Rest, Not Religion

Salvation is rescue
– not reward.

Heaven is given
– not earned.

Obedience is reaction
– not action.

God’s burden is easy
– not oppressive.

Worship is natural
– not forced.

Joy is relational –
– not conditional.

Forgiveness is real
– not fairy tale.

Jesus died for all your sin
– not just some of it.

He asks for all your heart
– not just most of it.

God gives rest
– not religion.

Talk to Him today
– not tomorrow . . . before it is too late.

“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” – Matthew 11:28-29 (ESV)

The Only Thing We Ever Really Have

All the money in the world. Fame beyond imagination. A body to be envied. Success of unbelievable proportions. All of this is meaningless the moment we take our last breath. And, perhaps, all of this is meaningless right now. The world is filled with people who are scared on the inside because life on the outside does not provide security whatsoever.

Think about this: we cannot even guarantee we will have a heartbeat in the next five minutes. When we strip away all the pride and self-sufficiency, we realize we are helpless creatures – completely unable to secure our destinies. What do we ever really have?

All we ever really have is the opportunity to connect with our Creator. We are at His mercy; and His mercy provides the opportunity to reach out to Him and react to His desire to hold us tightly.

I cannot control the world. (That is quite an understatement!) I cannot control tomorrow. I cannot control people. I cannot control the continuance or discontinuance of my very earthly life. The Word of God makes clear that God alone owns everything and controls everything. In Psalm 24:1, David penned, “The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.”

We may rebel against God’s ultimate ownership and control, but the truth remains unchanged no matter our disagreement. Many people’s ongoing denial of the sovereignty of God keeps them up at night, causes them internal and external distress, diseases their minds with discomfort and confusion, and saps them of the energy to live.

When a person comes to terms with the simple truth that the only thing he or she has is the opportunity for relationship with God, then a person is on the road to a life worth living.

David also said in Psalm 111:10 that “the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom.” In other words, to stand in reverent awe of God – to recognize we are at His mercy – is the ultimate starting point for the wisdom necessary to navigate this world.

What is the way to the only real life there is? Admit that you are helpless in the shadow of the living Lord who created you. Ask Him to make things right between you and Him by the sacrifice of Himself – the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the second Person of the Godhead. In this sincere plea, we ask God to cover with the righteousness of Jesus our sin and inability to please Him.

What then? We rest. Isaiah proclaims in Isaiah 30:15, “In repentance and rest is your salvation.” We rest because we now finally and clearly see that the only thing we ever really had was the opportunity to connect with our Creator. Believing we are in control is a delusion, and one can never really rest in a lie. “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:32)

How Will We Rest?

How will we rest?
These racing thoughts do so entangle.

How will we rest?
These racing hearts do so encumber.

How will we rest?
Counseled to work it out, think it through, and make it happen.

How will we rest?
Striving hopelessly to look from every angle.
Striving nervously to prevail o’er every detail.

How will we rest?
Foolish, frail humanity.
Exasperated, tired humanity.
Our vanity stifles rest.

How will we rest?
We will look up.

We will see the glorious, downward flow of God’s innumerable and precious thoughts toward us.

We will stand at the base of the waterfall.

We will be washed in the reality of His immeasurably deep plans for us as they pour over our racing minds and racing hearts.

We will be covered with the infinite purposes of our infinite God.

How will we rest?
Not in our own striving.
Not in our own doing.
Not even in our own planning.

We will rest in the thoughts of God toward us.

“How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! – Psalm 139:17