Will Christians Have Knowledge of the Great White Throne Judgment?

First, we must understand that God’s judgment of people is right. Unlike human judicial systems which can make mistakes or include corruption, God’s judgment is pure and altogether fitting. We humans know amazingly little compared to God whose understanding is without limit (Isaiah 40:28). And when God takes any action of wrath, that action is centered on His holiness. His anger is right anger, unlike ours. As the Definer of all terms and Creator of all workings, God has the authority to proceed based on truth. Because He offered Himself – in Jesus – as the object of His own wrath, He is altogether right in judging those people who do not accept His sacrifice and choose to carry their guilt on their own (I Corinthians 5:21).

When God carried out the unimaginable deed of having His Son bear our sin on the Cross, the act was public. Both the unbelievers and the believers could witness the divine judgment of God that day, as Jesus took our rightful place. Three days later, Jesus rose from the grave – victorious over sin and death – and walked the earth for forty days in the presence of many. God did His work of judgment and salvation publicly on this earth. Similarly, God tells us to confess our own salvation as we believe (Romans 10:9-10).

God never has reason to be ashamed. In fact, God’s final act of judgment against Satan and those who follow him is a day of victory for righteousness. While God loves all people, He must once-and-for-all rid the heavens and earth of sinfulness. If He did not, we would forever suffer in this broken world. Our hope is a place of rightness, where God is truly and fully worshipped. Honoring His creation with dignity, God will give to unbelievers their choice – to be separated from God’s reign and plan.

With all this in mind, I am prone to think that believers will be aware of the Great White Throne Judgment as outlined in Revelation 20:11-15. Justice will be served as all of death and hell – and those whose names are not recorded in the book of life – are thrown into the lake of fire. No more will those opposed to the perfect plan of God be allowed to bring sin to the scene. Satan will have already been deposited in the lake of fire by the time of the final judgment of humans (Revelation 20:10). This ultimate judgment is what allows God to fully usher in the new heaven and new earth; wherein is no sadness, pain, or death (Revelation 21:1-4). Why? Because the source of sadness, pain, and death – sin against God – is consummately removed. For this day, we are thankful. Our true grief over this day ought to be grappled with now. We should be proclaiming the grand, overarching plan of God to every person we can. We need to make known redemption through Jesus Christ.

When we are tempted to believe God’s end plan is unfair, let us fix our perspective. Guilty humans being held accountable for the sin they commit and refuse to place by faith on Jesus is not unfair. Mind-boggling is Jesus, the God-Man, bearing the sin of others even though He had no sin! Jesus faced the wrath of God though He deserved no wrath. His punishment for us sinful people is the experience we should meet with amazement, not the punishment of humans for their own guilt.

Every person has the choice to place his sin on Jesus, rather than to be punished eternally for what we deserve. Our infinite God was able to absorb the payment for all sin in one, finite moment; while finite humans would have to go on forever in punishment for sin against a boundless God. We have the beautiful choice to bear our sin or place our sin on Jesus Christ.

All choices will be honored as God keeps His Word to provide a perfect place for His people one day. That glorious existence requires both the separation of sin and all its adherents from Heaven and justice to be served. Our witness of this will be eclipsed by what comes next, as God wipes our tears away and commences an existence for us so grand we simply cannot imagine.

Rescue from the Wrath to Come

“Jesus, who rescues us from the wrath to come.” – I Thessalonians 1:10b (NASB)

There is a wrath to come. Oddly enough, I affirm that statement with both grief and gratefulness. God does not delight in the pouring forth of His wrath (II Peter 3:9, NASB). In fact, He delights in the demonstration of mercy (Micah 7:18, NIV). As one of His children, I also do not take joy in God’s wrath, but I imperfectly grasp its necessity.

I am aware of horrible things in this current world system: children starve to death, dictators wield unjust power, people suffer with myriad debilitating diseases, parents neglect and abuse little ones, angry people kill other humans, desperate people give up on themselves, natural disasters destroy homes and lives, people speak hateful words, humans die in loneliness, entire groups wage war on nations, and some orphans never find homes. In light of these observations, I thank God that one day He will set things right and refuse to allow sin to influence anymore. The Bible makes clear that the sinfulness of human beings has brought a curse to this world. All who choose to follow the sinful nature will have to be dealt with in order for God to bring to reality a right world. All who choose to follow Jesus and accept His righteousness in exchange for their sinfulness will abide eternally in that right world (John 3:36, NASB).

At the helm of sinful choices stands Satan. He leads those who want to follow him in rebellion against God and God’s ways. He leads the march against all that is right. Satan leads the march toward destruction, because God must pour out His holy wrath on sin and all its horror. Revelation 20:10 (NASB) declares, “And the devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are also; and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.” The greatest tormentor will be tormented so that horror will finally be confined. Atrocity and pain will be imprisoned with sinful rebellion in a place of God’s making. Justice will be served so that Heaven can flourish. There is wrath to come.

Following the ultimate demise of Satan, Revelation 20:14-15 (NASB) proclaims, “Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire. And if anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.” And there we have it. All people who have chosen death instead of life by choosing sin instead of Jesus (Romans 6:23, NASB) will be confined to the same place of torment in which their leader will exist. The wrath of God Almighty will be poured forth on all the sinfulness that has perpetuated the horrible things of which I spoke earlier. God hates sin, and God hates what sin does. God also dignifies His human creatures. We are made in His image, with the freedom to choose. Sin, therefore, originates in the human heart (James 1:13-15, NIV). Unless Jesus is asked to stop it, sin continues to reign in the souls of those who choose it to be so. Therefore, the wrath of God must extend to those souls. In His mercy, God must one day eliminate sin and its indescribable damage.

Let us now focus on our hope found in the Scripture we are studying. I Thessalonians 1:10 (NASB, emphasis mine) describes our hope as “Jesus, who rescues us from the wrath to come.” Jesus Christ, the Son of God, can rescue us from this wrath. He is our Way to the right world God is preparing (John 14:1-6, NIV). We have no chance of escaping God’s wrath but by divine rescue. Ours simply cannot be a mission of self-help. There is nothing we can do to change the bent of our heart from sinfulness to righteousness; for us, only one answer exists – rescue by Jesus Christ! He alone can make our whole being brand new – apt to love and serve Him (II Corinthians 5:17, NIV).

Two millennia ago, Jesus died on the cross of Calvary to suffer the wrath of God on behalf of humans He loves. The infinite, holy God bore the wrath of the infinite, holy God so that finite, failing humans who believe in Him may enjoy eternal life rather than suffer eternal wrath. God’s holiness demands justice. Jesus offered to meet the just requirement of payment for sin on our behalf by shedding His own blood. We must now run to Him and yield our hearts and lives to Him.

I have asked Him to save me from the wrath to come by re-making me so that I am fit for righteousness through Him. His sacrifice is my only hope. Please turn to Him this moment and ask Him to save you from the wrath to come. The divine rescue of Jesus – and the needed wrath of God – work together to give us the eternal hope that we will one day suffer no more!