Beyond a Reasonable Doubt – Curwensville – 02-22-20



If you were to be asked, “How do you know the Bible came from the hand of God and not the minds of men,” what would you say? If your response was simply, “I believe it by faith,” then you should know that Muslims believe in good faith that the Koran is from God and that Hindus believe by faith in the Bhagavad Gita. So what makes the Christian Bible different?

The evidence in favor of the Bible as a divine book given to us by the very hand of God is overwhelming! The trouble is, most Christians are not aware of the lines of evidence. We may be caught off guard when confronted about the veracity of the Word of God – UNLESS we determine to understand what we can know regarding the origin and nature of the Bible.

This is a wonderful opportunity for adults and teens to learn the amazing lines of evidence for the Bible being God’s own Word! Shelli will explain it in the most down-to-earth and understandable way! You’ll be so excited to discover all the proof!