
Truly, Where Is Your Trust?

Just some weeks into the Israelites’ adventure in the wilderness following their miraculous exodus from Egypt, God’s people began grumbling against Moses and Aaron because they were hungry. Recall that these people had watched God send massive plagues (including the plague of death) to ensure their freedom from Pharaoh, they had seen the application of blood over their doorposts stop the death angel cold in his tracks, and they had watched with mouths agape as God divided the sea in half for their safe pilgrimage. And still, the Israelites make the wrong assumption that God has brought them all this way to kill them (Exodus 16:3).

As they continue complaining about their hunger, I can only imagine God’s thoughts. If I were God (and – wow – are we thankful I am not), I would have looked at the lot of them and said, “You ungrateful brats! Don’t you see what I have done? Do you really believe I have rescued you to kill you?” Thankfully, this is not what God says. I, myself, am particularly grateful for this fact; for I am one of the ungrateful, unbelieving brats.

God answers their complaining doubt by saying, “Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you” (Exodus 16:4). God is truly “something else,” isn’t He? It truly is all about Him. Even after I have trusted Him for salvation, I still fail. But God is faithful!

The detail we should highlight here is God’s prescription for the manna. He told the Israelites to collect enough for each day one day at a time. (Exodus 16:4) Throughout the week, they were to collect only enough for the day at hand and not stockpile it for the next day. Moses reiterated, “Let no man leave any of it until morning” (Exodus 16:19).

As we can imagine (because we know ourselves well), some of the people left manna from one day until the following morning. The results were very repulsive. The manna left over for the next day “bred worms and became foul” (Exodus 16:20). Smelly manna teeming with maggots is not what the Israelites had in mind! Yet, this was the result for those who tried to carry one day’s portion into the next day.

The question becomes, “Why?” Why did God do this? The answer is clear and confirmed in many other portions of the Bible. God wants us to trust Him and not ourselves and all our efforts.

People who hoarded the bread for the next day either did not believe God would rain down manna in the morning as He promised, or they did not believe God would give them strength the next day to go collect it. Either way, they did not trust the Living Lord. My friends, He wants us to know that He will be there tomorrow morning with all the provision of food, strength, and sanity that we need. We are not to work by our own efforts to devise a way to survive; relationship with and trust in God are our only ways to survive.

Jesus confirms this emphasis in the Gospel of John, Chapter 6. When large crowds cross a body of water to be with Him, He does not employ “seeker-friendly” techniques. He chastises the crowd by informing them that they have followed Him for the wrong reasons; they have only come because their hungry stomachs had been filled when He had performed the miracle with the fish and bread. Jesus proceeds to tell the crowd, “I am the living bread that came down out of heaven” (John 6:51a).

The crowd was into following Jesus because of His miracles that satisfied their fleshly desires. The people even brought up the miracle of manna in the wilderness of which we have been speaking (John 6:31). But Jesus was sure to emphasize that though the recipients of this manna had eaten it, they still died an earthly death. The physical manna was not the key. The key is trust in the God who gives the manna.

Jesus told the crowd He is the Living Bread. He is letting us know that we should trust the one who never sleeps, never gets ill, never gives up, and never dies. God is alive. God will be there in the morning when we awake to give to us everything we need to live the next day. Do not mistrust Him by trying on your own to make things work and trying to ensure your own destiny. Jesus is alive. If we trust Him, He will provide – one moment at a time.

Be sure of this, any plans or efforts employed outside of pure trust in Him will produce repulsive results, similar to the manna teeming with maggots. However, the person who trusts in the Living God – and follows His instructions by faith – will see provision at all times.

“Then the LORD said to Moses, ‘Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you; and the people shall go out and gather a day’s portion every day. . .'” – Exodus 16:4 (NASB)

Against All Odds

For various reasons, it can be difficult at times for people to keep their word. Additionally, people sometimes refuse to keep their word even though they could. Our culture has grown a generation of people who barely know what it means to be a “person of your word.” It seems the days are gone when a simple handshake insures a promise kept.

Despite the instability of human nature, I assure you that God keeps His Word. Given the nature of His being, it is impossible for God to change or go back on His Word. For God to be God, He must be perfect. For Him to change His mind or go back on His Word would mean He could somehow possibly improve through a change. God cannot improve. He is infinite and holy. If you posit anything other than a perfect God, you no longer have God. You have someone or something less than our true, self-sustaining, perfect God.

The God of the Bible keeps His Word. We observe that He has kept His Word against all odds throughout history to date. Namely, Jesus has already fulfilled approximately three hundred prophecies concerning Him. I will give just two examples. As I describe the examples, bear in mind that the Bible is not really one book. It is, in fact, a collection of sixty-six books written over a period of 1,500 years by more than forty human authors on three continents and in three languages. This is a vital fact to remember when we discuss fulfilled prophecy.

Micah, the prophet, wrote circa 700 B.C. He prophesied that the Messiah would be born in the obscure town of Bethlehem (chapter five, verse 2). Jesus was born in Bethlehem in the first century A.D. (Matthew 2:1-7). This prophetic detail proved accurate, though the span of time between prediction and fulfillment was 750 or more years.

David prophesied in Psalm 22:16 that the Messiah would be crucified. Though crucifixion did not yet exist at the time of David’s writing (circa 1000 B.C.), the prophecy was fulfilled more than one thousand years later!

The examples above are just two of more than three hundred that could be mentioned. Keep in mind how difficult it is to predict details of the distant future. If I were to predict rain tomorrow and you actually encountered raindrops, you might not think me too amazing. However, if I were to predict rain on the afternoon of April 12 in the year 2053 and it actually happened, you might say, “Wow! Shelli is amazing!” But what if I correctly predicted rain on April 12, 2053, in a 12.5 mile radius of Greensburg, Pennsylvania, at exactly 4:09 in the afternoon for seven minutes and thirty-two seconds? Then you might proclaim, “That Shelli has supernatural ability!” In other words, the more details I add and the longer the time frame spanned, the more difficult – against the odds – the correct prediction of the future becomes.

The God of the Bible has made more than three hundred detailed prophecies concerning His Son, Jesus Christ, which have already come true. Lee Strobel has nicely outlined in his book, The Case for Christ (Student Edition), the findings of Dr. Peter Stoner. Dr. Stoner and some of his students worked to calculate the mathematical probability of fulfilled prophecy. It has been estimated that the probability of Jesus fulfilling in His earthly lifetime just eight of the Biblical prophecies about Him is one in 10 to the seventeeth power. That is a chance of one in one hundred million billion! To better visualize these astronomical odds, picture the following scenario.

Pretend that we cover the surface of the entire earth with 1.5 inch square tiles. We cover not just the state of Wyoming in these small tiles – not just the land surface of North America – but we coat every inch of land on the entire planet. We decide at the outset to mark the underside of just one of these tiles with a gold star. Then, much to his chagrin, we send a young man out to roam the seven continents for the rest of life. As he nears one hundred years old, we ask him to bend over – wherever he now happens to be located – and pick up one of the tiles. The chance of him selecting the only tile marked with a gold star is one in one hundred million billion!

As you begin to grasp by the above example, the chance of Jesus fulfilling just eight of the prophecies about Him defies all odds. Consider that the chance of him fulfilling forty-eight prophecies grows to a staggering one in 10 to the power of 157! This would be like choosing one particular electron out of all the known electrons in all the known mass of the universe! God certainly keeps His Word against all odds.

As if all of this is not exciting enough, we now use God’s track record to remind ourselves that He will continue to keep His Word against all odds. Despite the daily routine of life and all its problems, despite the fact that so many people cannot possibly believe it’s true, and despite the fact that even many Christians do not consider it a vital part of everyday thinking; God will keep His Word on the second coming of Jesus just as He has kept His Word on Jesus’ first coming to earth. The three hundred prophecies that have already been fulfilled by Jesus’ first invasion into space and time inspire us to know that He is coming back again to fulfill all the Bible’s truth!

Here is one thing God has told us about Jesus that we are yet to see: “For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever” (I Thessalonians 4:16-17, NIV). Can you even imagine this scene? Thank God for the day when we will rise with new, glorified bodies to be with our Lord in the New Heavens and New Earth! Does this sound too good to be true? Remember, God fulfills His Word though it seems impossible.

Or how about the fact that God has promised the following historical event? “Look, he [Jesus] is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him; and all the peoples of the earth will mourn because of him. So shall it be! Amen. I [Jesus] am the Alpha and the Omega, says the Lord God, ‘who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty’” (Revelation 1:7-8).

If God has kept His Word against all odds – and if He is perfect and immutable (changeless) – then certainly He will keep His Word now and in the future. I trust today the God who said in the first century A.D., “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5b).

Do you believe in the God of the Bible? Pour over Isaiah chapter forty. Refresh your confidence in God’s unchanging and holy nature. If He is truly God, then He can do nothing other than keep His Word. History and mathematics demonstrate His ability beyond the natural realm to be faithful to His promises.

Trust Him for today and tomorrow, for He has a proven track record!


I have been let down
In, oh, so many ways.
Family, friend, and foe
Have slain my heart.

The reasons are quite clear,
Though the pain is just as great;
One cause is that same curse
I see in the mirror.

As I wrestle with myself
In the continued struggle with my flesh,
Disappointment does abound,
Crushing you and crushing me.

And even when we try
To stop hurting those around,
The nature of our being
prevents ultimate attainment.

We want to cure,
But we can’t heal.
We want to be there, but are prevented
By obligations and constraints.

We want to listen,
But we can only hear one person at a time.
We want to follow through,
But we grow ill and weary.

We want to promise,
But we have no control.
We want to stay,
But we all die.

Thank you, great God!
Sinless, you are;
And truly unlimited.

You can heal.
You can be there.
You can listen,
And follow through.
You can promise,
And you can stay.

You are the One –
The only One –
Who keeps His Word.

Yes, I have been let down
In, oh, so many ways.
And I have let down others
Times beyond number.

But never
Will my God let me down.

Quite the Opposite of a Cop-Out

I believe the first rule of genuine Christian leadership is a precept some may label a cop-out. God does not classify it this way; God describes this principle as truth. Here is the rule: Your reward is secure with God and will not be fully realized this side of eternity. Corollary to the rule: You will at times feel exhausted and discouraged, but these are only feelings; the truth remains unassailable.

Isaiah 49:4 proclaims, “But I said, ‘I have toiled in vain, I have spent My strength for nothing and vanity; yet surely the justice due to Me is with the LORD, and My reward with My God.’” Interestingly, the prophet Isaiah has done here something for which he is known well. He is speaking generally to the people of his time, but He is also speaking specifically of the Messiah. As it is true of Jesus, so it is true of His servants. We grow weary from all the fury Hell can bring and we grow disheartened from all the loneliness of leadership and its unique responsibility. And yet again, as it is with Jesus, so it is with us. The Father promises to do right in the end. The sovereign Lord is working His plan, and He will bring the reward swiftly and surely.

Do you ever have days where the phrases “toiled in vain” and “spent My strength for nothing” seem all too familiar? If we are only focusing on what we can see with our eyeballs right now, we will no doubt feel empty at times. However, if we focus on a reward currently invisible but nonetheless tangible, we will grasp the sense of the phrase, “surely the justice due to Me is with the Lord, and My reward with My God.”

I am not sure why it is that at times even Christians give into the perception of “pie in the sky stuff” when it comes to belief in a reward in another world. I think part of the reason is a culture foolishly enamored with a definition of success realized by numbers, profit, and popularity. Standing in stark contrast to the belief of many, a reason that God says He is not ashamed of us is that we “desire a better country, that is, a heavenly one” (Hebrews 11:16). Imagine – God is proud of us for desiring the reality of Heaven! This verse does not proclaim God’s pride in us for what we achieve or desire here and now, but He is proud when we desire our heavenly home and all its reward and glory.

Though all human accolade be withheld, we shall yet stand before God and be delighted by the faces of those who have been greatly or even remotely affected by our service to Jesus Christ. They heard one word we spoke, they watched one godly reaction of ours, they felt our Savior’s love through our hug, they observed a life of passion for eternal things, they benefitted from our offering to the work of God, they heard of Jesus from the friend of a friend of a friend of someone with whom we shared the gospel, or they lived out their life in close proximity to ours as we served the living God.

Though we be misunderstood, unappreciated, maligned, forgotten, or persecuted; our reward is with our God. Peter says of that inheritance, “[it is] reserved in heaven for you” (I Peter 1:4). No small matter is it that the reward is also imperishable, undefiled, and will not fade away.

Discouragement cannot tarnish our reward, economic downturn cannot diminish our reward, human evil cannot debase our reward, and time cannot corrode our reward.

No human may ever fully understand what we have done, are doing, or will do. But, God knows. Our labor for Him is not in vain.

Do you want to be a leader? First and foremost, know where your reward is. The chances of survival in leadership are nil if you are counting on anything other than the living God for your strength and satisfaction.

Malfunctioning Horror Reflex

Driving down a road in my neighborhood after dark in late October, I was shocked by a sight that forced me to turn around and take another look. The light of the room behind a window in a house made the silhouette I saw stand out rather oddly. Against a big, living room window, I saw the outline of a cat sprawled out across the window screen from top to bottom. The cat appeared to be hanging on to the screen by its paws, and it seemed its fur was standing on end in all directions. The sight of the spread eagle, terrified cat caught my attention.

My first reaction was to assume the disturbing silhouette was a Halloween decoration, for most of the houses in the neighborhood were adorned with a myriad of frightful trimmings: witches riding broomsticks, witches crashing into front doors, skeletons hanging from trees, decaying arms and legs reaching from the ground, tombstones near front doors, giant spider webs on siding, ghosts and goblins floating in yards, and the like. Naturally, my mind had to wonder if this very odd sight were just part of the Halloween décor. What were the chances that an actual pet cat was hanging for dear life to the screen of a window on the outside of a house? Would it not be much more likely that during the fall season this was part of someone’s “festive” Halloween practice?

I turned around because I wanted to be sure this was not an actual cat in danger. If it were, I wanted to help. Amazingly, as I drove past a second time, I saw a young girl reaching for a cat that was now halfway down the screen to the windowsill! A household cat really did – somehow – manage to get stuck outside the house on a large, second floor window. Strange as it was, that feline sprawled out and clinging for dear life was a real cat. Its fur really had been standing on end. It actually had been in danger.

I nearly discounted the danger because of the prevalence of Halloween decorations. During these few weeks in late October, I am so accustomed to odd and gruesome sights that I almost did not take an actual horrifying situation seriously.

Ephesians 5:11 says, “Have nothing to do with fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.” I fear that we as Christians have grown too accustomed to comfort with sin. We are so willingly exposed to things with which we ought to have nothing to do. We regularly get too close to selfishness, greed, indecent television shows, graphic language, gossip, bitter hearts, godless philosophy, etc. Our refusal to obey Ephesians 5:11 has left us in a place where we are no longer horrified when we should be.

And so the enemy proceeds in slicing away at our vitality. Sometimes we Christians begin to think we are invincible. We are not. These fruitless deeds of darkness are in our own “spiritual neighborhood” – our houses, our hearts, our social circles. Prolonged exposure – which is, by the way, rebellion against God’s Word – leaves us confused and unable to react as we ought. Our “horror reflex” is not activated as it should be. Sin begins to creep in every corner, with all its nasty consequences.

Had I seen the spread eagle cat on the window screen in the month of April, I most likely would have never doubted the immediate danger the cat was in. It was the proliferation of appalling sights at Halloween that made me hesitate.

Dear Lord, please keep me far from fruitless deeds of darkness. May I be so accustomed to Your light and Your truth – and so uncomfortable with sin in and around my life – that I react quickly to the horror rebellion against You brings.

Burst of Brilliance at the Death of Me

The radiance of autumn leaves
In all their warm grandeur
Strikes at the core of me.

What a burst of brilliance
Comes rushing to the scene
As the air grows cold.

Reds and oranges and yellows
Demanding to be admired;
We are drawn to their glory.

Burst of brilliance
You come
As death proceeds.

Oh, little leaf of green,
Your color changes
And gushes forth as gold,

Only as you die.

Colors hidden formerly
Erupt boldly on the scene
As the leaves prepare to drop.

Burst of brilliance at death;
As it is with leaves,
So it is with me.

Burst of brilliance comes
When I recede,
And Jesus advances.

Burst of brilliance comes
When I die to self,
And Jesus lives in me.

And for all the burst of brilliance known on earth,
None will e’re compare
To the radiance we’ll see

When death takes us finally.

Color there – indescribable.
Creation there – perfected.
People there – as they ought to be.

God, remind me that both now and then –
the burst of brilliance comes
at the death of me.

The Answer for the Living Dead

Ultimately, people want to live – truly live. This is quite natural, given that our Creator breathed into humanity the breath of life at the beginning of time.

Sadly, many people who live biologically are inwardly dead. Their lungs are taking in air, and their hearts are beating; but their spirits are dead with the weight of sadness, guilt, hopelessness, futility, and fear.

Medical doctors can work on the body, but it takes an infinitely better Physician to work on the spirit.

The ancient – yet timeless – book of Psalms outlines the process of coming to realize the vitality of genuine living. The writer says of God, “For you have delivered my soul from death, yes, my feet from falling, that I may walk before God in the light of life” (Psalm 56:13, ESV). Here we observe three critical components of a life of vitality.

    1) God delivers the soul from death. No matter how our pride may fight against this truth, it takes God to deliver a soul from death. The wages of our sin brings death – first spiritual, and eventually physical (Romans 6:23). No slick mental tricks or serious psychological manipulation can erase the guilt of a heart in rebellion against the God of the Bible. Once we come to terms with our sinful heart by the conviction of God’s own Spirit, we can ask God to give us life by making our heart new through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. His blood which was shed on the Cross pays for the guilt of my sin, and His life (evidenced by the Resurrection) provides life to me. Here it is again: His blood pays, and His life provides.
    2) God delivers our feet from falling. Simply amazing is the provision of God for the daily minutes and hours of life. Not only has He given vitality to my soul by the forgiveness of sins and restoration of life, He promises to keep my feet from falling as I walk through this world on a regular basis. This portion of Scripture gets down to the nitty-gritty!

    Real living – beyond the basics of biology – requires the security of knowing that we are being guided and protected by the One who can assure the outcome. Each moment of each day, we can depend on our Savior to keep our feet from falling – into demise, hopelessness, and trial outside the will of God. We can even rely on our Savior to provide what we need in order that we will not fall into sin. Though as humans we will not be perfect until we finally see Jesus face-to-face; there exists no excuse for our sin, because God can deliver our feet from falling.

    3) God allows me to walk before Him in the light of life. Here it is – the culmination of real living. Darkness of soul is gone, and we can live our moments before the face of God without dread. We know that we stand clean before Him because of Jesus, and there is no need to hide. We can now truly relate to others, for we are walking in the transparency of God’s light.

    For those God has delivered, death is swallowed up in victory (I Corinthians 15:54b). Not only can we live before Him with hope now, we know that we will live forever before Him in glory that cannot be fully understood or described this side of eternity.

Do not allow death to stay. Do not allow life to pass you by. Let God deliver you.

Upcoming Event!

Would you love to see the grace of God through actual events of the Old Testament?

Would you be fascinated to see God’s saving love for us demonstrated in the book of Exodus?

Are you weary in a culture that falsely prescribes a life of “good works” and “trying harder” in order to win the salvation and love of God?

Do you need to be reminded of the grand work of God to genuinely redeem your life and bring to your heart all the hope you need?

Does someone you care about need to hear any of the above things?

Then come hear Shelli share the living Word of God at the Norwin Alliance Church on Friday, November 5. The service starts with worship at 6 pm, and the message begins at 7 pm. No matter what church you regularly attend – or if you don’t attend at all – you are welcome to hear this pivotal message, “The Work of God.”

The Norwin Alliance Church and Hope & Passion Ministries cordially invite you to this great event that can change your life!

Wait.For.It. (Cognitive Wait Time in a Rapid-Fire World)

Wise Solomon related in the book of Ecclesiastes that there is “a time to keep silence and a time to speak” (Ecclesiastes 3:7b, ESV). Of course, God – the Creator of all life – inspired Solomon to pen these words. God knows that our minds require both input and output, and the timing of each is essential.

In the educational community, we now know that “wait time” is a critical part of learning in a classroom environment. Instead of reacting to the first hand that is raised and disrupting the thoughts of many, a teacher is wise to allow at least a few seconds of reflection before anyone responds aloud to a question. Marilee Sprenger (2005, 43) says, “Offering students the opportunity to have just a few seconds to respond can give them enough reflective time to access prior knowledge, evaluate what has been said, and formulate an appropriate response.” In order for our brains to make meaningful connections and process new information, we need time. Students who do not receive enough time to mentally process are clearly at a disadvantage. In fact, all students will probably benefit from knowing they will not face unrealistic pressure to respond to a question. For, when we are nervous, we are less likely to think clearly.

Speaking of nervous, our Lord Jesus took time to instruct His disciples on the topic of unnecessary anxiety. When He did, He encouraged His followers to ponder. He said, “Consider the ravens; they neither sow nor reap, they have neither storehouse nor barn, and yet God feeds them. Of how much more value are you than the birds! And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life? If then you are not able to do as small a thing as that, why are you anxious about the rest?” (Luke 12:24-26, ESV)

Notice above that Jesus told the disciples to consider the ravens. The Greek behind this word implies they were to observe, understand, consider attentively, or fix their mind upon the concept. He takes a familiar concept – the feeding of birds – and asks the people to pause and consider what this might have to do with God’s provision for people. In other words, one thing Jesus was doing was prodding the disciples to connect prior knowledge to a new presentation. As Sprenger (2005, 40) notes, “Keep in mind that active working memory allows us to hold onto incoming information while our brains search long-term memory for patterns or connections that it recognizes.” Jesus beautifully drives home a commandment not to worry with a tangible example of common birds (thereby incorporating the stimulating realm of emotion) and asks His listeners to take time to consider the connection.

We are further fascinated by the fact that Jesus – after encouraging a time to ponder – then asks three questions. He probably did not mean for these questions to be answered directly, as we have no record of a response. Nonetheless, he encourages the disciples to once again think. We cannot know for sure, but we can imagine that Jesus most likely paused after each question to give His frail, human learners time to digest. I know that my own mouth falls agape after reading each sacred question on the printed page as I realize the impact on my own life!

In a rather famous chapter, the Psalmist says, “I will meditate on your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways” (Psalm 119:15). The word meditate here denotes musing and pondering. We are to take the precepts of God and silently think on them in a meaningful way. Also wrapped up in the Hebrew word here is the idea of talking, singing, and speaking of the concept. Interestingly, God encourages time for meditation and rehearsal.

Finally, we see Jesus stimulate personal pause and consideration with His disciples when He outright asks them, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?” (Matthew 16:13b) His friends have no problem reciting the thoughts of the crowds as they reply, “Some say John the Baptist, others say Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets” (Matthew 16:14). Answering this question was easy, as it is a simple observation. However, Jesus – not allowing the disciples to be satisfied with the recitation of others’ beliefs – asks a second, personal question, “But who do you say that I am?” (Matthew 16:15)

Notice the disciples are quick to answer the first question, and we are assured more than one of them did because of the plural pronoun used in verse 14. Then Jesus, the Master Teacher, caused His learners to do some deeper pondering by driving the question to a personal level. We see Jesus here as a patient Teacher, willing to do what is necessary to get to the heart of the matter.

Classroom teachers ought to be encouraged to be patient as well, carefully employing wait time in order that students may consider, ponder, and muse. Just three or more seconds can make all the difference. Effective pausing is a wise use of time!

Following are just some of the ways wait time can have an impact, as outlined by Sprenger (2005, 43): “Responses change in length from a single word to whole statements, self-confidence increases, students ‘piggyback’ on each other’s ideas, responses by ‘slow’ students increase, students ask more questions, students propose more investigations, and student achievement improves.”

Is it not wonderful to see how all truth is God’s truth? Time to pause and ponder is God’s idea.


Sprenger, Marilee. 2005. How to Teach so Students Remember. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.


We are familiar with the beauty of the adult monarch butterfly. The orange and black pattern of the delicate wings reminds us of life’s small miracles. We know the butterfly was once a caterpillar. The crawling insect became a thing of grace that sails in the air around us.

Do you realize the caterpillar started as a tiny egg about the size of the period at the end of a sentence? And do you further realize that the bright little caterpillar shed its final layer of skin to become a chrysalis? The green chrysalis is not a cocoon, but rather the actual body of the monarch caterpillar.

Truly amazing is what happens to the chrysalis while hanging on a silk pad. The caterpillar body’s own digestive juices eat away the caterpillar tissue. The whole thing breaks down into a rich culture medium, or – put simply – mush! Then a miraculous process takes place in that mysterious liquid as imaginal cells begin to form the parts of the new, butterfly body! Cells in that mush direct what used to be a caterpillar to now grow wings!

Soon the fluid media begins to transform into a butterfly. What a process! The caterpillar turns to liquid in the chrysalis, and the liquid turns to butterfly.

Now, if we were to interrupt the process and try to peek inside the chrysalis too soon, we would see what appears to be a gooey mess. In fact, a first grade class at my school saw this when a caterpillar bit a hole in a chrysalis. The liquid came out of the chrysalis, and the soon-to-be butterfly was destroyed. Sure, the process is somewhat messy when the chrysalis is young, but the splendor is just around the corner.

When it comes time for the monarch butterfly to emerge with its newly transformed body, the chrysalis undergoes a stunning change – it becomes clear. The green turns translucent when the gorgeous butterfly is about to appear.

God is demonstrating glorious truths in the metamorphosis of the monarch butterfly. First, the work of the Lord in a person’s life can at times appear messy. The goo of the chrysalis may not seem attractive, but God works miracles in that goo! The cells he has placed in the liquid are working their way into a butterfly. In the same way, our lives –and the lives of fellow Christians – may not always seem as they ought. But, God is working miracles in the mess!

Second, there exists a certain mystery to who we truly are in Christ. For now, we struggle with sin in a broken world, and the truth of our being may not be clear at all times. Just like the green of the chrysalis in the beginning stages, God is yet working His plan in this age of grace. However, when Jesus comes back, we will appear with Him in glory! The real me will then be seen. The heart that has been cleansed by the blood of Jesus will be truly set free to be as He is in that New Heavens and New Earth. Just as the glory of Jesus is not completely revealed until the splendor of His Second Coming, so the glory of His followers is not yet visible. It will be, though. Without a doubt, when Jesus appears in all His glory, we will appear as we ought!

Do not give up, do not be discouraged, and do not give in. Let the goo of the chrysalis remind you of the beauty of the butterfly. We will be free!

“For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you will also appear with Him in glory.” – Colossians 3:3-4

Are You Desperate?

A blind man who had to beg in order to live calls out to Jesus from the roadside. Only, he does not just call – he cries out loudly. The Greek word behind the description is the same word used for the call of a raven. This man is obviously unafraid of the reaction of others. He is most desperate; He wants his life to be changed, and he recognizes as the Messiah this Jesus from the simple town of Nazareth.

Bartimaeus heard that the man walking down his road was Jesus, and Bartimaeus’ entire paradigm shifted. No more would he look to the crowds around him for sustenance as he begged pitifully from them. Bartimaeus – upon hearing the name of Jesus – realizes that the hope he had formerly pinned on the pity of others needed all to be targeted on the one Man, Jesus Christ.

Though the crowd sharply rebuked blind Bartimaeus for his interruption, his loud annoyance, his audacity; Bartimaeus cried out all the louder to Jesus. The blind man was smart enough to know that the crowd was not his concern any longer – though he had to this point depended on them for physical sustenance. Bartimaeus wisely decided that he needed Jesus, no matter the cost or embarrassing measures to reach Him.

What about us? In a society that teaches us to be refined, measured, and unduly concerned at the thoughts of others; have we ceased to cry out to Jesus as we ought? Has our Savior walked down the road right beside us, but for fear of looking too dependent on Him, have we let Him walk by? Has Jesus stood near – longing to intervene and meet our deepest needs – but we have been too proud to demonstrate our heart’s desperation for Him?

Cry out! Do not allow a classy culture or a too-refined people stop you from calling out to the only One whose mercy can change everything. Let others see that you need Jesus, that you believe He is your only hope, and that you are not ashamed to admit that you are nothing without Him.

When Bartimaeus shouted the second time – despite the discouragement of others – Jesus actually stopped in His tracks! Our Savior paused and told His disciples to summon the blind beggar. Bartimaeus threw off his coat and literally jumped to his feet when he realized the Messiah – the anointed One of God – heard the cry of a broken heart. And then, Jesus poured out His mercy on Bartimaeus; Jesus restored the sight that had been lost.

What is your need that the mercy of Jesus requires? What sight have you lost? The sight of a clean heart, the sight of a hope after death, the sight of peace during troubled times, the sight of a healed body, the sight of a clear mind?

Call out to Jesus with all your heart, no matter who hears, and no matter what they think. Show by your words and actions that you need the Savior more than you need anything else. He will pause, and He will restore your sight.

“Then they came to Jericho. And as He was leaving Jericho with His disciples and a large crowd, a blind beggar named Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus, was sitting by the road. When he heard that it was Jesus the Nazarene, he began to cry out and say, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” Many were sternly telling him to be quiet, but he kept crying out all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me!” – Mark 10:46-48 (NASB)