Prophecy of Anti-Semitism

Peruse these haunting current headlines:

British Jews are “full of fear, like I’ve never seen before” ; 

Antisemitic graffiti in Paris worries French leaders; and

Open hatred of Jews surges globally, inflamed by Gaza war.

Anti-Semitism (hostility toward Jews) is on the rise in a way not seen since the Holocaust. War has been the impetus, but the undercurrent of such hatred has been with us throughout history, and it swelled in the early twentieth century. As far as I can see on the timeline of biblical prophecy, the final crescendo of Anti-Semitism will happen under the rule of the Antichrist.

We must not forget what the Bible predicts of the future event of the “Great Tribulation” – that “the man of lawlessness”, the Antichrist, will seek to devour the entire people group of Israel (called such because they have descended from the patriarch, Jacob, whose name was changed by God to “Israel.” In fact, the Great Tribulation is referred to in Jeremiah 30:7 as “the time of Jacob’s trouble.”

The prophet Daniel follows a description of this time of end-time warfare on God’s chosen people in chapter 11, verses 40-45, with an apt reminder, “At that time [of the Great Tribulation] Michael, the great prince [archangel of Israel] who stands watch over your people, will rise up. There will be a time of distress such as never has occurred since nations came into being until that time. But at that time all your people [the Jews] who are found written in the book will escape.” (Daniel 12:1, HCB) Jesus Himself refers to the prophecy of Daniel during His famous Olivet Discourse, as He warns that the Jews during the time of the Great Tribulation will need to “flee to the mountains” (Matthew 24:16).

Many of God’s chosen people will return to the Messiah during the time of tribulation. This will be God’s selected era to bring the Jews back to Himself. During this current age of grace, the Lord is drawing Gentiles into the kingdom of God, but He has not given up on Israel, and He will work during the end times to save them, too. (Romans 11:25-27) The world shall witness of revival of God’s chosen people, through whom God gave us His Son (Jewish, by earthly heritage) and the holy Scriptures.

The trendline we see of growing anti-Semitism is concurrent with the swelling antichrist spirit in the world. Jesus is for the Jews and the Gentiles. Jesus died for the world. He came to break down the barrier between the Jews and non-Jews (Ephesians 1:11-18). God has a special place in His heart for those He chose through whom to bless all the nations (Genesis 12:3). As the world more and more rejects the plainness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the narrative of God’s Word concerning His overarching plan for both Jews and Gentiles, we will see a move toward anti-Semitism, which will ultimately culminate with the evil, one-world ruler to come.

God brings all evil to a head, so that He may eliminate all evil and set up His righteous kingdom. Sure enough, during antichrist’s delusional reign of wickedness, God will “gather all the nations against Jerusalem for battle” (Zechariah 14:2). Then, at Armageddon, the Lord Jesus Christ will win the final victory against all the earthly evil Hell could bring together in the flesh of humankind. (Revelation 19:11-21; Revelation 20:1-15)

All of the clearly outlined prophecy in the Word of God allows us to properly “discern the times” (1 Chronicles 12:32) in which we live. We must evaluate news in light of the Bible. Holding God’s Word at the helm of our heart and life, we live with confidence, knowing where current events and all of history is headed. As devastating as the newsfeed is recently, we know that the Lord is coming soon to eliminate sin. He will defeat the “man of sin,” under whom the world will soon be held in wicked lunacy.

This is no time to hang your head. This is precisely the time to live the truth and tell the truth so that people may be convicted to put their trust in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. To tell and live the truth, you must know the truth. Pray, and then open your Bible. Read. The time is drawing near.

– Shelli Prindle

Spiritual Confusion – March 1, 2023

What I would say to every one of us is this: We need to be sure that whoever we listen to and learn from for our spiritual growth, centers always and primarily on the Person and work of Jesus Christ. The presentation of the reality of Jesus Christ must not be peripheral, it must not be simply mentioned in the mix of an otherwise “self-help message,” it must not be a side note; rather, the presentation of the Person and work of Jesus Christ must be altogether the central focus.

He is, in fact, the thread of all of Scripture – from Genesis to Revelation. All other issues – psychological, mental, spiritual, physical, financial, relational, society – ALL other issues are secondary to the issue of building trust in and relationship with Jesus Christ. The other issues resolve themselves in Christ, and in Christ alone.

We should walk away from any preacher/teacher thinking, “Jesus has been made bigger and clearer to me.” We should fall deeper and deeper in love with the Savior – not deeper in love with a philosophy or a method of helping ourselves.

Always discern the core and details of messages. Always weigh all things against the Bible. In this season of a growing antichrist spirit, we will find Jesus “once removed,” if you will, from many messages and teachings. He is “added in,” but He is not the focus.
It is impossible to identify every teacher/preacher/ministry/church that is biblically “off” to some degree. But IT IS possible to know and love the truth, in order to spot what is counterfeit with Holy Spirit-empowered discernment.

That is my word of advice, after having served the Lord all these years, after having taught and preached the Word all these decades in churches of many denominations, after having specialized in apologetics and Christian worldview training, after studying deeply and broadly biblical prophecy, and after growing every single minute in my pursuit of a better relationship with God, through Jesus Christ.

– Shelli Prindle

For many deceivers have gone out into the world, those who do not confess the coming of Jesus Christ in the flesh. Such a one is the deceiver and the antichrist. (2 John 1:7)

You examine the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is those very Scriptures that testify about Me; and yet you are unwilling to come to Me so that you may have life. (John 5:39-40)

Putin, NATO, & Prophecy – February 23, 2023

Putin is pulling away from a strategic nuclear arms reduction treaty with the United States. He claims to be taking this dangerous action because of the United States and NATO. He seems to be angry at the growing ties of NATO nations, as they push against Putin in his attack on Ukraine.

You see, as far as Bible prophecy is concerned, Russia is the most prominent player in the coming Battle of Gog and Magog, which I believe will take place during the first half of the tribulation period. Russia, areas of the former Soviet Union, Iran, Turkey, Libya, and Sudan will all be a part of the coalition of nations that will attempt to destroy Israel, right before the Lord miraculously annihilates them all.

The power vacuum that will be created by the destruction of these nations will allow the antichrist to gain more prominence. You see, at the beginning of the tribulation, he will barter a peace treaty with Israel. Assisting him will be a western confederacy of nations (which I believe includes many European nations and, possibly, the United States, if we still exist at that time).

Therefore, we can see a growing spiritual opposition between western nations and Russia. Though Putin may not understand the greater purposes behind his aggression to the NATO alliances, things are moving in the direction that the Bible says they will go.

The Gog and Magog of Bible prophecy will hate the antichrist and the western confederacy for aligning with Israel. This will provoke an attack, and then an utter defeat of Gog and Magog. The power vacuum created sets up the antichrist to throw off his pledge to Israel and the western nations, so that he may demand worship of himself and rule the world for three-and-one-half years (the Great Tribulation).
Hence, we observe many, recent, uncanny news reports. In “USA Today” on February 22, 2023 we read, “[Putin] plans to bolster Russian ties to India, Iran, and other countries in the Middle East.” And similarly, in the same edition, “NATO has bolstered its troop presence in Europe. And NATO countries have provided military and other support to Ukraine.”

Ukraine sits on the border of NATO nations and Russia. We see in NATO and the European Union shadows of the future western confederacy, from which antichrist arises. We know that Russia is the main player in the aggression of the Battle of Gog and Magog to attack Israel and all antichrist’s leaders who will be temporarily standing with Israel after the rapture of the Church of Jesus Christ.

True Christians must awake to biblical prophecy! If things pertaining to the tribulation period are taking shape this rapidly, how soon must the rapture be!

– Shelli Prindle

“But when these things begin to take place, straighten up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.” (Luke 21:28)

If you would like to learn more, subscribe to my YouTube Channel and watch the Revelation Playlist. Nearly one hundred hours of verse-by-verse teaching are on my channel!

Artificial Intelligence – February 14, 2023

Artificial Intelligence

Serious-minded Christians (and I’m doubtful there is any other kind) ought to be sure they know how to navigate their paper-bound Bibles, how to use Bible commentaries and dictionaries, and how to discern between true and false teachers and preachers. We better also be digesting and studying the Bible at a level that enables our minds to begin connecting all parts of the entire counsel of God’s Word, that we might evaluate everything else in life through the lens of the Bible. We ought to be conscientiously dependent on the Holy Spirit for wisdom and discernment.

Why is this pressing on my heart? One reason is because artificial intelligence (AI) is here to stay, and it has advanced by astronomical degrees. Microsoft has developed (and continues to refine) a new version of its Bing search engine that utilizes ChatGPT by OpenAI. A recent article in the USA Today newspaper warned of inaccuracies and slants against conservative viewpoints. Additionally, another article in the same paper noted that Microsoft created an AI model that works behind the scenes to decide what resources to use to answer your question or request.

We know that search engines have always had inherent flaws and biases. This is only going to grow worse, and it is growing worse very quickly.

All of this, my friends, is being used by the antichrist spirit to pull people further and further from God’s truth by bias, deception, and dependence on artificial intelligence, rather than on the human mind God has created and graciously given.

It is the human soul in which the Holy Spirit resides when a person trusts in Jesus for salvation from sin. The Holy Spirit does not reside in artificial intelligence. AI has no ability to depend on God. AI cannot willfully submit to the Lord.

We CAN submit to Jesus. And we better. And we ought to get very serious about our knowledge of, and relationship with, the Lord. The beginning of the end is upon us.

– Shelli Prindle

“The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12)

Prophecy Pieces

There is much going on in the continents of Europe and Asia. The nations of NATO continue to grapple with Russia’s horrendous war on Ukraine. Turkey has experienced devastating earthquakes. Unrest continues ad infinitum with Israel and surrounding countries. China and America are at odds over spy balloons.

Please think about something. The world began in the Middle East. Over there between the Tigris and Euphrates River is where the Garden of Eden was likely located and where the Tower of Babel incident occurred. Where God started the world, is where it will end.

Russia and Turkey are part of the nations of Gog and Magog, a league of powers that will come against Israel in the end-times but will be utterly destroyed by a miraculous intervention of the Lord. (Ezekiel 38-39)

Turkey boasts the home of Mount Ararat, where Noah’s ark landed. Also, the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers are sourced in this country.

Ukraine is on the border of Russia and European nations. Russia will stand against the antichrist, who himself will be aligned with a western confederacy of leaders based in the area of Europe. Antichrist will temporarily protect Israel and promote the reinstatement of temple sacrifices in Jerusalem. Once Russia and other nations are defeated by the Lord, even as they come against Israel and antichrist, the door will be opened for antichrist to become a world leader during the second half of the tribulation, known as “The Great Tribulation.” (Revelation 13, Matthew 24:21)

China will no doubt be a part of “the kings of the east” who march over the newly dried Euphrates River for the Battle of Armageddon in Israel. (Revelation 16:12-16) Of course, King Jesus will utterly destroy all the powers that unite against Him in the end-time war. Then, comes the Millennial Reign of Christ!

It is incredible to realize how the Bible has prophesied events that are yet to happen, but as good as done. We see every piece sliding into place.

Read the news through the lens of the unchanging and eternal Word of God!

– Shelli Prindle

Shelli Prindle on YouTube (Revelation Playlist)

Do You Know a False Jesus? – October 3, 2022

Do You Know a False Jesus?

If you hear the name of Jesus spoken in your church or in the culture, and His name is not often and readily mentioned in conjunction with that long-forgotten word, “sin,” then you most likely are not hearing of the true Jesus.

If religion seems powerless or boring to you, or if it appears to be one of many tools for use in your life, then it is probably because you have not yet encountered the true Christ. In fact, I will go so far as to say that the very dangerous spirit of the antichrist can be closest when Jesus is spoken of, but not accurately so, or – more subtly – not fully described in terms of His essence and mission.

The angelic announcement of His coming to Joseph puts it all in perspective. The very words of God’s supernatural herald ought to be known, repeated, pondered, and upheld in every circle of ministry that claims the title “Christian.”

“Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take Mary as your wife, for that which is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” (Matthew 1:20-21)

And from that introductory statement of who Jesus is and what He does, spoken to Joseph and to us, we see two indisputable and critical facts:

1) He is God, not born of the seed of man, but placed in the womb of Mary by the Holy Spirit; and yet, He is in flesh, sharing our humanity; and

2) He came to save us from our sins.

In Christendom today, we see the weakening of pure doctrine from the lips of unfaithful people. In alignment with Scripture’s prophecy that spiritual delusion will swell, false teachers will abound, and the spirit of the antichrist will gain ground, we observe so much spoken of Jesus, except the essence of His reality and mission.

Jesus Christ is the God-Man who came expressly to save us from sin. Sin is not only what goes against God and His standards; it is whatever falls even the tiniest bit short of His all-encompassing glory. Sin is rampant in us. Moreover, we cannot be delivered from it without Jesus. We cannot draw near to God and His holiness without the forgiveness of sin through Jesus Christ, the God-Man. He is God with flesh on, to stand in our place and pay for our sinfulness.

Jesus is not your moral teacher. He is not your example. He is not your source for community leadership. He is not a political pawn. He is not one of many ways to God. He is not a cosmic consciousness. He is not the source of holistic medicine. He is not someone who comes along to make you a better version of yourself.

He is the Savior from sin. He is the Re-Maker of a human heart. He is the only Restorer of relationship with the Father.

We are not simply “better off with Him.” We are lost in sin without Him.

Sinners need a Savior. If no one speaks of sin anymore, then people do not know the Savior; they instead know a false Jesus, an antichrist.

– Shelli Prindle

Red Heifer Delusion – September 28, 2022

Red Heifer Delusion

It is true that red heifers have been delivered to Israel from Texas. As reported by The Jerusalem Post on September 20, 2022, “Five perfectly red heifers required for the ritual purification of those who have touched a dead body, arrived in Israel from a ranch in Texas on Thursday, as the Temple Institute continues preparations to lay the ground for the construction of the Third Temple in Jerusalem.”

As someone who has been teaching the books of Daniel and Revelation for years, I have boldly declared the biblical truth that a temple in Jerusalem will be rebuilt in preparation for the coming Antichrist to declare a peace treaty with Israel that allows Jews to reinstitute the sacrificial system. Antichrist will break the treaty midway through the tribulation and stop the sacrifices in the temple, as the beast himself will then demand worship from the world. This I wholeheartedly believe, for Daniel 9:27, Matthew 24:15, 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4, and Revelation 13:15 are just some of the Scriptures proclaiming the coming event.

Many Jews and people associated with the Temple Institute are working to prepare for the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem on the Temple Mount. They do so, however, with an intention that is antithetical to biblical Christianity and our trust in Jesus Christ as Savior. Strangely, their wrong motives are being used by God Almighty to accomplish His plan for end-time events. The very people, the Jews, are the ones who the Lord will focus on saving during the tribulation period. God is using every circumstance to bring about His intended end.

The current goal of the rebuilding of the temple has nothing to do with Jesus Christ. In fact, the website of the Temple Institute clearly says, “This is the role of the Holy Temple in the life of man: to enable one to realign himself, to dedicate one’s whole self to G-d, to elevate every aspect of the human experience to holiness and return the energy which He gives us to His service.” As biblical Christians, we understand the pivotal truth that nothing can make a person right with God except for Jesus Christ. We depend on His death and resurrection as the sacrifice for our sin. Sin is not mentioned as a problem for the people who are seeking to rebuild the temple, nor is the name of Jesus mentioned in any context. Clearly, the efforts behind the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem are religious in nature. In other words, humans are attempting to reach God without the only Mediator, Jesus Christ.

Priestly garments and vessels for the temple are being prepared. And the long-awaited red heifers have arrived. Why does it matter that these red heifers have been delivered to the land? I quote here from the Temple Institute’s website, “Perhaps it would be difficult for some to believe that a cow could be so important. But in truth, the fate of the entire world depends on the red heifer. For G-d has ordained that its ashes alone are the single missing ingredient for the reinstatement of Biblical purity – and thereafter, the rebuilding of the Holy Temple.”

I must be unequivocally clear on this: no one, not me, or you, or anyone, can have sin forgiven and spirit renewed and relationship with God restored without the blood of Jesus Christ. His blood – and His blood alone – is the only substance that brings “purity.” While it is true that under the old covenant of law, the Lord required “a red heifer without defect, in which there is not blemish, and on which a yoke has never come” (Numbers 19:2) for purification for temple service, that requirement has been completely absorbed by the work of Jesus Christ on the cross.

Read carefully the following pivotal passage from Hebrews 10:11-13:

“And every priest stands daily at his service, offering repeatedly the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins. But when Christ had offered for all time a single sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God, waiting from that time until his enemies should be made a footstool for his feet.”

Jesus paid the price for all sin at one time. There is no other offering that can be given. There is no other blood that could be shed. There is no other death that could be effective for forgiveness and restoration with God Almighty. Jesus did it all.

Speaking of those who had once followed the law but now trust in the work of Jesus, the writer of Hebrew then adds in verses 15-18 of chapter ten:

“And the Holy Spirit also bears witness to us; for after saying, ‘This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, declares the Lord: I will put my laws on their hearts, and write them on their minds,’ then he adds, ‘I will remember their sins and their lawless deeds no more.’ Where there is forgiveness of these, there is no longer any offering for sin.”

The red heifers are part of a greater plan of religion that looks to laws of purity and sacrifice to attempt to walk with the Lord. However, no work of man can produce this outcome. Every sacrifice of the Old Testament times was a foreshadowing of the ultimate and only sacrifice that can save us – Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection.

In fact, those who seek to rebuild the temple and employ sacrifices once again, are clearly looking to the physical temple in Jerusalem as their source of relationship with God. The Temple Institute website declares that the Holy Temple “was the world’s true spiritual center, and the medium for that unfolding relationship.” Then, “It is the reality of the living memory of that relationship as it once was, and the dream of its renewal, that keeps the fires of the Temple altar burning within the collective heart of the nation of Israel, and the hearts of all those who cherish her G-d and His message for humanity.”

My friends, the physical temple and the animal sacrifices are not the greatest reality. These things only pointed to the greatest reality. Speaking of the priests and sacrifices of the old covenant, Hebrews 8:5-6 proclaims, “They serve a copy and shadow of the heavenly things … But as it is, Christ has obtained a ministry that is as much more excellent than the old as the covenant he mediates is better, since it is enacted on better promises.”

The red heifers are part of the old system whose purpose was to point to the devastating sinfulness and impurity of mankind without Jesus Christ. Every drop of blood and every burnt offering pointed to the offering of Christ on the cross. To those who believe in Him, they are restored to relationship with the Father. (John 1:12) The red heifers (whether these ones or others to come) are part of the human effort to bring about a “God consciousness” that is not substantive. It is a diversion from the only Way, the only Truth, and the only Life – Jesus Christ. (John 14:6).

Nonetheless, these things must take place, according to biblical prophecy, for this temple that will soon be built in Jerusalem will eventually become the temple of Antichrist. This makes complete sense, for everyone who denies that Jesus is God in the flesh, is already operating by the spirit of the antichrist. (1 John 4:2-3) Know this, when people believe that in any final sense a human work of sacrifice can placate the wrath of God and please the Creator’s heart, they are of the antichrist spirit of this world system.

As a matter of fact, so central is the work of Christ on the cross as our ultimate sacrifice, that He is referred to as “the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world”! (John 1:29) And when we who trust in Jesus finally see “the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God” (Revelation 21:2) the Apostle John proclaims, “I saw no temple in the city, for its temple is the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb.” (Revelation 21:22) Did you hear that? The heavenly Jerusalem of the New Heaven and New Earth will have no temple! None is necessary! For Jesus is the temple of God. The Lamb has fulfilled all the requirements of the temple.

For now, we watch prophetic events unfold, but we must do so with an eye toward Jesus always. Do not get caught up in the “hype” of events, without pointing people to our only salvation. Because – after all- the God who superintends all end-time events is the God who sent His Son to save the world.

– Shelli Prindle of Hope & Passion Ministries, Inc.

Temple Mount Tensions & Prophecy – September 15, 2022

Temple Mount Tensions & Prophecy

The coming Antichrist inevitably sets himself up in the temple of God and proclaims himself to be God. (2 Thess. 2:4) Of this fact, there is no doubt. It will happen midway through the Tribulation. This will take place in Jerusalem, at the Temple Mount.

The prophet Daniel declares by inspiration of God’s Spirit, “He [Antichrist] will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven’ [set of years]. In the middle of the ‘seven’ [set of years] he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And at the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him.” (Dan. 9:27)

Antichrist will be the one who is finally able to resolve the Temple Mount issue in Jerusalem between Jews and Palestinians. He will enact a peace treaty with Israel and allow the Jews to reinstitute their Old Testament sacrificial system. (Plans for this are already well underway; check out the Temple Institute of Jerusalem.) For now, the Temple Mount is a constant source of battle, as the Muslim “Dome of the Rock” shrine now sits on the temple mount. Jews and Muslims both desire to pray and worship at the Temple Mount.

“Temple Mount is a near-constant point of tension in Jerusalem.” This quote is from an online article at “The Jerusalem Post” on Sept. 13, 2022, titled, “Jewish, Arab activists issued restraining orders from Temple Mount.”

Things are ramping up over there in Israel around this area held sacred by both Jews and Muslims. The biblically prophesied Antichrist will be given the power to barter peace in the area that lasts for 3.5 years, in which time Jews will engage in their sacrificial system at the newly built temple. When the 3.5 years is over, Antichrist will break his treaty with Israel, throw off the help of another group of ten world leaders who had assisted him, and he will demand to be worshiped from that same temple. He will proclaim himself to be God of the world.

Revelation 13:5 declares, “And the beast [Antichrist] was given a mouth uttering haughty and blasphemous words, and it was allowed to exercise authority for forty-two months [3.5 years].”

And Revelation 13:15 proclaims, “And it was allowed to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast might even speak and might cause those who would not worship the image of the beast to be slain.”

When you hear news from the Middle East, including that of rising tensions over the Temple Mount and religious worship, take note. The Lord has prophesied from the Old Testament into the New Testament that these things would take place. We are now living in the time of the end. We may be in the last days, or – more likely – the last of the last days.

In any case, all that is happening in the world aligns with the setting of the stage for God’s end time plan. It could be any day that Christians meet Jesus in the air.

– Shelli Prindle of Hope & Passion Ministries, Inc.

Antichrist Operative – September 12, 2022

Antichrist Operative

The antichrist spirit is not simply working through the spiritual leader who outright comes against Christ and denounces the Jesus of the Bible. In fact, this type of leader is perhaps the least dangerous.

The antichrist spirit works most readily and effectively through the pastor or teacher who acknowledges Jesus and uses the Bible, but who also diminishes the subject of human sin and the blood of Jesus Christ. The preacher who talks of Jesus but ever so unrecognizably begins to diminish Christ to a moral teacher, agent of change, social reformer, or the source of self-actualization, is a pastor who is operating by the influence of the antichrist spirit.

There is no middle ground. You are either holding fast to the Jesus Christ of all the Bible, or you are working for the devil – knowingly or unknowingly. Every leader who operates by the antichrist spirit will be held responsible, for at some point, he or she neglected the full Gospel. Perhaps they did so because of a motivation of selfish gain or increased popularity. Maybe they neglected the full Gospel out of laziness of study, absence of sincere prayer, or inundation of cultural “norms.” Whatever the reason, each is culpable.

The Bible speaks for itself. And when preachers avidly, purposefully, and prayerfully study and teach its contents, Jesus Christ will be exalted.

Be wary, my friends. The antichrist spirit is not simply the spirit that is “against” Christ; it is also the spirit that is “in place of” Christ. So many churches have exchanged the fullness of the Christ of the Bible with a Christ of their own, worldly making.

– Shelli Prindle

Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you heard was coming and now is in the world already.
(1 John 4:1-3)

Thy Word Have I Hid on My Smartphone

Many Christians are familiar with Psalm 119:11 in the King James Version, even if they do not know its reference, “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.” And if we have ever heard of these words from God, the question is, do we take them seriously? I mean to say that Psalm 119:11 is no less the Word of God than John 3:16. The command and promise of this verse written three thousand years ago are not archaic, but rather timeless and accurate. This precept is not inferior to any others; it stands as God’s eternal edict, and I believe we will see its main truth reverberate into the future – leading up to the last days of history.

With the advent of the laptop computer, the iPad, the tablet, the smartphone, etc., a phenomenon has arrived that is much like a two-edged sword – it cuts both ways – for good and bad. We use our electronic devices very often to reference needed information. At our fingertips – just one click away – lies a world of data. Access to worthy material can be a very profitable thing. Of course, much knowledge without wisdom can be dangerous, but that is a story for another day. In terms of our nearly instant access to Bibles through apps of various types, many Christians have grown accustomed to using their smartphones, tablets, or computers for regular study and irregular or casual interfacing with the Bible’s contents. This can be beneficial, and it can also prove detrimental if we lean too heavily on the constant and immediate availability of the information on which we are relying.

There is a reason that God said through his prophet, “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee” (Psalm 119:11, KJV). Notice the Lord’s emphasis on the fact that the Word is hidden or stored up in the human heart. While the scrolls and parchment on which the original Scripture was written were materials outside of the human heart, the people of God understood that the text had to be taken from the material on which it was written and processed diligently by their minds in order to ultimately reach a place of rest in the heart. Without the printing press – let alone computers – God’s people relied heavily on oral transmission. They spoke about God’s Word and repeated it over and over in an attempt to pass it on to the generations to follow. But this oral practice was also a way to get the Word of God settled in the very neuronal pathways of their own brains. The Word was second nature to many of them. It flowed freely when needed, for God has rigged our brains in such a way that the more we rehearse and interact with information in varying ways, the deeper the pathway that is engraved in our brains becomes – like a well-worn trail. This makes it easier to pull that information out again when needed or prompted. All of this scientific data can be explored with an article I wrote during my study of educational leadership and brain function. The article can be found at our website: Dendrites and Deuteronomy: The Alignment of Brain Research and the Timeless Word of God, or in my book, “Living in Awe.”

One potential problem with ongoing, momentary access to the Bible is that we begin to rely too heavily on its availability outside our own hearts and minds. We may be lulled into a false sense of security that since we can get any verse of the Bible at any time we want, there is no need to memorize it or understand its context. This is a false assumption. If the Bible is only outside of you, then your mind is not able to make critical connections on the spot. All the processing happens on your computer or your phone. Since you don’t have God’s Word hidden in your own heart, your brain on its own cannot associate God’s promise to a need that arises, or God’s command to a situation that occurs. You will rely on a Google search to do the connecting. While it’s true that we have always had concordances to do the same type of thing, our dependence has grown by leaps and bounds due to immediate access and the convenience of carrying the small smartphone. However, if we make our brain the main computer and the smartphone only a tool, we will be able to connect God’s promises to everyday living in a way the Lord intended – as coming from our own heart’s storehouse of the Word!

The second potential dilemma we have with the Bible and other valuable literary works being primarily online is what may happen in the future. At the outset, I must mention that I enjoy and benefit greatly from technology. One of my published devotional books is also available in a Kindle version. God gives us creativity and innovation that we might honor Him. But in this broken world, what is intended for good may also be used for evil. Technology can be employed for building the kingdom of God, and technology can also be used to damage the kingdom of God. In the future, as the “last days” of which Jesus spoke progress, we may see technology manipulated for purposes against God. Nonetheless, the ultimate victory of Jesus is sure. Consider, though, what may happen according to how the Bible describes the nature of the Antichrist and the end times.

First, we know from Jesus that the order of the day for the end times will be deception. He proclaimed in Matthew 24:24 (ESV), “For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.” The apostle Paul corroborates this concept in 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4, 9-10 (ESV, emphasis mine), “Let no one deceive you in any way. For that day will not come, unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God … The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.” In writing warnings to us about the coming of many with the spirit of antichrist, the Apostle John declares in 1 John 2:26 (ESV), “I write these things to you about those who are trying to deceive you.”

It is crystal clear that a hallmark characteristic of the Antichrist is trickery. No wonder, for Jesus is the Truth, and the spirit of the antichrist is exactly that – against Christ – against the Truth embodied! Accordingly, Satan is known as “a liar and the father of lies,” a title applied to him by the Lord in John 8:44 (ESV). Another attribute of the Antichrist will be his temporary power. As we observed in 2 Thessalonians chapter 2, he will “exalt himself against every so-called god or object of worship,” and he will set himself up in the very temple of the true God! He will have a wicked and fading power to deceive many people. The dying world will look to him for hope and peace in their great fear. As Unger’s Bible Dictionary notes, “This sinister demon-inspired leader will rise to dominate the world in the end-time, persecute the saints, seek to destroy the Jew and banish the name of God and His Christ from the earth, and thus take over.”

All that being understood, it seems logical that the Antichrist will deceptively dominate all forms of communication possible. In order to beguile the nations, it makes sense that the Antichrist – operating at the fullest capacity that God will sovereignly allow before the return of Christ – will harness every viable option for his treachery. Is not the internet as it now stands a great thing for Satan to attempt to control in order to deceive the world if possible? Jesus told us in Matthew 24:14 (ESV), “And the gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” The internet and satellites provide an easy way for everyone to hear, even simultaneously. Will not the master deceiver, the devil, use the same venue for his last attempt to destroy the coming of God’s kingdom?

As far back as 2008, published an article titled, “The End of Textbooks?” The work informs us of all the reasons traditional textbooks in the classrooms of 8-12 grade students need to be replaced with electronic books, just as many of the college classrooms have done. What if the world community continues on in its “phasing out” of hard print? What if everything is moved to electronic version and most of our hard print books begin to disappear as they age? The history books and text books and hard print Bibles vanish. Then what? How easy would it be for the Antichrist, the great deceiver, to take over the internet and wipe away all information he then wants hidden? Or worse yet – and more in line with his nature – change the information to suit his purposes? A twisting of the truth is worse than its disappearance, for it is difficult to discern. Even now Satan tries to distort God’s Word among the Christian community. Can you image the grand distortion of that day of which God so carefully warned us?

What if we depended on all electronic Bibles and electronic forms of historical and scientific information? What if the Antichrist took control of that, and we had not enough hard copies with which to compare? And what if we had not truly “hidden His Word in our hearts” so that even we cannot discern the fraud?

What if the Holy Spirit really meant what He said – that the Word must be hidden in our hearts if we are counting on not sinning against God?

Take heart, and take God at His Word. Use every possible tool to grow in knowledge of Him. Also grow in wisdom. Know that it is not just a suggestion, but a command, that we hide God’s Word in our hearts so that we do not sin against Him. Read the Word. Ponder it. Talk about it in conversation. Write it. Apply it. Memorize it. Go to it over and over.

Oh, and hold onto your hard copy of the Bible!


Merrill F. Unger, Unger’s Bible Dictionary (Chicago, IL: Moody Bible Institute, 1966), 68.

David Rapp, “The End of Textbooks?” Nov/Dec 2008. Web. Aug 31, 2015.

Tracing God’s Heart through Geography and History: The Mount of Olives

Today in the Middle East, just to the right of Jerusalem, stands the Mount of Olives. This mountain is separated from the great city by a narrow area called the Kidron Valley. The Mount of Olives is approximately one mile long and rises to 2,680 feet above sea level. This mountain tells us much about the heart of God. For, God is the God of geography and history. Too many people today think the true God is “spiritual only,” but He is God over every realm! He is Lord over geography because He made this terrestrial ball and the entire universe (Psalm 121:2), and He is Lord over history because He stands outside of time as the “Beginning and the End” (Revelation 22:13).

What does this actual, geographical location reveal to us about the heart of God? Let’s look at three things:

    1) In Luke 21:37, we learn that Jesus would actually rest on the Mount of Olives following long days of teaching disciples. Our Savior would close His eyes and sleep on the mount at night. This amazes me, because Matthew 26:38 reveals that at this same place – the Mount of Olives – Jesus was nearly overwhelmed by the weight of the sacrifice He would make for the sins of the world. You see, the Garden of Gethsemane – where Jesus prayed right before His arrest and crucifixion – lies on the western slope of the Mount of Olives. Our Savior commenced His unimaginable suffering at the very place He rested so many other days before. I am ashamed to say that there have been times I can hardly sleep at night if I know I have an impending difficult time ahead; yet, Jesus rested in the very place He knew He would carry the weight of human sin. Jesus Christ could rest because He knew that His plan would prevail in the end, no matter how dark the time at hand.

    The Mount of Olives reminds us that we can rest in the midst of difficult circumstances and while facing an unknown future because God is in control.
    2) The words of Acts 1:9-12 tell us that Jesus Christ left this earth from the Mount of Olives. After instructing the disciples that they should concentrate on spending their lives as a testimony to God by the power of the Holy Spirit dwelling in them, Jesus was taken up into a cloud and was drawn out of sight. The disciples no doubt stood dumbfounded. They had finally wrapped their minds around His divinity because He had risen from the dead just as the Scripture promised, and He had walked on the earth for forty days following His resurrection. Now, after those seemingly short forty days, He was leaving! Their mouths probably hung open as they watched Him go. Perhaps they were thinking, “Why is He leaving us after rising from the dead?” and “Why is He not fixing this world system right now; why is He allowing the Romans to continue in their plot?” and “When will we see Him again?” As those disciples stood there, two angels informed them that “this Jesus” will come back the same way He left.

    I love it! “This Jesus”! Not another Jesus, but the very same One who walked with them, hugged them, ate with them, was nailed to a cross for them, resurrected for them, walked with them again in His new, glorified body; and ate fish with them in His new, glorified body – this Jesus would return to this earth! The Jesus that was put in the tomb is the Jesus that came out of the tomb and is the Jesus who will return on day. Similarly, the same me that dies physically is the same me that will rise physically and enjoy what Jesus prepares one day. Because of Him, we live too!

    The Mount of Olives reminds us that a very real Jesus is coming back to this earth to make a home of righteousness for us to enjoy with Him in very real, glorified bodies.
    3) The prophet Zechariah declares in Zechariah 14:4 that one future day the feet of Jesus will stand again on the Mount of Olives. At some point before the second coming of Christ, great armies will go to battle against Jerusalem. The city will be captured, and the end of Jerusalem and its inhabitants will seem inevitable. But, just when things seem hopeless – and not before – Jesus will descend on that mount. His feet will cause the Mount of Olives to split in half, producing a valley between the newly formed northern and southern halves of the mountain. That valley will be the way of escape for the inhabitants of Jerusalem. Zechariah goes on to explain that the inauguration of the millennial reign of Christ will mean the people of Jerusalem will dwell securely, with no more curse (Zechariah 14:11).

    Just as God provided a way of escape for His people when they were caught between the Red Sea and the approaching Egyptians, so He will provide a way of escape when the Antichrist and all the godless armies seek to destroy God’s remnant of people. Nothing stops God’s plan. In a real and tangible way, Jesus will once again be seen on the Mount of Olives.

    The Mount of Olives reminds us that Jesus is in charge of this world and all of history. He will provide the way of escape for His people and usher in the beginning of His, perfect kingdom.

Allow the God of all history and geography to strengthen your heart with the truths about one, particular location in the Middle East. The Mount of Olives is very important to Jesus, and it should be very important to us, too.