Sustained by the Untraceable

The hope of God goes deeper
Than any finger can trace.

Into the chasm of confusion
And entanglements of broken dreams,

Charges the love of Him
Who turns darkness into light.

And stands ready to throw
The father of hopelessness into the abyss.

Fully aware of why we mourn
When even we don’t know,

God pours His healing
Into the unseen crevices of our soul.

Though remaining mysterious to us
How the ultimate restoration will take place,

The healing this side of Heaven
Is enough to sustain.

May my heart with increased awareness
Absorb the hope of God undeserved.

My own hand cannot trace its working
But God’s finger points the way.

“But hope that is seen is no hope at all.” – Romans 8:24

“In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope . . .” – I Peter 1:3

“Search me, O God, and know my heart.” – Psalm 139:23