Who Is God’s Favorite?

Students always envy the “teacher’s pet.” Siblings tease about who is mom’s favorite. Employees long to be “in good” with the boss. Why?

Clearly, teachers wield moderate power in the educational context, parents have a tremendous impact during our growing-up years, and supervisors definitely influence our professional lives. But, would you not love to be a favorite of God?

God is sovereign over every realm. Now, I understand that being the teacher’s pet has fleeting advantages, and promotions may come easier when the boss has high regard for us; but what are the infinite privileges of rapport with the One who owns galaxies, causes flowers to bloom, provides breath to all people, and decides just when and how to close out this chapter of human history and usher in a perfect world? I want an advantage with Him for sure!

Hold onto your hat, because favor with God comes in a way you might not expect . . . bearing up under suffering for doing the right thing!

For this finds favor, if for the sake of conscience toward God a person bears up under sorrows when suffering unjustly . . . but if when you do what is right and suffer for it you patiently endure it, this finds favor with God. (I Peter 2:19-20)

And there it is – simple, but not so glamorous. Straightforward and rock-solid, but not fitting the appetite of this culture. No matter, for we know the One who transcends the ebb and flow of civilization, the One who fashioned our soul with His own hands and understands that our heart’s real need is His approval.

Therefore, stand strong. Do right. Do not sway in the midst of fervent attack against virtue. Though the fury of hell comes against your soul and even brothers turn to enemies, be not dissuaded from acting rightly. Allow no excuse for sinful reaction.

Though you are mistreated, neglected, ostracized, and castigated for doing what God calls you to do; persevere with your mind fixed on Christ and your heart wholly yielded to God.

Of two things you can consequently be sure: His Spirit will fuel your arduous journey, and the favor of the Maker and Sustainer of the universe will rest on you.

No one can imagine what glorious reward awaits the person who is favored by the One who tells both galaxies and electrons what to do!