A Teacher’s Reflection

The job of a teacher is mysteriously all-pervasive. A real educator touches not only things academic, but things emotional, psychological, and spiritual. A teacher has a profound task as he demonstrates his life – not simply his brain – to all his students each and every day. Successful teachers are simply amazing, and their work’s difficulty is commensurate with its importance.

Perseverance is a hallmark attribute of the world’s best educators. A dedicated teacher considers the daily sacrifice required to give of oneself on so many levels, and the dedicated teacher decides the sacrifice is well worth it.

God told us in His Word that He is a “God of faithfulness” (Deuteronomy 32:4, NASB). I believe true teachers – in the right and Biblical sense of the word – beautifully reflect this critical attribute of God, His faithfulness.

To those among us who diligently plan lessons into the wee hours of the morning, who rise early to meet tired faces, who stay late to tutor the confused, who stand on their feet many hours in front of a myriad young minds, whose fingers are stained by day’s end with ink and dry erase markers, whose homes are filled with textbooks and notebooks, whose many evening hours are spent reviewing the work of the day, whose mouths are dry before lunchtime ever arrives, whose brains ache for being pulled in so many directions at once, whose heads are filled with plans to improve, and whose hearts overflow with love for those who are tomorrow’s hope; know this: you reflect the faithfulness of our God.

Though your days are both rewarding and wearisome, rejoice that you have been called to be as God is, faithful. Our Creator stands by His people through thick and thin, with patience unending. Our Creator does not abandon His people when they fail. Our Creator sees the best in His own. He strives and strives with His children at unimaginable cost.

Teacher, hold on to the high calling that is yours. Your own resources are limited, but your God’s resources are not. Our faithfulness falls short, but His is perfect. You exhibit His tenacity in your daily work. And when you grow weary, remember that you not only reflect His faithfulness; you have His faithfulness on which to depend.