
I have been let down
In, oh, so many ways.
Family, friend, and foe
Have slain my heart.

The reasons are quite clear,
Though the pain is just as great;
One cause is that same curse
I see in the mirror.

As I wrestle with myself
In the continued struggle with my flesh,
Disappointment does abound,
Crushing you and crushing me.

And even when we try
To stop hurting those around,
The nature of our being
prevents ultimate attainment.

We want to cure,
But we can’t heal.
We want to be there, but are prevented
By obligations and constraints.

We want to listen,
But we can only hear one person at a time.
We want to follow through,
But we grow ill and weary.

We want to promise,
But we have no control.
We want to stay,
But we all die.

Thank you, great God!
Sinless, you are;
And truly unlimited.

You can heal.
You can be there.
You can listen,
And follow through.
You can promise,
And you can stay.

You are the One –
The only One –
Who keeps His Word.

Yes, I have been let down
In, oh, so many ways.
And I have let down others
Times beyond number.

But never
Will my God let me down.

When God Calls

When God calls you to love,
Love to the end
Because God never fails.

When God calls you to hope,
Hope despite looming impossibility
Because God can do all things.

When God calls you to be a fool for His sake,
Be a fool despite the press of pride
Because God came to earth in all humility.

When God calls you to give,
Give without fear of loss
Because God is of infinite resource.

When God calls you to persevere against all odds,
Persevere despite exhaustion
Because God gives strength to the weary.

When God calls you to live for Him,
Live for Him though it sometimes appears not to matter
Because God fulfills every purpose under Heaven for His own.