God’s Got This

Plans. We all attempt to make them. We feel guilty if they go unfulfilled. We struggle to know what they should be. We race the clock to complete them. We envy those of others. Plans. They excite us and they haunt us. And in the end, we know they are ultimately out of our control.

That’s a synopsis of plans from the inside out. What about pondering plans from the outside in?

Before I was ever born, the plans were already laid for the significance of my life. Fundamentally, I had nothing to do with the blueprint of my reality. I did not yet exist when my God wrote my days in His book. Listen to the poetry of Psalm 139:16b (ESV):

    “Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there were none of them.”

Understanding the sovereignty of God and, therefore, the finality of His designing efforts is quite a comfort. Our Lord is not constrained by time and circumstance. He does not work the plan of my life from the inside out. He works it out from eternity! Time cannot thwart His projects. Confusion does not enter the scene of God’s working.

God has hand-written a book about that critical intersection of my life and the days I endure. When I wake each morning, I can know that my all-powerful Lord is central at the meeting place of each day and my existence.

I will not live an earthly day that I am not supposed to live, and I will not miss an earthly day that is planned for me. From God’s plan for my life, not one speck can be stolen.

Thrive, my friend, in the knowledge of God’s strategy. Rather than wonder in frustration about so many plans – old and new – talk to the One who is in real control. Your days were etched in His book before you were a part of this world. God’s got this.