Do All Good Things Really Come to an End?

I recently attended a picnic that included a fun “bouncy house” with a slide for kids to enjoy. Squeals of delight accompanied the antics of the children as they jumped and played. The picnic also included cookie decorating for kids and the time-tested water balloon battle.

As I was leaving the picnic and walking to my car in the evening, I heard a young voice about one hundred feet behind me begin to complain and then cry. This little girl wanted her mom to know that she was not at all ready to leave the bouncy house and all her friends. As the girl entered into a tantrum; I heard her mother say, “All good things must eventually come to an end.” At those words, I stopped in my tracks. I literally paused in the parking lot and thanked God that the mother’s statement was not true. Though countless people throughout the years have uttered the same sentence as this caring mother, it is simply false.

Oh, to be sure, we have all felt the pangs of good things seeming to come to an end: the last day of a great vacation arrives, darkness settles in after a glorious sunset, bad news follows a time of laughter with friends, sickness hits after a long stint of health, discontent invades after a great success, a beautiful flower fades, a loved one moves away, a friend dies, a season of life passes and only memories are left. Yes, in this life we experience loss and grief. The glimmers of goodness are invaded by a pervasive tendency toward disappointment, sadness, and loss. However, the good we experience is not a temporary blip on the computer screen of life, but rather a deep and meaningful reminder of original intentions that will be gloriously restored. Good is not flimsy and of a temporary nature; good is ultimately enduring and victorious.

Recall God’s original pronouncement of His work on the sixth day of creation, “God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good” (Genesis 1:31, NASB). Before our human nature turned against God and His plan for the cosmos, the world was very good. Of course! For, it came from a good God. This God is eternal; His goodness goes endlessly back before the start of the world. In the same way, His good will go endlessly forward at the re-creating of this world. When God finally makes His dwelling place with us (Revelation 21:3), we will experience the reality of Psalm 16:11 (NASB), “In Your presence is fullness of joy; in Your right hand there are pleasures forever.”

Did you catch the all-important words? “Fullness of joy” and “pleasures forever.” This is not the stuff of fairytales. This is truth from the Word of God. As true as John 3:16 is Psalm 16:11. God will once-and-for-all vanquish evil and allow good to prevail unhindered. Imagine! No end to righteous enjoyment! No watching the clock to see when the end of a good thing comes. No incomplete moments. No “having to leave the bouncy house.” No separating of right relationships. No goodbye. No regret. No end to good.

I urge you, then, to consider the way to be a part of God’s plan. In the first century A.D., the Apostle Paul identified the heart of the problem when it comes to goodness and our own, individual hearts. He knew the pain of goodness interrupted – of the seemingly triumphant evil. He said in Romans 7:18-20 (NIV), “I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do – this I keep on doing. Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it.”

So we see that good has its limits and end in people, too. But this is not the final chapter of the story. Even in the case of our own, human heart, “All good things do not have to come to an end.” Paul found the answer to our dilemma. When he recognized the sin himself (and, by the way, sin is the absence of good), he cried out, “What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? (Romans 7:24, NIV, 1984). Paul saw that sin brings the death of all hope and goodness. He recognized his desperate need to be delivered from sin and death. The answer reverberates through the annals of time, “Thanks be to God – through Jesus Christ our Lord!” (Romans 7:25, NIV, 1984). Unequivocally, Jesus is the One who rescues us from sin and the death of good. Because of Jesus Christ, I will one day experience “fullness of joy” in God’s presence and His divine “pleasures forever.” (Psalm 16:11)

Hold on, my friend! Allow the glimpses of good you experience now to remind you of the ultimate and enduring reality, “All good things do not come to an end.” In fact, all truly good things will go on forever when our God comes back to vanquish evil and make all things good again. No more tears of sadness then. No more tantrums or frustration. Thank you, Jesus!

Self-Esteem: The Struggle

“For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight . . . In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, . . .” – Ephesians 1:4, 7

Without citing any statistics, I make the observation that many people struggle with the issue of self-esteem. Throughout life, we meet many people who underachieve, fail to build solid relationships, and remain generally gloomy because they do not possess a solid basis for their own worth. Similarly, we sometimes encounter those among us who overcompensate for their missing sense of value by overachieving, pushing themselves on others, or touting their strong points in an unhealthy manner. No doubt self-esteem is a problem today, but the answer may not be what you think.

Self-esteem proves elusive, and so often just beyond our reach. Why? Precisely because self-esteem as a general psychological category is invalid if unrelated to God. A person who refuses to define self-esteem in the terms God establishes will not be able to harness a genuine sense of worth. He will tend to battle with his identity. She will not have a firm foundation for living and engaging the world.

Just what is the basis for healthy self-esteem? Let’s explore the following components:

1) You have been chosen by the One who really matters – by the only One who can provide meaning for your life. Ephesians 1:4 (NIV) proclaims, “For [God] chose us in him before the creation of the world . . .” Imagine, before the world was made, God had your life in His mind. Before He formed the mountains, carved out the seas, filled the sky with stars, created elephants or any other creatures; He chose you to be His own!

The world and circumstances do not give you meaning; the God who chose you before He made the universe gives you meaning. Your worth is not wrapped up in your ancestry, your career, your intelligence quotient, or your body type. Your value is defined by the Creator, who elected you to be part of His plan long before He ever fashioned human beings or breathed life into flesh.

2) You are chosen to be holy. DO NOT STOP READING HERE. Holiness is not a lackluster, religious term; it is the most exciting thing in the universe! Holiness is rooted in the concept of wholeness. We desire wholeness of body and mind, because to be whole means that something is – in fact – how it ought to be. Brokenness goes against our nature. Broken bones are bad. Broken relationships are bad. Broken hearts are bad. We long for wholeness because our God is holy. We long for Heaven because Heaven is the place where everything is right and whole.

God chose us to be holy. Ephesians 1:4 (NIV) goes on to declare, “He chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy . . .” When we aim in life for anything other than holiness, we end up disheartened. When we stake our value on something other than God’s definition of our intent, we end up feeling lost. Our purpose is to be like God and to live for His intention – holiness.

Many people mistakenly aim for happiness as their general life goal. Genuine joy will never be ours if happiness is the main pursuit of our hearts. Happiness is a by-product of holiness. Joy follows a soul that is settled on its purpose – the pursuit of God. No matter how some may try to get around it, we were chosen to be holy.

The exciting thing is that every believer can be holy through Jesus Christ! Whether you are a website designer, a teacher, a waiter, a neurosurgeon, a homemaker, an accountant, a salesman, or a mailman; we all have access to the genuine basis of self-worth – holiness. The purpose of God for human life puts all professions, all talents, all IQ levels, all socioeconomic statuses, and all personality types on level ground. We come to God through Jesus and fulfill the reason for living – holiness. Praise God that no circumstance can hold you back from your purpose!

3) You receive from Jesus Christ all that is necessary to live out your purpose. Ephesians 1:7 (NIV) declares, “In [Jesus] we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace.” The tricky thing about self-esteem is that I cannot earn my worth. Self-esteem would be better known as “Jesus-esteem.” All my value is wrapped up in the God who made me, forgave me, and enables me to be holy.

The root behind “redemption” is the notion of being bought back – being ransomed. Jesus’ death and resurrection paid for our release from sin. Not only am I forgiven, but sin no longer reigns over me. I am pronounced holy because Jesus bore the penalty of my sin. I begin the pursuit of personal holiness because Jesus defeated the power of sin on my behalf. The Holy Spirit living in me gives me what I need to be a conqueror of wrong!

4) Ironically, if you search for self-esteem by looking in yourself, it will evade you. If you focus on the greatness of God, you will find your worth. Your Creator said, “This is the one I esteem: he who is humble and contrite in spirit, and trembles at my word” (Isaiah 66:2, NIV). God Himself clearly esteems the person who is humble – the person who looks more at God than the self. Despite the world’s twisted thoughts, humility is the precursor of personal worth. God values the person who not only believes the Bible, but literally trembles at its truth. A human could have no more value than the esteem of God Almighty! Look to Him. Do not just consider the verses of Scripture included in this article as wise words of self-help; reckon them as the unfailing, living words of the Creator – able to change your life!

You ARE valuable . . . because of God. He chose you before the world was made that you might be holy. Through Jesus you have the power to live. Keep the eyes of your heart on the greatness of God. Consider His Word infinitely powerful. Talk to God now. Mention these verses to Him. Let Him give to you Jesus-esteem.

Is A Better Day Coming?

For great is your love, reaching to the heavens; your faithfulness reaches to the skies. – Psalm 57:10 (NIV)

Today I looked out my kitchen window into the leafless plum tree in my front yard. It is March 1, and only tiny buds appear on that tree, for it is not yet the official season of spring. Much to my heart’s delight, a fat, little robin was perched on one of the upper branches. Just as I spotted the bird, it began to sing to me! (Okay, maybe it wasn’t actually singing to me, but allow me to entertain the thought.) The familiar song of the common robin brought a hugely comforting feeling to my heart: spring is near!

In the dead of winter it is hard to imagine that warmer and longer days will ever arrive. With the temperatures still cool and the brown of leafless branches yet the main color of the horizon, it is also difficult to picture the vibrant activity and color of summer. Yet, the little robin reminds us that the season is surely changing. With uncanny regularity, spring follows winter. The timeless, promise of Genesis 8:27 (NIV) stands true, “As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.”

The robin’s cheerful song and orange breast on that brown branch reminded me of something else – God’s faithfulness. Flying right into the face of the cold and dormant nature of winter comes the color and activity of spring! In the same way that God is faithful to turn the seasons because of His promises, we know that He is faithful to turn our lives because of His promises. Flying right into the face of your dark and sad day will come the light and hope of a new life season. God promises to never give to us more than we can bear (I Corinthians 10:13). Even the man, Job, said, “But he knows the way I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold” (Job 23:10, NIV).

That little songbird brought to the forefront Psalm 57:10 (NIV), “For great is your love, reaching to the heavens; your faithfulness reaches to the skies.” Surely, God’s steadfast nature reaches to the very skies of our world, delivering robins to Western Pennsylvania as a deposit on the promise of summer. God’s faithfulness reaches similarly to the skies of your life, setting forth the deposit on the promise of a season of healing and joy. Ecclesiastes 3:3-4 aptly proclaims, “[There is] a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance.”

God’s faithfulness reaches to both the skies and to the most remote and broken part of our human hearts. In fact, there is no place to which His faithfulness does not extend. That is why the Psalmist could say in 57:5 (NIV), “Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let your glory be over all the earth.” As God is lifted up far past the expanse of this universe, so the hope He gives in His promises far surpasses all the difficulty we face. As He delivers the songbird at the start of spring, so He delivers hope to your heart even as your “winter” goes on. It won’t be long. He is reliable. He keeps His promise. So, let us be like the little robin in my leafless tree set against the gray sky, and let us sing – despite the current weather. For, we know spring is on the way. “I will praise you, O Lord, among the nations; I will sing of you among the peoples” (Psalm 57:9, NIV).

The Truth of Noah’s Ark: Faith Without Works is Dead

By faith Noah, when warned about things not yet seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his family. By his faith he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness that comes by faith. – Hebrews 11:7 (NIV)

Faith is defined for us in Hebrews 11:1 (NIV) as “being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” God then goes on to give us many examples of men and women of history who lived by faith. One particular case is that of Noah. Because he is such a well-known biblical figure – and because his life so concisely demonstrates the concept of “faith without works is dead” – we will explore his experience more closely.

First, understand that our culture’s typical rendition of Noah’s ark is inaccurate. Often, we are shown pictures of a small, wooden boat floating easily on calm, blue waters. A few giraffes or elephants may have their smiling heads popping out the top of the ark. Sometimes Noah and his wife are pictured waving contentedly.

In contrast, the actual ark that God instructed Noah to build was 450 feet long by 75 feet wide by 45 feet high. Nearly five times as long as the Santa Maria of Columbus’ voyage and over half the length of the Titanic, the ark was huge and had three decks. Rather than animals sailing along in a fairytale environment, the historical scene at the outset was horrifying. When the rain actually started to fall and the waters rose, I am convinced myriad people began to run for high places, climb trees, and trek up hills with their children. Stunned at the fulfillment of God’s prophetic words to Noah, so many godless people now found themselves face to face with judgment and death. As the ark tossed on the rising waters, no doubt humans were screaming as the waves engulfed them. This was a scene of horror for those outside the formidable boat. We must keep the reality of the event in mind as we continue on in our discussion of faith and works.

After God defines faith in Hebrews 11:1, He explains the working of Noah’s own faith in Hebrews 11:7 (NIV), “By faith Noah, when warned about things not yet seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his family. By his faith he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness that comes by faith.” Clearly, God warned Noah about things Noah could not see with human eyes. God said in Genesis 6:17 (NIV), “I am going to bring floodwaters on the earth to destroy all life under the heavens, every creature that has the breath of life in it. Everything on earth will perish.” This had to be difficult for Noah to comprehend, as he had never seen a flood before, and life as people then knew it had never been interrupted with sudden, deadly disaster. Yet, with sight unseen, Noah took God at His Word. Noah was warned, and he responded with holy fear. He thought deeply, was circumspect, and considered most seriously the promises and warnings of His Lord. Though the concept of a deadly, colossal flood was foreign to Noah, his faith in God was greater than his unfamiliarity with promised, future events.

Noah’s response of faith was one of action. He believed God, and so he “built an ark to save his family” (Hebrews 11:7, NIV). Building an ark of wood of this great magnitude was no easy undertaking in a world without diesel engines or readily available machinery. Working for perhaps 50-75 years, Noah, his family, and any other people he employed continued the immense undertaking of constructing an ark with three decks and all components necessary to house animal and human life. Under the sun by day and moon by night, the labor went on. Trees were chopped down, and cut, and formed into properly fitting boards. Rooms were constructed, and the boat was covered with pitch inside and out. Day after day, physical labor took place as an ark was formed. Noah’s faith resulted in the work of his hands. An ark would be the end result.

If Noah had not responded with action, his family would have perished in the flood as all other families did. God’s Word went to Noah’s heart, and Noah’s heart responded with action. Quite literally, Noah’s faith without the corresponding works would have been death. The waters would have taken him. How much clearer could the picture be of “faith without works is dead”? Noah’s spoken belief in the coming flood meant nothing unless that belief resulted in the work of his hands and life.

The concept of Noah’s genuine faith becomes even more important as we realize the connection Jesus Christ made between Noah’s day and the end times. Listen carefully to Matthew 24:36-42 (NIV):

    No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left. Therefore, keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.

Wow! Jesus Himself parallels the end of time to the days of the flood. He indicates that back in Noah’s time, people just lived life with no thought for coming judgment. They ignored Noah, the Lord’s “preacher of righteousness” (II Peter 2:5, NIV). Despite God’s Word being proclaimed by Noah, people just kept going about their daily business with no concern for God’s reality. Not until the flood hit and the ark’s door was securely closed did people truly believe God’s warning and promise. But it was far too late.

Similarly today, most people get up each day and go through the routine of life without real faith in the warning and promises of God. People brush their teeth, go to work, watch movies, celebrate birthdays, eat dinners and desserts, socialize, and care for so many possessions; and they do not consider God’s sure Word. They live as if life will always go on as it does, despite the corruption of the world and its accompanying deep-seated despair. And yet – without further warning – the end will come. Judgment will hit, God will close out this portion of history; the door of salvation will be shut. As judgment was by water the first time (In Noah’s day), so it will be by fire the second and final time (II Peter 3:3-7, NIV).

The question is, “Are you building your ark?” In other words, is your faith in God resulting in a life that is regularly, securely, and tangibly built on God’s Word? We cannot just say we believe; we must have belief that results in action, for only that kind of belief is real! Had Noah stood with arms crossed and said, “I believe the flood is coming,” but never actually started chopping down trees to build the boat, he would have perished in the waters. And we, too, will die in judgment if we only claim to have faith but do not demonstrate its genuine nature by the accompanying action.

It’s time to build the ark of safety! It’s time to demonstrate the reality of our faith by actually obeying the Word we claim to believe. We need to love unconditionally, serve without jealousy, stop gossiping, cease envying and lusting, share the Gospel in ways sincere and passionate, and shine the light of Jesus in the darkness of this world. We need to get our hands dirty and see some sweat drops pour down our faces as we work out this faith we claim to have.

Remember, Noah’s belief in God had to result in his building of the ark of safety. So, too, our faith must result in the building of our “ark.” If we truly believe, we will live out this life of holiness to God. The world will see our ark as we build it. They many mock us and look at us as if we are crazy, but we must build it in front of them. For, “Faith without works is dead” (James 2:26, KJV).

Sin Brings Death: Does That Make God Mean and Selfish?

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. – Romans 6:23 (NIV)

The consequences of sin are not the result of a mean God who delights in making miserable those who oppose Him. The consequences of sin are the result of human opposition to the definition and parameters of the only genuine life available. God created the universe out of nothing at the beginning of time. As much as we may or may not like the fact, God made it all and logically defines it all. Every bit of meaning and every operational standard for the world flows from its Creator. When we rebel against that rightful intention and those uniquely plausible standards, we shun the only life that can make sense and bring authentic joy.

For too long the church of Jesus Christ has allowed the world to think God is simply bossy and unreasonably selfish. It is time we proclaim that God is the Definer of Reality. If we go against His plan, there is simply no other plan to which we can turn except a corrupted version of the real system. God made all reality; there is no other existence outside of Him. Evil is a perversion of His good. Satan is a created being who rebelled. Therefore, when we reject God’s plan, the only option is to become miserable and purposeless. There exists no separate created order where we can define the ways of life and righteousness. We are in God’s cosmos.

Think of it in terms of the simplicity of an automobile. When I drive one, I must operate the vehicle according to the designer’s thoughts. For instance, I will be in big trouble if I say, “Instead of the brake pedal, I choose to use the left turn signal to stop the car.” A severe crash may ensue. Similarly, I won’t be going anywhere if I decide, “I don’t care what the manual says; I am using the radio volume control to accelerate the vehicle.” We find we must operate the automobile according to the designer’s plan if we want a chance of effective driving. When it comes to effective living, we must operate according to the plan of the Grand Designer, the God of the Bible.

Death is the result of sin because God is the Giver of Life. If I go against the Creator, there exists no other life to which I can turn. Death is the only other option. It reminds us of Peter’s response to Jesus’ question when many disciples were walking away from the Lord because of His hard teachings, “You do not want to leave, too, do you?” Peter replied, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life” (John 6:67-68, NIV). In other words, Peter was clearly stating that there exists no one else to turn to for true and everlasting life. If we walk away from Jesus, we walk to destruction.

The Good News is found in Romans 6:23 (NIV), “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” After we have turned away from God and die spiritually, that death can be overcome by God alone. Only He can make dead people live. Sick people may have a chance at helping themselves get better, but dead people can do nothing to bring back life. It takes God to restore spiritual life. That is precisely why God put on human flesh and came to our world. As a human, Jesus could pay the price for the sin of people; as God, He can give life back to us. The turning away from God is resolved by turning back to Him in the Person of Jesus Christ. Look to Jesus today. He can forgive your sin and give you a new chance to live according to the only plan that works.

Why Did God Make People?

May the glory of the LORD endure forever; may the LORD rejoice in his works. – Psalm 104:31 (NIV)

A three-year-old recently asked his mom, “Why did God make people?” How should this loving mom answer her son? Why exactly did God make people? Let’s explore the answers and then put them into toddler terms.

Adult Discussion:

God is self-existent. He is the great “I Am.” God was not created by anyone, but rather He created all things out of nothing by His Word (Exodus 3:14; Psalm 33:6,9; Hebrews 11:3). He is eternal and self-sustaining, never growing tired or weary and of infinite understanding. (Isaiah 40:28) When we combine the thought of His eternality with the statement “God is love,” we realize He must have been love always – even in eternity past (1 John 4:8). He certainly was and is love! Because He is triune (1 Peter 1:2), we realize that Father, Son, and Spirit have been in perfect relationship – loving one another always.

When we combine the information above, we discern a few things we can rightfully say to a child about God. We want to be careful not to minimize God by giving children wrong answers. Let’s begin the children’s discussion with the first two points of four:

Children’s Discussion:

1) God did not create us because He was lonely. The Father and Jesus and the Holy Spirit have loved one another forever. God was never alone because He is three persons in One! The Father and Son and Spirit could always talk and be together.

2) God did not create us because He needed us. God does not need anything or anyone. We are the ones who need Him for everything! We would not even be able to breathe if God wasn’t causing our bodies to work (Acts 17:25). God does not need sleep or vitamins or food or anything. He made everything, but no one made Him! He is always strong enough to hold the whole world together and He never even gets tired.

Adult Discussion:

God’s creation brings Him glory. It is right that the holy, self-existent God of the universe be magnified and shown for who He truly is. Psalm 19:1 (NIV) tells us, “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands.” The grandeur of creation gives us hints of God’s greatness. How much more, then, do human beings show God’s greatness? For, Psalm 8:5-6 (NIV) proclaims of man “You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor. You made him ruler over the works of your hands; you put everything under his feet.” We, as humans, are placed over creation. Therefore, we sound forth by our existence the glory of God even more than other created things. We are made in God’s own image. Colossians 1:16 affirms that absolutely everything was made by Jesus and for Jesus. Our purpose is wrapped up in Him. Very clearly, Psalm 104:1-30 (NIV) declares the greatness of many facets of God’s creation and then culminates with the statement in verse 31, “May the glory of the LORD endure forever; may the LORD rejoice in his works.” We see again here that God’s creation is for His glorification, and He rejoices in what He has made.

Children’s Discussion:

3) Even though we think a lot about ourselves because we are sinners, the world and people are supposed to make us think about God. He is the only One powerful enough to make everything, and He deserves to be thought about. A cute little ladybug should make us think about Jesus and all the neat things He makes! The stars at night should make us think about God and how He is so big and how He is everywhere! Just like ladybugs and stars should make people think about Jesus, our life should make people think about God, too! We were made to point people to how awesome God is!

Adult Discussion:

Revelation 21:1-7 (NIV) shows us what is God’s final plan for both the cosmos and human beings. Having come the first time to earth to stand in our place and pay the price for our sin, Jesus will return to earth a second time to finally and completely remake the world as He intended it before we willfully rebelled against His plan. These verses amazingly reveal to us the heart of God. We are able to see what God desires once our sin and its effects are totally removed from the picture. What God always wanted is spelled out clearly in verses 3-5: “Now the dwelling of God is with men, and He will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. He who was seated on the throne said, ‘I am making everything new!'” We realize here what we lost after the fall of man in the Garden of Eden. We lost our true, unbroken walk with God Almighty. Though we can currently have relationship with Him through Jesus, and His Spirit comes to live in us; there is a day coming when God the Father will “set up shop” right with us! With no fear, regret, or sorrow, we shall walk unhindered with God – always in His incomparable presence!

Children’s Discussion:

4) God made us so that we could have Him as our very best friend! He knows we are the most happy when we are very, very close to Him. On this old Earth, people do not love Jesus like they should. We forget about God too much. We are selfish. But in the New Heavens and New Earth, God will take away sin and all the sad things. No one will want to be apart from Jesus. He will be closer to us than ever, and that is why everyone will be happy forever! No one will get hurt or fight or be sad. Since this is what God wants to happen – and since He will make it happen one day – we should try to make Him our best friend now. He made us to feel right and happy when we walk very close with Him.

Deep Waters of the Heart

The National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration reports that 95% of the seas remain unexplored and unseen by human eyes. Yet, Psalm 104:24-29 tells us that our God is currently sustaining every creature of the ocean. Psalm 139:1-4 also proclaims that God has searched each one of us and knows us intimately. What does this mean for our own lives? I pray this poem helps us realize:

Deep and murky waters
Yet largely unexplored
Holding strange and diverse creatures
Skimming ocean floors.

No human eye has glimpsed
All your spaces, oh, so broad;
Your expanse while truly finite
Is largely left untrod.

The seas contain such creatures
As small as plankton all adrift,
As large as whales whose tails
Above the waves do lift.

Ocean, you are vast
Containing mystery profound,
An environment so odd to us
Who traverse mainly solid ground.

Yet God is ever-watchful
Down in the depths obscure;
He feeds each curious creature
That swims below, beyond the shore.

Though humans stand mainly unaware
Of sundry species in the seas,
God sustains through each second
Every single one of these.

Numbered and known by their Creator
All swimming creatures are fed
By He who told the very oceans
How far their boundaries could spread.

As life above the sea goes on
And we grasp so little of what’s below,
So life outside our heart goes on
And our depths we do not show.

How glorious a thought, then,
That God, who feeds the creatures of the deep,
Searches out this heart of mine
Though the crags inside be steep.

Even I do not understand
The depths of my own heart;
But God is down where I cannot see
Sustaining every part.

Sea creatures thrive far down below
Without human intervention;
My soul goes on despite confusion
For my life is God’s intention.

Swim on, beautiful creature
In the deep waters of the sea;
For God sees every move you make
And sustains you constantly.

Live on, beautiful child of God
Though you do not understand;
For God sees every part of you
And still holds tightly to your hand.

The End of the World as We Know It

“Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be?” – II Peter 3:11 (NIV)

A definite, predetermined, cataclysmic event awaits us. It is not far off, as understood in the context of God’s plan. The world knows it will happen; though people may refer to vague and remote catastrophes such as the earth falling into the expanding sun after a few billion years, or a massive asteroid impact, or dreaded and deadly nuclear war, or a black hole disaster, or any other number of proposed life-ending episodes.

No matter what people propose as the method, something in human nature points to a general feeling of the temporary nature of this world as we currently know it. In their suspicion of final destruction, humans are right. However, the circumstances and the ultimate result are critical.

The infallible Word of God reports to us the glaring and glorious reality: everything of this earth as we know it will be destroyed. Peter is specific, “The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything in it will be laid bare” (II Peter 3:10, NIV). As straightforward as this message is and as threatening as it sounds, God tells us to look forward to this earth’s end (II Peter 3:12). Why? Because the dissolution of what is imperfect and painful means a rebuilding into what is perfect and delightful. Jesus must clear the old to make room for the perpetually new!

Getting back to the heartbeat of Peter’s theme of introspection here, we listen to him say once again, “Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be?” Wow. This is one serious, life-altering question. Everything of this earth and heavens is going to be consumed by fire – absolutely everything. What, then, should be my focus? What should my life look like? What should constitute the moments of my days, the thoughts of my mind, and the affections of my heart?

My life would be quite radical in comparison to the average life if I honestly lived by the proposition that this current world system is headed for a colossal undoing. Does the constant redecorating of my house just to keep up with current trends really matter? Does a scratch on my new car bother me more than the sin in my own heart? Is my investment in another vacation or summer home important compared to my investment in the seeking of lost souls in this life? Are hours of television viewing a worthy endeavor compared to the saturation of my mind with the living Word of God? To put it another way, what am I doing? What kind of person am I?

A temptation of the enemy is to get us to live moments in light of the here and now, rather than in light of the immense change just on the horizon. Hebrews 10:37 (NIV) describes it this way, “For in just a very little while, ‘He who is coming will come and will not delay.'” He will come in just a very little while. Though the end of this current world seems so far away, it comes upon us quickly. Our timeless God does not view events as we do. He knows Jesus will be coming back soon. We need to listen to God’s truth and prepare ourselves in light of what He knows – not what our opinion or feeling is. We may not sense the return of the Lord while we brush our teeth in the morning, but the truth remains. Though I do not always feel the reality of the impending eradication of the world, I need to operate according to that truth.

The entire Bible is God’s Word. Everything will be destroyed. Then righteousness will reign in the Person of Jesus Christ. So, what kind of person should I be?

What Fallen Bridges Tell Us About God

On August 1, 2007, the I-35W Bridge in Minnesota collapsed into the Mississippi River, killing thirteen people and injuring 145 others. This human tragedy is devastating, with consequences of death. Research points to miscalculation of gusset plate width as the reason the bridge collapsed.

Gusset plates are thick sheets of steel that provide strength at the intersection of beams. Apparently, the gusset plates used on the I-35W Bridge were not thick enough to support the added weight of construction vehicles and concrete that would come with time and use. It is essential for engineers to use exact calculations and mathematical formulas when building bridges. The physical universe only accepts true and accurate work; otherwise, disaster ensues. In medicine as well as construction, precision is necessary. Diabetics suffer physically and may die with a miscalculation of insulin dose, for example. The Creator of the universe has chosen to have the physical world operate according to mathematical and physical laws; this situation reflects His unchanging, reliable disposition.

Supernatural God runs the natural world with serious precision. Proper functioning requires uncompromised accuracy. If God has made this true of the natural realm, how much more is it true of the supernatural realm; for, the supernatural is more real than the physical! God Himself is supernatural, and the One from Whom all reality flows. His spiritual working requires exactitude to the same or greater degree than His tangible working. Certainly, the consequences of spiritual errors are infinitely graver than even the catastrophe of inaccuracy in the physical world. Injury and death are horrors, for sure; but the calamity of a lost soul in eternity trumps all earthly afflictions.

And so, with an urgent heart, the Apostle Paul calls to us in Philippians 1:9 (NASB), “And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in real knowledge and all discernment.” Do you see the connection here between love and knowledge? To Paul – and to God – love is not a feeling. Love grows in real knowledge. The building of a spiritual life requires unequivocal accuracy. If we think bridge building requires right engineering processes, how much more does soul building require right spiritual processes?

Our relationship to God must be built on truth! We need to study His Word as an engineer studies math and science to ensure design and construction according to reality. Our spiritual lives must be built on right knowledge. This will require sacrifice of time and effort. The risk is not physical injury or death, but spiritual injury and eternal death. The stakes are high, and it is time for Christians to take seriously the call for our love to abound in real knowledge and all discernment.

The church of Jesus Christ seems to be missing the call to methodical, intentional, and precise training in spiritual knowledge. Dean (2010) comments on the problems presented in the National Study of Youth and Religion,

    We “teach” young people baseball, but we “expose” them to faith. We provide coaching and opportunities for youth to develop and improve their pitches and SAT scores, but we blithely assume that religious identity will happen by osmosis, emerging “when youth are ready” (a confidence we generally lack when it comes to, say, algebra). (15)

We would not allow our loved ones to drive over bridges that we knew were designed without proper knowledge of or regard for mathematical principles. We trust that bridges are designed by professionals who have invested much time and effort into a solid education in the field of engineering. Here are some pivotal questions: Are we allowing our loved ones to drive over spiritual bridges designed and built on patchwork theology? Are we truly investing in a serious understanding of God as revealed in His Word? How much time do we spend intentionally growing in real knowledge? Do our children know sports better than the revelation of God Almighty? Do we require they know algebra well, but settle for a haphazard understanding of the things of God?

Jesus once said to an earnest inquirer named Nicodemus, “If I told you earthly things and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you heavenly things?” (John 3:12, NASB) In other words, the earthly points to the heavenly, which is far deeper and greater. Think bridges – fallen bridges. What is God saying to us through the physical, mathematical knowledge required for safety? He is telling us to get serious about biblical knowledge. Fallen souls are far more costly than fallen bridges.

Reference: Dean, K. C. (2010) Almost Christian: What the Faith of our Teenagers Is Telling the American Church. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

The Paradox of Life

Even if you appear to be “losing” according to the standards of culture, you may – in fact – be gaining everything. If you sacrifice your time, your passion, your money, and your reputation for the sake of Jesus; you will be given back more than you can ever imagine.

It is the paradox of all paradoxes. This life inversion is one the world cannot wrap its collective mind around. Working contrary to everything this world system understands, the biblical principle of “losing to save” truly turns things upside down for the faithful follower of Jesus Christ. Although the general world philosophy under an antichrist mindset instructs us to do all we can for ourselves – looking out for the health and well-being of number one – God makes clear it is only in sacrificing me to His will that I gain anything at all. No wonder Darwinian survival-of-the-fittest and pantheistic “inner divinity” take root so easily. All of Hell stands against the truth of God, and Jesus Himself proclaimed how narrow and difficult is the way of truth and life (Matthew 7:13-14).

But Hell shall not triumph! God’s truth – of which the ultimate end has not yet been seen – will prevail. This is what God has spoken in two contexts in one Gospel. First, Luke 9:24 (NASB): “For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake, he is the one who will save it.” The Greek root for “save” has a rich meaning, including: keep safe and sound, rescue from danger, restore to health, and preserve from destruction. The root for “lose” is shamelessly direct: destroy, abolish, kill, render useless, perish, and be lost. Okay, so whoever seeks to preserve his own life for any reason at all will ultimately lose his life. Work, scrape, continue on in your futile attempt to preserve your life from destruction; but your end is determined. Building up a large reserve of cash, visiting the gym five days a week, stockpiling for nuclear disaster, accumulating a list of good deeds done, and sheer self-will cannot preserve your life. In the end, all will be lost.

Paradoxically, if we lose our life for one particular reason – for the sake of Jesus – we will save it! Right! If I abolish my own life for the cause of Christ, I save my life. Remember that “save” here is a wonderful and all-encompassing word. My life will be rescued from danger, I will be restored to wholeness and health, I will see no destruction come upon me, and I will be safe and sound! Amen! The fullness of the promise is not realized in a world awaiting full redemption, but this salvation will be completely released on me one glorious day!

The woman who loses her life for Christ is the one who yields her time and affection to her Savior. Perhaps she is the one willing to choose investment in proclamation of the Gospel over investment in things that glitter. Maybe she is the one taking time to love the forgotten instead of seeking ways to be admired. She chooses to pray instead of indulge, for Jesus bids her come. The man who allows his life to be lost for Jesus’ sake is the one who dedicates His strength to things eternal. He does not grasp what he has with a tight fist, but He gives of himself that others might really know God’s love through him. He values the Word of God more than the musings of man or the entertainment of the world.

We see Jesus’ second declaration of the greatest paradox in Luke 17:33 (NASB). The context here is the end of this age; Jesus is clearly speaking of the future and His return. He now says in a most straightforward manner, “Whoever seeks to keep his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life will preserve it.” Here the selfish word is “keep,” and it can mean “make to remain for oneself” or “get for one’s self; purchase.” In other words, the person who is clutching to all he can for selfish gain will find himself with nothing in the end – not even peace at death. However, the one who loses her life for Jesus will preserve it! The Greek for “preserve” is glorious . . . “to bring forth alive, to give life.” Not even death can stop the power of God in the life of a person who has yielded his being, his possessions, his time – his everything – to Jesus. God will bring that person forth in vibrant, perfected life one day!

In mathematics, we call a function that “undoes” a given function an inverse function. The inverse literally produces the opposite effect of the original. The graphs of inverse functions are mirror images of one another about an axis. Picture this: giving your life away to Jesus will literally be “undone” by God. What you gave will be gained! What you lost will be found! If you are discouraged because all you now see is the loss you suffer for the cause of Christ, picture on the other side of the “axis” a point exactly opposite of where you are. Pain becomes joy. Loss of time becomes gain of eternity. Ridicule becomes honor. Poverty becomes riches. Weariness becomes strength. Clearly – oh, so clearly – he who loses will find!

What if the Sun Went Dark?

We count on the rising of the sun. We take for granted that the moon will shine at night. We expect the stars to stay in place, twinkling through the darkness. Though humans may never ponder exactly why we hold these assumptions, the clear answer is the created order of our God. The Creator “gives the sun for light by day and the fixed order of the moon and the stars for light by night . . . the LORD of hosts is his name” (Jeremiah 31:35, ESV). Yes, He is the Lord of hosts! He is the Master of that which goes forth, including angelic beings and heavenly bodies.

Precisely because the order of the heavens is so regular and very much taken for granted, the words of Matthew 24:29 (ESV) ring forebodingly in our ears, “Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.” Imagine it. Whether we take these words of Jesus literally, figuratively, or as a combination of the two, Christ means for us to know that He is going to shake things up in a way as never before. The natural ordinances on which we had depended will suddenly evaporate, as God Almighty displays His power for judgment, accountability, and newness. The Boss of the sun and stars will demand the heavenly bodies change their course and usher in a cataclysmic shift to a new order. As radically as Jesus Christ can make a person’s spirit new by the power of His blood, so will he radically recreate the cosmos.

Make no mistake about it; the beginning of the miraculous change is marked by fundamental, unexpected feats and by a judgment that will shock unbelievers at their core. Matthew 24:30 (ESV) goes on to instruct, “Then will appear in heaven the sign of the Son of Man, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.” Notice the word “mourn.” People from every part of the earth will wail as they realize – once and for all – that Jesus changes everything. Sadly, unbelievers will then know that God will be recognized for who He is, whether willingly in the present, or by mandate in the future. All the world will ultimately realize what believers now know – Jesus is in charge!

On that day, the clouds of heaven will not float peacefully against a blue sky. Rather, the clouds will escort the very Son of Man to the earth He has created. With power and glory untold, Jesus will begin the necessary task of judging wrong and rewarding right. He will return to do what He has promised – deliver His people from a twisted existence to enjoy Him forever.

Are you ready for the essential, inexplicable change about to occur in the heavens? When you see Jesus, will you grieve because you have not responded to His forgiveness, or will you rejoice in that power and great glory which will materialize just as He promised?

The shakeup is coming. The next time you stand in the light of that old sun, or dream upon a star, or delight in the moon’s glow; think about the words of Jesus Christ. He means what He says.

Inverting the Flow of Life

We have things a bit turned around in our world, inverting the proper flow of life. It seems some of us Christians seek to accumulate earthly goods, access many avenues of entertainment, secure successful career paths, and fill our families’ lives with countless activities which are meant to lead to healthy self-esteem and proper socialization. These pursuits appear to come first, followed by the occasional or regular prayer to invoke the blessing of God on the myriad endeavors. We, as good Christians, seek the Lord to bless our fast-paced, culture-driven lives.

Starkly contrasted to this rhythm, the heart of the endeared apostle Paul streamed in the opposite direction. He spoke clearly in Colossians 4:2 (NIV), “Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” Paul endured the gloom of Roman imprisonment when he penned this directive, and his heart was sure of one fact – all of life and its activities follow after a soul fixed on God’s ideals. We ought to have a permanent bent in our attitude. We ought not to jump from one pursuit to the next event without knowing our very heart is stayed on God. Do we arise in the morning clearly cognizant of His Lordship and His promises? Are we determined to know His Word in such a way as it boldly jumps to the forefront in our moments of rest and moments of work?

Lips moving and words spoken are one way to pray – and a pivotal one. However, prayer is also a state of mind. The God of all reality should be the most important consideration in all things. Am I devoted to prayer, or am I devoted to an “acceptable life”? Am I devoted to prayer, or am I devoted to “success”? Am I devoted to prayer, or am I devoted to busyness? Am I devoted to prayer, or am I devoted to the escape from boredom? Am I devoted to prayer, or am I devoted to me?

Without basic freedom and suffering for His faith in Jesus, Paul pronounces that prayer is to be coupled with watchfulness and thankfulness (note again Colossians 4:2 . . . “Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful”). Even while jailed, Paul recognizes the need to be vigilant – to refuse to drift through life or allow circumstances to pull us along. Rather, we must remain alert, aware of the human tendency to drop to status quo – mediocrity. We are to be consciously aware of the condition of our heart and the spiritual realm surrounding. Life is so much more than what we eat and drink and watch on television. We are to be constantly asking, “What is God up to?” and “How are the spiritual forces of wickedness seeking to divert God’s work in my life”?

When Jesus’ own disciples fell asleep just hours before His arrest, Jesus told them, “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak” (Matthew 26:41, NIV). As the disciples dozed, Jesus was getting ready to change eternity by His death and resurrection. Could they not stay alert? Realizing our bodies tend to spiral downward in devotion, Jesus emphasized the spirit’s dominance and agrees with Paul in declaring we need to watch and pray. Amazingly, Jesus is about to change eternity again by coming back to this earth to gather His own people to Himself and usher in His grand remaking of heaven and earth. When He returns, will we, too, be sleeping and resting? Are we so slothful and unaware of God’s working in the world? We have it backwards. Life is not about the filling of moments with our own plans and procedures, but a focus on God Almighty, whose plan overpowers all!

We notice Paul adds thankfulness to his watchful and prayerful demeanor. We note so little gratitude among people in today’s world – even believers. Perhaps we are not thankful because we are focusing on our own work rather than the mysterious work of God. My preoccupation does not make me thankful, but my meditation on the moment-by-moment, righteous working of God causes my heart to leap! Things may not always truly be as they appear. Yes, Paul was in prison, but God’s inexplicable joy and future hope pervaded Paul’s soul. The Gospel rang out loudly to innumerable people. We, too, may live in muddled times. The answer is not changed circumstances, but a heart devoted to prayer with watchfulness and thankfulness.