Birth Pains of the End Times

People and politicians promising deliverance from the ills of the world. War. Threats of war. Entire nations clashing with other nations. Famine. Earthquakes. Persecution of Christians. Betrayal. False teachers making people believe wrong doctrine. Lawlessness. Half-hearted believers. Yet, in all this, the true Gospel is preached everywhere.

Does all this sound like the days in which we live? Surely it does. We do, in fact, live in the last days of which Jesus spoke. Since He left this earth in the early first century A.D., all people have been passing their time in “the last days.” The only question is, “How much longer will the last days … well … ‘last'”? Actually, that’s not the question, because God clearly tells us that we cannot know its answer.

However, our great Savior outlined a pattern we may observe. The pattern does not give us a day, year, or century; but it assures us of the absolute direction of the plan’s fulfillment. We are left with a confidence in the sovereignty of God despite the trouble of the last days.

The troubles and events of the first paragraph of this article are the things of which Jesus spoke in Matthew 24:5-14. He knew that rudimentary methods of war would escalate to more technological and biological methods. He knew that natural disasters would devastate entire regions. He knew that ISIS would drive Christians by the tens of thousands from their homes in Iraq and torture and kill many of them. He knew many false preachers and teachers would water down true Christianity and cause numerous souls to be disillusioned and many hearts to grow cold in their love and faith. He knew that the internet and satellites would make it possible for the Gospel to be preached nearly anywhere.

In speaking of many of these difficulties, Jesus clearly articulated, “All these are but the beginning of the birth pains” (Matthew 24:8, ESV). I want to emphasize His use of the phrase “birth pains.” The Apostle Paul spoke similarly in Romans 8:22 (ESV), “For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now.” So what has this discussion of such a vivid and trying human experience to do with the last days of history and the whole creation?

Birth pains notoriously increase in intensity and frequency as the time for delivery draws near. Clearly, God wants us to know that all of the difficulties and disasters of which we spoke at the beginning of this article have always been with us, but they will happen with greater frequency and greater intensity as the time of Christ’s return draws near. Wars and Christian persecution and natural disasters and the influence of false prophets and the downgrade of Christian dedication will be on the rise. None of this should discourage us, for Jesus said, “See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet” (Matthew 24:6b, ESV). In other words, we are not caught off guard by the daily news; but we grow ever more prayerful and vigilant, as all the news is just a reminder that the time until God’s final judgment grows shorter. However, none of it happens outside the sovereignty and watchful eye of the Lord!

Jesus said of the “labor pains” that “this must take place.” Yes! Just as the labor pains of a mother must occur in order to ensure the delivery of a child, the labor pains of this world must happen in order for the delivery of the new creation. A woman’s body ramps up the production of certain hormones in order to stimulate delivery. Though the process is painful, the process is necessary. The pains are not for the purpose of destruction, but for the purpose of life! So, too, it is with the delivery of God’s kingdom. The New Heavens and the New Earth will only be born after the labor pains of the end times. We are not to be destroyed by these convulsions, but we are to be prepared by these pains. The distress is meant to push forward the process of delivery – not impede it. The pains awaken us to the reality of our own frailty and inability to navigate the judgment of God without the grace of Jesus Christ. The afflictions prod us to witness to those who are lost in their sin. The pains alert us to the short life of this old, sinful world. The pains get us ready for delivery by making us stronger in difficulty and more vigilant in living.

Birth pains lead to life. The contractions result in delivery and new life. And so it is. Jesus endured the greatest pain ever imagined on the Cross. Using the same Greek root for “pangs” in Acts 2:24 (ESV) as is used for “birth pains” in Matthew 24, Luke declares, “God raised [Jesus] up, loosing the pangs of death, because it was not possible for him to be held by it.” In other words, the miseries of death could not prevail when it came to the Son of God. He was delivered! The pain led to victory and new life for all who believe.

This is why Romans 8:29 (ESV) declares that Jesus is “the firstborn among many brothers” (emphasis added). After experiencing the pain of the human dilemma throughout His earthly life, Jesus’ “birth pains” intensified toward the end. Hatred for Him and false accusations about Him grew until He was finally arrested, tortured, and crucified. Nonetheless, the pain led to life and resurrection for Jesus and new, spiritual life to all who believe and walk with Him.

Meanwhile, we remain watchful, guarding our lives carefully as we see God’s plan unfold. The labor pains will lead eventually to life. The pangs spur us on to value what is important – to stay focused on our Hope, our Savior. The contractions grow in intensity and frequency, as they lead to the great delivery of God’s people and this creation. Don’t give up as the pain comes; look up to the Ultimate Deliverer. Jesus said, “But the one who endures to the end will be saved” (Matthew 24:13, ESV).

Stick around for the birth, will you?

The Verse AFTER the Favorite Verse

As if Bible verses had sensitivity, I feel badly for Romans 8:29. It must be one of the most underrated Scriptures in the Bible. I am sure other verses are quoted just as infrequently, but Romans 8:29 happens to follow one of the most often recited verses. And so, for the next sentence to be commonly overlooked is both odd and unfortunate. Perhaps the less popular nature of Romans 8:29 in comparison to the preceding verse speaks to our human tendency to cling to what seems to make us feel good, rather than to what is true but difficult for a season. All Scripture should be read and taught in context, and this is also true of Romans 8:28.

Hear the resounding words of God spoken by Paul, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28, NIV). This truth is real comfort to us, as it ought to be. Omnipotent God is able to force each circumstance of a Christian’s life to conform to an unbelievable standard: our good. With God, nothing is wasted or given over to evil in the Christian’s life. Though the stream of circumstantial working may flow here and there – around mountains and in unexpected ways – each twist and turn takes the path that empties all the waters of life into the ocean of good. When God speaks of our good here in Romans 8:28, the Greek root means “useful, pleasant, excellent, upright, and joyful.” Everything I face will work towards a pleasant and excellent outcome. The question is, just exactly what is that outcome?

Enter the much overlooked Romans 8:29. Here, we find the answer to what genuinely brings joy. We discover precisely the target for which God aims when He carefully instructs each event to do its work for our good. What is the bull’s-eye on which God sets His sights? There is no doubt; the target is my conformity to the likeness of Jesus. Listen to the Word of God: “For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers” (Romans 8:29, NIV).

If I go through the Christian life quoting Romans 8:28, but wrongly believe that “my good” can be defined any way I choose; I will be gravely disappointed. But, if I apprehend God’s right goal in this miraculous working together of all conditions of my life, I will be both free and satisfied. God’s good for my life is not so small as my wealth, prestige, and health. God’s good is my likeness to Jesus! This makes logical sense, for Jesus is the sinless Son of God. It is sin which delivers pain, heartache, disappointment, and death. We long for Heaven because sin cannot abide there – only our God and His glory. We long for that sinless residence, knowing its eternal status is joy and excellence! (Recall this is the essence of the Greek root for “good” in Romans 8:28.) Similarly, we ought to aspire to be like Jesus! It is God’s “good goal” for us. As more and more of His people conform to the image of Jesus, we will sense what is truly upright and pleasant while we await our conclusive good – Heaven.

When the situations of your Christian life do not seem to fulfill wrong assumptions about Romans 8:28, quote boldly the next verse. Know that God allows pain, discomfort, and factors we cannot understand – all in the process of making us more like Jesus. God’s bull’s-eye is so much greater than temporal comfort. God’s target is the glory of Jesus in my life.