on Matthew 14:22-33 and John 21:1-19.

Peter, how did it feel to watch Jesus on that sea?
Walking on water as if it were earth?
Demonstrating so clearly who gave the oceans their birth?

Peter, how did it feel to know He was the Master?
Taking charge of creation as He saw fit?
Showing by Whose hand all substance was knit?

Peter, how excited were you to step towards Him that night?
Though battered by wind and tossed by wave?
Heading toward Jesus who can make weary men brave?

Peter, how glorious did it feel to walk those few steps on water?
Looking at your Savior with a steady gaze?
Allowing His loving strength your heart to amaze?

Peter, did you catch a glimpse of His creative power in those moments?
You feet defying gravity and scientific law?
Your heart awash with worship and newly-found awe?

Peter, what made you look away from Him and rather toward the storm?
Though He was right in front of you, I think I understand.
For often I am distracted though my Master is at hand.

Peter, what was it like when He stretched forth His hand as your cried?
Without allowing you to drown, though lack of faith was your own fault?
Without forsaking you because He knew the ultimate, victorious result?

Peter, did you cry with joy as He lifted you back into the boat?
Getting in Himself, without abandoning you?
Taming wind and wave so that both sky and water stood clear and blue?

Peter, were you amazed at Jesus’ faithfulness though you had denied Him thrice?
Running to the tomb to find only His wrappings of linen?
Marveling that your Lord could possibly have risen?

Peter, what was it like to see Him on the shore after His resurrection?
When He stood on the beach and instructed where the net should be cast?
When He prepared a fire and fish and bread now that His time of suffering was past?

Peter, why did you – and you alone – jump into the sea when you saw Him on the beach?
Not waiting with the others to sail to Him by boat?
Rather, throwing yourself into the waters and swimming stroke by stroke?

Peter, when you dove in, were you thinking of that former day upon the sea?
When you looked to Jesus and walked on water, but then quickly slipped away?
Were you wanting to demonstrate your undying love on this new day?

Peter, how did it feel to abandon yourself to the water for your Lord?
Not fearing the sea because Jesus mastered it on your behalf before?
Not delaying your progress toward you Savior anymore?

Peter, how did it feel after breakfast on that beach?
When Jesus asked you if you loved Him three times in a row?
When He explained that one day someone would lead you where you did not want to go?

Peter, I know from history that you did love Him.
You died for Jesus’ sake after preaching all your days.
I have to think of you and the sea when by the faithfulness of Christ I am amazed.

Spanning the Gap

Tomorrow, I don’t know you;
I’m only familiar with today.

The problem with tomorrow is,
From my vantage point, it’s a chasm away.

Before I reach tomorrow,
Unknowns will proudly abound.

So clinging to the One who knows all
Is the glorious solace I have found.

The chasm between now and then
That threatens my sanity

Is obliterated by the One
Who defines eternity.

Oh, can’t you see it, friend,
Although I don’t know how,

My Savior calls to me from tomorrow,
Even as His arms embrace me now?

No gap for Him stands between
What is and what will be.

He is always eons ahead
Of what the keenest eye can see.

When I walk the road with Him beside,
Nothing shall surprise and be my undoing.

For Jesus always knew
The place my path was going.

And when I fear I shall be swallowed
By an ominous gap ahead,

Jesus reminds me that He bled and died
To remove my fear and dread.

That gap between now and then
Into which I think I’ll tumble

Is spanned by the very Cross of Jesus,
A bridge to tomorrow for the helpless and humble.

And not only tomorrow
Can Jesus safely transport us to,

But He will even span the gap
When the end of earthly life’s in view.

He is already in tomorrow,
Building a smooth bridge for me to travel from today.

He is already in eternity,
Ready to clasp my hand when I fly away.

He stands ready
In the next moment I shall endure.

No gap will I be lost in,
For He is my Bridge, my Way for sure!

“I [Jesus] am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.” – Revelation 22:13 (NASB)