Mark Your Calendars for our Fall Event!

We are excited to announce that Hope & Passion Ministries will be having a big, interdenominational event for both men and women this fall! Anxiety Undone will happen Saturday evening, November 12 at the Greensburg Alliance Church of Greensburg, PA.

Mark your calendars! We planned a location so that many of our friends and stakeholders from churches all over the area may arrive easily (and even find a local hotel if necessary).

We ask you to be in prayer for the event which will touch many lives through the power of God’s Word. Anxiety is an issue we struggle with in a fast-paced, high-tech, excessive, and lonely culture amidst the backdrop of global unrest and financial concerns. However, our God is able to relieve our hearts and minds, and really and ultimately undo anxiety for us! Shelli is seeking God’s heart for this powerful message.

Details will follow. Contact us for more information!

The Implications of Worry

The Implications of Worry: A Biblical and Research Discussion
By Shelli S. Prindle, M.A. Educational Leadership

Current brain research demonstrates that students under the distress of anxious thoughts do not learn as well as is possible. Stress and worry have a distinct negative impact on a person’s ability to process and work properly with new information. In fact, Willis (2006) notes in regard to PET scans and fMRI scans,

    [These] reveal significant disturbances in the brain’s learning circuits and chemical messengers when subjects are studied in stressful learning environments. In particular, the amygdala becomes overstimulated by stress, and in that hypermetabolic state, information cannot pass from sensory awareness into the memory connection and storage regions of the brain. (58)

Research is making clear that stress is a disruptor, causing a break in the normal processes of learning. If you will, it is as if the brain process becomes broken when anxiety appears on the scene. The emotional state rises to prominence, and deep and rational connections cannot be made. As Sprenger (2005) notes, “The brain is captivated by the emotion and turns attention to it. When these emotions capture the brain’s attention, working memory is flooded and cannot be effective in working with the task at hand.” In fact, Willis (2006) posits,

    If the state of anxiety and stress is prolonged, it can lead to destruction and loss of critical connecting dendrites and synapses in the hippocampus. This means that new information does not reach the brain regions where it needs to be processed, associated with previous knowledge and experience, and stored for later recall. (60)

Obviously, then, heightened and prolonged anxiety inhibits true learning. Our bodies are designed for optimal learning when a general sense of peace and safety is present. My mind goes to Adam and Eve in the garden, as they were given the entire created world to explore and learn and work. While walking unhindered with their Creator, this process was a beautiful one. However, human rebellion against our God has brought disruption and misery to all the processes of life. This world is now broken; and so are we and all the functions of body and life. Fear floods in when a heart completely yielded to God goes out.

Jesus instructs His followers in Matthew 6:25 (NASB), “Do not be worried about your life, as to what you will eat or what you will drink; nor for your body, as to what you will put on.” The Greek word for worry in this quote comes from a root that means “to be drawn in different directions; to be divided, separated into parts, or cut in pieces.” Wow; to be worried is essentially to have a divided mind! That is precisely what worrying feels like – our mind is cut in pieces so that we cannot stay focused on what matters. We are distracted and irritable and may even begin to feel hopeless. The mind was not meant to be divided, but whole.

Recall that brain research informs us of the dividing nature of anxiety. Students who are under stress simply cannot learn well because the entire process of learning becomes broken. Recall also Jesus’ answer to worry in our lives: “But seek first [God’s] kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you” (Matthew 6:33). Jesus tells us here to not allow our minds to be divided by giving undue attention to the basic needs of life. The stress of worrying about these things slices our minds and hearts into distracted pieces; we are no longer able to do what ought to be done – focus on God.

Worry is sin because it goes against the will of God for us. We are designed by God to seek His kingdom and righteousness with all our heart. Jesus proclaims the cure for worry is to unite our mind under one goal: Him! In fact, God promises to add to our life all that we need for daily living as we commit to an undivided heart and mind. If we seek His kingdom first, then He will properly align the needs of life for us underneath the main goal. I have sketched below a picture of the concept. On the left is a worried person having his mind divided by many future cares. On the right is a person trusting in God and focusing on His kingdom. Noticeably, the needs of life are brought to this trusting person by God.

As brain research tells us about classroom learning, so it goes with thinking for all of life. If my mind is to be used for God’s glory – focused on His Word and His will – my mind needs to be united and peaceful. The division of worry destroys the purpose for which the mind was created – to grow in God’s kingdom.

I submit to you another Biblical example of the truth concerning worry and learning. When Jesus spoke to His disciples about their future persecution, He boldly proclaimed in Luke 12:11-12,

    When they bring you before the synagogues and the rulers and the authorities, do not worry about how or what you are to speak in your defense, or what you are to say; for the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say.

Jesus here tells us that our mind need not be divided because of the future. Jesus is instructing his disciples about a future event, and He wants them to be assured that He is already in the future. When the moment in time comes for the disciples to answer the authorities, God Himself (the Holy Spirit) will teach them what to say. Notice the use of the word teach. We can truly learn when our mind is focused on God and not divided by anxiety.

This Scripture passage is particularly amazing to me because of its clear implication: God connects our future needs with His present peace. Because our Lord is timeless, He is not bound to one moment or another. He is with us now, and He is in the future. He has the authority to assure us that our minds need not be preoccupied with future concerns. When the need arises, the power of the Lord for that particular moment will come to light. His available power for our tomorrow is as sure as His available peace for our today.

Teachers of our day ought to heed the Bible first and foremost. In doing so, they will marvel at the alignment of true scientific discovery with God’s Word. An atmosphere of peace and safety promotes better learning than an atmosphere of stress.

Moreover, people everywhere ought to heed God’s command to live a life focused purely on Him. The root of the sin of worry in the Biblical sense is the idea of a mind divided. This division keeps me from serving God wholeheartedly. This division also causes the human brain to function at a reduced capacity; the learning process breaks. God wants us to learn and learn well. Learning of Him and the creation He has graciously given is a blessing we enjoy now, and we will enjoy it eternally in a home of righteousness, if Jesus is our Savior.

Sprenger, M. (2005). How to teach so students remember. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

Willis, J. (2006). Research-based strategies to ignite student learning. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

Inaccessibly High Over “Indestructible” Anxiety

I begin with a quote of Robert J. Samuelson in a December 2010 issue of Newsweek: “From CEOs to ordinary families, we are a nation that is more cautious, more fearful, and more risk averse. This widespread and – so far – indestructible anxiety has hobbled the [economic] recovery. . .”

“Indestructible anxiety.” Wow. Perhaps those words do not really need time to sink in to your mind, because the force behind them is already there. Our world is tumultuous and burdensome. The economy has gotten the best of many otherwise stable people and companies. The relentless pressure to do more and have more has catapulted otherwise content people to the brink of insanity. From anxiety over an unhealthy body type to concern for retirement years, people are restless; citizens are panicked.

May I remind Christians of their status? We are genuine citizens of another realm. The administration of our affairs currently takes place in a domain that is transcendent. Do not take lightly the truth of Philippians 3:20 (NIV), “But our citizenship is in heaven.”

Indeed, God superintends my life from the heavenly realm. Anxiety is not indestructible, for my Lord directs the moments of my life from the throne of His indisputable authority. No stock market crash, illness, unforeseen circumstance, or injustice can thwart the plan of the God who made the universe (Genesis 1:1), owns the world (Psalm 24:1), and drives all circumstances to serve His ultimate purpose (Ephesians 1:11).

Let us make this uncannily personal. Proverbs 18:10 (NIV) proclaims, “The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.” It is true that our culture gives us much about which to be concerned. Samuelson (2010) posits, “There is a wall of worry whose cause transcends the recession’s severity. We now fear not only what we know but also what we don’t.” However, the Lord’s own name – His glory – is a strong tower to which the Lord’s children can run.

When we run, we are safe. The Hebrew term here used for “safe” means “inaccessibly high.” In other words, we run to the Lord, and He lifts us up so that we stand insurmountably above that which might destroy us! The tower of His glory is unavailable to the enemy. I picture in my mind all the worries of life reaching their icy fingers to snatch me, but they are unsuccessful because my life looms far above their grasp in the tower of God’s glory.

The key is to run to that tower. When someone runs, they are making a bold statement to all observers. A runner makes clear the necessity of his destination. When seemingly indestructible anxiety moves in on me, I cannot hesitate. I need to sprint to God’s tower without wavering. I cannot ponder other possibilities; there is no other safe place. Only God makes me inaccessibly high as He simultaneously and sovereignly rules both the universe and the intricate details of my life from His heavenly, transcendent throne.

God above is the Administrator of my affairs – not the national debt, the unemployment rate, the political landscape, the doctor’s report, the rising incidence of depression, the unjust boss, or any other entity.

We stand inaccessibly high over “indestructible” anxiety.


Samuelson, Robert, J. (2010, December 20). The flight from risk: recession’s legacy stymies recovery. Newsweek, 20.