Sinking and Swimming

This poem is based on Matthew 14:22-33 and John 21:1-19.

Peter, how did it feel to watch Jesus on that sea?
Walking on water as if it were earth?
Demonstrating so clearly who gave the oceans their birth?

Peter, how did it feel to know He was the Master?
Taking charge of creation as He saw fit?
Showing by Whose hand all substance was knit?

Peter, how excited were you to step towards Him that night?
Though battered by wind and tossed by wave?
Heading toward Jesus who can make weary men brave?

Peter, how glorious did it feel to walk those few steps on water?
Looking at your Savior with a steady gaze?
Allowing His loving strength your heart to amaze?

Peter, did you catch a glimpse of His creative power in those moments?
You feet defying gravity and scientific law?
Your heart awash with worship and newly-found awe?

Peter, what made you look away from Him and rather toward the storm?
Though He was right in front of you, I think I understand.
For often I am distracted though my Master is at hand.

Peter, what was it like when He stretched forth His hand as your cried?
Without allowing you to drown, though lack of faith was your own fault?
Without forsaking you because He knew the ultimate, victorious result?

Peter, did you cry with joy as He lifted you back into the boat?
Getting in Himself, without abandoning you?
Taming wind and wave so that both sky and water stood clear and blue?

Peter, were you amazed at Jesus’ faithfulness though you had denied Him thrice?
Running to the tomb to find only His wrappings of linen?
Marveling that your Lord could possibly have risen?

Peter, what was it like to see Him on the shore after His resurrection?
When He stood on the beach and instructed where the net should be cast?
When He prepared a fire and fish and bread now that His time of suffering was past?

Peter, why did you – and you alone – jump into the sea when you saw Him on the beach?
Not waiting with the others to sail to Him by boat?
Rather, throwing yourself into the waters and swimming stroke by stroke?

Peter, when you dove in, were you thinking of that former day upon the sea?
When you looked to Jesus and walked on water, but then quickly slipped away?
Were you wanting to demonstrate your undying love on this new day?

Peter, how did it feel to abandon yourself to the water for your Lord?
Not fearing the sea because Jesus mastered it on your behalf before?
Not delaying your progress toward you Savior anymore?

Peter, how did it feel after breakfast on that beach?
When Jesus asked you if you loved Him three times in a row?
When He explained that one day someone would lead you where you did not want to go?

Peter, I know from history that you did love Him.
You died for Jesus’ sake after preaching all your days.
I have to think of you and the sea when by the faithfulness of Christ I am amazed.